Carl Grimes: Nightmare

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"Come on Carl" you yelled running down the hallway that connected the two cell blocks in the prison that the group was using.

"We are going to be late for dinner if we don't start heading back soon said Carl as he started running in time with you.

"It will be fine anyway we aren't going anywhere dangerous" you said slowing to a walk.

"Yeah but we have to still be on guard a walker could have fond it's way into one of the cells." He said glancing around.

Suddenly we heard gun fire coming from the direction of the gates we glanced at each other then quickly ran at full speed back towards the cells. When we reached the top we found that one of the fences had fallen over at the far end and there was an over whelming amount of walkers spilling into the fields. Carl and I grabbed our guns and started shooting the walker's down while Michonne and Carol were stabbing the walkers. After a few minutes we had finally cleared the walkers and we were now pushing the fence back up and supporting it with some more logs. Once you were both certain that the fence was properly secured you headed back to the main courtyard to check that none of the other defences had been breached luckily there went any more ways that walkers could potentially get in. You walked over to the last gate which was the one that lead down to the catacombs.

"Hey Y/n" Carl yelled from the gate he was checking across the yard he waved before going back to what he was doing.

You smiled turning back around to see a six foot walker just inches from the gate before you had time to react it lunged at the gates which flew open launching you into the air a few feet away. You hit your head and could hear Carl yelling and running towards you. Your vision was blurring and your head spinning as the walker launched itself at you.

-Carl's P.O.V.-

I heard y/n scream a few seconds after I had waved at her I spun around to see a massive walker lunging towards her I yelled her name and ran towards her raising my gun and shooting the walker that was now on top of her. As I ran I felt like I was wading through syrup unable to get to her at any speed when I finally reached her she was looking up at me tears in her eyes. I crouched down and pulled her into a hug.

When we pulled away she looked at me with sadness and regret.

"Carl..." she said her voice breaking. "Carl...I've been...bit"

I looked at her in disbelief as she removed her hand from her upper arm to revel a massive bite out of her flesh blood was gushing from her arm. Other group members came rushing out and gasped when they saw her. She was such an amazing member of our group she kept us all laughing and smiling in this living hell. I cradled her in my arms as I cried.

"Carl?" she said her voice weak.

"Yes" I said though my tears.

"Please don't let me become one of those" she said her eyes closing. "And Carl?"

"Yes?" I said again my voice breaking.

"I love you" she whispered closing her eyes.

"I love you too" I replied fresh tears running down my face. But she was already gone

I laid her on the ground and placed my ear together heart it had stopped. I drew my gun and shot her in the head carrying out her wish not to become one of them. I threw my head back and screamed into the evening sky. I screamed because I hadn't got to tell her how I feel, and I screamed because she didn't deserve to go this way. 

Then I screamed because it was all my fault I distracted her and caused this. Then I looked at the walker that had taken her from me I saw red and got to my feet picking up my shot gun and shooting it again and again until my dad came and wrestled the gun from me.

I sunk back to the floor and sobbed and screamed at the universe for taking the person that I loved away from me...


Authors Note

Ignore all the dates its just me trying to keep record of when I update each chapter :)

Date: 22/1/16

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