Carl Grimes: On a Run

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You and Carl are out on a run to collect supplies and he attempts to show off when the two of you suddenly run into some trouble.

Word Count: 1.5k

Warnings: None its just fluff


You looked from Carl to the door and then back to Carl.

"There is no way in hell you are going to be able to break down that door" you said, leaning against the wall about a foot away from the doorframe of the door in question.

"Yeah I will, I'll just run at it and should bust it in like they used to do in the movies" he said with a small smile, as he started backing up ready to run at it.

"Carl just stop you're going to hurt yourself!" you whisper yelled looking around quickly to check for any signs of walkers.

Your eyes grew wide as Carl gave you a small smirk before running full pelt at the door. He launched at it and an audible bang echoed through the streets. You cringed as he fell onto the porch floor as you hastily looked around.

"Damn it" he said lying flat on the ground, the garden light he previously had in his hand rolling freely across the wooden floor. His shirt had ridden up a little and you tried to look at anything other than the well-shaped v line and hint of abs poking out.

You laughed shaking your head as he just lay there for a moment and groaned.

"Hey I told you it wouldn't work, we aren't in a Hollywood movie. Just the damn apocalypse." You said still smiling at how dumb he was.

"Ugh can you stop laughing and help me up?" he said outstretching his arms towards you making his shirt rise higher.

"You can get up by yourself" you replied stepping towards the door and trying the door handle.

It had survived Carls attempt to bust it down without so much as a mark, you smirked and unsheathed your knife.

You slipped your knife into the crack of the door just above where the lock was and slid it down wiggling it, until you heard and audible click. You turned back to Carl who still hadn't gotten up off of the ground but rather propped himself up on his elbow, his head tilted up slightly watching what you were doing.

When your eyes caught his he gave you a cheeky smile before again outstretching his hand again for you to pull him up. You sighed and shook your head before extending your arm towards his. But before you had a chance to even shift your weight to pull him up, he gave your arm a small tug and your fell right on top of him.

"Carl!" you said beginning to blush like crazy as you tried to get back onto your feet.

"Oh no you don't" he said grabbing your hands to stop you from standing up.

You were now sitting on him legs either side of his torso, your hands in his resting on his chest as he looked up at you with a small smile.

He gave your hands a quick unexpected tug and you again fell on top of him, but this time he wrapped his arms around you so you couldn't get back up.

"This is the first time we have been alone in a while" he said looking at you his face just inches from yours, his eyes were suggestive as he bit his lip.

"We're out on a run, we don't have time for this!" you said pulling away and tickling him so he would release you from his grasp.

A low gurgle made your heart drop as your head snapped up in the direction of the noise. There was a walker about 12 feet away staggering towards you, from just behind the next house. You quickly leapt off Carl and walked quickly over to it stabbing it in the head. You were about to turn to him and smile when another groan came from the same direction.

Carl Grimes and Chandler Riggs ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now