Chapter 13 - Traveling News

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" I heard you two are back together." Jasmine said with a smirk.

"Yeah, took them long enough." Justice commented.

"Guys the whole school doesn't need to know plus, its not officially official yet." I stated with a smile.

"The school already knows and what do you mean by 'its not officially official yet'. Lasey said mock me.

"Hey I don't sound like that." I said completely ignoring her question.

"News does travel fast huh." Casey said taking my attention from her sister.

"Sure does." I mumbled to myself when someone suddenly wrapped their arm around my shoulder.

"Mrs. Curry." He said.

"Mr. Curry." I replied as he pulled me closer to him for a kiss.

"No P. D. A on school premises, get to class." The teacher shouted while hitting us with a stack of papers she had in her hand.

When we finally reached to class I noticed the girls were already inside. I guess they left when me and Stephen kissed.

"Finally you two have arrived, I thought y'all would forever be sucking each others face off in the hallway until school was done." Justice said shouting across the room causing everyone to look at us.

I gave her the look that said ' I soo going to kill you'  and she gave me the thumbs up, showing all her white teeth.

"Let's go find a seat before Miss. Spencer reaches."

"I'm already here though, I've been sitting here for quite a while now. Good to see you two on good terms though." She said.

I just shook my head and dragged Stephen to out seat.

"Go in a date with me Friday at 7: 30." He said turning his gaze towards me.

"Yeah sure."

"I didn't hear that properly, let me ask again." He said getting up from his seat.

"Ayesha would you please go on a date with me Friday at 7:30." He shouted and I could tell everyone's eyes were on me, including Miss. Spencer.

"I give you an answer lunch time, you know I hate crowds." I said grinning at him and gesturing for him to take a seat.

After the rest of the session was over the bell rang and I began to pack my things to go for lunch. I walked out the classroom door the girls and Stephen following behind me. When I stepped into the cafeteria I noticed Nicholas, Chase and Jase waiting for us at the table. I walked over to the table and sat in my usual spot and everyone else sat in theirs.

"Stephen was the first to speak." Ayesha, I haven't heard and answer yet. It is lunch did you forget. Is my lady already getting old.?"

I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders. " Yes Stephen, I would love to go on a date with you."

"Thanks you."

For what?"

"You'll find out." He said with a smirk and I looked away to hide my heated face.

"Am I suppose to be scared or happy about what's gonna happen Friday night." I asked.

"I don't know you tell me." He replied

"I'll go with both." I said jamming a bite into my sandwich.

My phone phone buzzed and I dropped my sandwich back in the bowl and took my phone out of my pocket.

From: Mel

Hey, I need some help.
To: Mel

With wat exactly?
From: Mel

I'll tell you wen u get home... Me and Michelle are waiting.
To: Mel

Kay, I'll be home soon as lunch is over tho. Teachers have some kind of meeting later.
From: Mel


"Stephen you wanna drop me home later."

"Sure, anything for my queen." He replied.

"It wasn't really a question but thank you baby." I said with a cheeky smile, that only made him laugh.

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