A bit of news

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Hey guys!!! So, I have four news things for you!!

1. I finally got back into my old supernatural instagram account after two years (holy shit that's a long time). It's called @/kuipersbelt if any of you want to check it out!!

2. I may audition for the tv show the voice again this year, try and redeem myself after my terrible audition last year. I can't blame myself, though; I was recovering from the flu.

3. My get to know the author thing will be up by next week, so if you want to ask me questions, go ahead! Either on here or the last update. You can ask as many questions as you want.

4. This summer, I am going to get an acting agent! My dad's going to get his friend's agent's contact number and we're going to get me rolling. (Hi! Fun fact: my dad's friend is in almost every Tyler Perry movie! Pretty cool, right?)

That's it for now!!! Hope y'all have a great day!!

- noelle lois
     xo 💕

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