Winchesters x Reader//I'm Back Bitches

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"You can't run forever! We will find you!" The vamps said as you ran away from the abandoned building. You laughed at them whilst your feet pounded against the Earth's floor.

"Oh you will find me! And I'll be there with two machetes smirking at your dumb asses!" You yell as you continue to sprint away and into the forest. Five minutes later, you were sat in a tree breathing softly. The vamps gave up and most likely ran back to their home. You don't know why they didn't use their super smell of your blood to come find you. As you chuckle softly about how monsters are idjits, you hear shouting come from the vampire nest's home. You heard yelling so you jumped down from your tree in fear somebody would be dead because of your stupid mistake to leave them alive. You also shouldn't have gone alone, even if you were the one they wanted. You sighed and decided to beat yourself up later, you need to help the people in there.

You sprint quietly through the trees, branches nipping at your face and roots in desperate need to trip you. You finally break away from the trees and see the abandoned lot. With a deep breath, you burst through the front doors to the only room in the place. With a smirk on your face you scream, "I'm back bitches!" And stand in front of the commotion. Two men with machetes were chopping vamps up but they stopped and looked up at you in surprise. The vampires smirked and slowly approached you.

"You came back for more did you l/n?" You laugh and smile at them, a confident air arising around you like a protective shield. A protective shield against your stupid emotions. "Why did you come back? We're just going to kill you in the end." One vampire spoke. You pulled a stray piece of h/c hair behind your ears. Your ponytail decided to fail, great.

"I came back to kill you all. And of course to get justice for all of those you have wronged." You smirked. "Now come at me bitches!" And they did. The two men helped you out a little bit but not much seeing as most of the vamps headed for you and not them. They wanted you anyways. You and your father killed most of their family back when your father was still alive. So of course they'd go to you. So you whipped out your two, trusty machetes and started hacking. It was just like all those video games you played, your only goal is to kill the evil, and save the victims. And that's exactly what you are doing.

A while and fifty five thousand wounds later, all the bodies hit the floor and the heads stopped rolling. You wiped the minimal sweat off of your s/c skin and turned towards the two men. You nod in thanks towards them and start to head off. "Wait!" One of them calls in a deep ass sexy voice, so you turned around and took a better look at the two. One was tall, very tall with long brown hair. He had melted chocolate eyes that told a story, but his face was stone cold. He wore plaid and held a long knife in his right hand. The other was shorter but he was still tall. He had a smirk on his face and a jawline that could make girls drop within a hundred mile radius. His candy apple green eyes showed a life of heartbreak and misery. You felt sorry for him. "You're just going to walk away without telling us what your name is?" The one that looked like a tall puppy asked. You shrugged and nodded, and started walking away again. That was until you heard the click of a gun.

"You turn right around or I'm shooting." One said in a different deep ass sexy voice. You slowly turned around with your eyes narrowed at the guy holding the gun. You were pulling your bitch face. Oh yeah. "What's your name? And don't play any games." He warned. You rolled your eyes and pulled out a piece of gum to chew.

"The name's l/n. Y/n l/n." You spoke, quoting James Bond. The short one smirks and the tall one doesn't change his face appearance. "Now that I was forced to tell my name, I'm forcing you two to tell your names." The short one turned to the tall one and looked back at you.

"My name's Dean Winchester, and that's my brother Sam." He spoke. You nodded and then gave them a bright smile.

"Well I'd love to stay and chat but, I have a pie in the motel fridge and Doctor Who is there waiting on my computer for me. So smell you later bitches!" And with that, you walked out the door.

Here you go if anyone sees this. I'm gonna rant, so if you don't care then skip.

Rant warning
I feel discouraged to write. My friends are way better than me, actually everyone is way better than me. Also there's so many people who are mean to me, in real life, on this site, and on other sites. So I'm most likely gonna give up writing. So if all my books say they're finished, then you know I've stopped writing.

Stay thirsty my friends,

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