Chapter 8- Kissing the Head Slut

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"Ayesha's POV"

Morning couldn't come any sooner, I felt like I've barely even shut my eyes when the alarm clock rang. It was 7:30 and I got up from bed with a big bang.

Literally, I fell from the bed and banged my head against the hard wood floor. I wonder how my head didn't burst yet. I got up and mumbled curse words while rubbing my head. I took a steaming hot shower that woke me up a little more. I got out of the shower, brushed my teeth and gt dressed. I combed my hair in a ponytail and dressed in blue ripped shorts and my black tank top. I skipped down the stairs into the kitchen and made myself some lucky charms. Halfway through the breakfast, I hear my sisters arguing about their lip gloss. Its really crazy being the only child without a twin in this family.

"Hey Yesha." They both say in sync.

"Hey, I'm just gonna get going before I'm late for school."

"Yeah okay, you'll see us layer when you get home, school's on break for renovation." Melody shouted as I walked out the door.

I guess your wondering why Melody and Michelle don't go to the same school as us well they preferred a private school. So yeah that's it.

I decided to walk to school because my good for nothing big brothers decided they'd leave without me. Luckily the school was only a couple blocks away, but I'm so going to kill them when I reach.

A few minutes after I arrived at school just when the bell rang. Wait, did I just say the bell rang, shit I gotta get to home room. I rushed through the hallway and ran to my home room class.

"Glad you decided to join us Miss. Alexander"

"Yeah, my ride left without me, so I had to walk." I said glaring at Jase and Chase.

2 hours later

I was currently in AP Physics when suddenly a faint knock interrupted our session.

"Hello Mr. Greene, the principal would like to see Ayesha." A blonde head girl said

"Ayesha you are dismissed."

I got up from my seat and followed the blonde hair girl out of the class. I noticed she hadn't taken the turn to the principals office.

"Where are we going?"

"To the gym."

Okay, Ayesha maybe the principal is in the gym. Oh who am I kidding that man never leaves that room unless its important. Plus their having basketball and cheerleading practice.

We walked into the gym and there I see Stephen and Asia making out. Her hands in his pants and his hand up her shirt. I walked straight up to them and slapped Stephen across his face, then rushed out of the gym and into the bathroom. I pulled out my phone and texted the girl to meet me at the bathroom.

"Yesha." I heard Justice voice say faintly. I knocked on the door so they would know was.

They opened the door and I was consumed by hugs.

"He doesn't deserve you, let him go back to the head slut."

"Yeah that witch seems like she got some spell on him."


For the rest of the day I ignored Stephen completely. Me and the girls sat at a different table for lunch, and I ignored his calls and text message. If he wants that girl he could have her, I surely wasn't going to stop him.

"Yesha, we're home."Chase said while he held the door open for me to come out. I stepped out the car and went straight to my bedroom. As soon as I was on my bed someone rapped on the door.

"What do you want?"

"Come with me." Before I could even protest Chase was carried me down to the living room and put me on the couch to face Stephen.

"Ayesha I'm sorry, Sh-"

"Chase can you please tell him I don't want to hear what he has to say."

"Okay I deserved that." He mumbled.

"Ayesha please hear me out though."

"Jase can you please tell him to delete my number and never speak to me again." I said looking at all three boys."Now if that's all I'm leaving."

There was silence when I left and no one even bothered to interrupt it. I slammed my door hard so they could know how pissed I was, then jumped on my bed. Suddenly a wet substance trickled down my cheek.

"Shit look at that, he really got me crying." I muttered to myself, resting my head down on my pillow pet Angie.

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