Chapter 18- Please Forgive & Forget?

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Okay I've been noticing that my book hasn't been getting as much views as before. If you Guys could help me reach 200 views and 5 comments on this chapter I would be grateful and also would try to upload my other chapter sooner or if not sooner upload two that day. I know you guys can do that for me, its not too much right? Buh if i feel kind enough i might just forget about the whole 200 views, 5 comments thing and update without it.



It's Sunday morning and I woke up to the sound of my phone. I took a glance at the time and it was five o'clock in the morning. 'Who the heck wakes up this early on a Sunday or any other day.' I got up out of the bed went to brush my teeth then literally crawled back into bed and checked my message. It was from Justice saying that she wanted to see me and Stephen at Starbucks at around eleven in the morning. I groaned closing the message not bothering to reply and decided to set an alarm to wake me at ten. I turned over in my bed and sighed when I found a comfortable position.


I woke up again but this time at exactly ten due to my phone alarm being the noisy, whiney, piece of pest it is. I groaned loudly before getting off the bed with a big bang. Like I literally dropped off my bed and slammed right into the floor. It took me a couple minutes before I finally got back up because of how soft the plush rug was.

I grabbed my things and went to the bathroom to freshen up then came back out dressed and check my phone for any incoming messages.

'Wow...I'm not known, no one even bothered to message me while I was asleep, nor in the bathroom' I thought to myself. I checked the time which was ten forty five and decided to ho downstairs grabbing my phone and headphones and went out.

As I walked down the stairs I noticed a note stocked right on the railing at the end of the staircase. 'What a place to put a note though.'  I chuckled taking up the piece of sticky paper and then started to read it.

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