Chapter 21

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And the Lord said there shall be an update!!!!

Boom!! Boom!! Booommm!!!!

*Que's skittles confetti*

Bap🎇🎆🎆🎆 !!!


We decided it was best we all got ready together, we kinda wanted to go as that 'big group of best friends that's hard to find'.

All the girls were in my room and the boys in Chase's. It was already seven pass and graduation started at nine, don't get me wrong we were already dressed. The boys however were taking forever.

"We are suppose to be the ones taking long, hurry up in there we're ready." Jessica shouted while knocking on the door.

"Were soon done getting dressed, cool ya biscuits woman!" Someone I believe Seth shouted out.

I sighed and opened the door revealing all the boys with no top on. They all let out a high pitched scream and began covering each others chest from our view.

"You guys know I can't be late I have a speech to say." I stated.

"Uh yeah we know." Nicholas said in a duh tone and I just rolled my eyes in response.

"Close the door so we can put on our shirts please."

"Let's go downstairs." I said turning on my heel leaving the door open.

After waiting on the boys for about three more minutes they finally came downstairs. And since our parents went ahead it was just us left to go.

We arrived at the venue at exactly eight thirty. We took this time to talk a lil bit before everything began.

"Lady's and gentlemen, graduates please take your seats."
I heard Miss. Spencer say.

We all took a seat next to each other and waited waited for our graduations ceremony to begin.

After the principle finished speaking it was my turn to go up, I was nervous and my palms were sweating.

"Let's call to the stage valedictorian Ayesha Alexander to the stage for her speech." I heard the principal say before I could begin my nervous rants in my head.

The crowd cheered and Stephen squeezed my hand in assurance as I got up to go on the stage. I was a bit wobbly at first but made my way to the stage.

I gave a hearty smile to our principal as he made way for me to go to the stage.

"Family, friends, fellow graduates." I started. "We've come a long way in our milestone that we have yet to achieve, had a few bumps in the road. But we assured ourselves it was not the end of our journey and still isn't. Through the years I've spent getting to know everyone, I've noticed both good and bad, promises that have been fulfilled and promises that have been made and wouldn't be broken. Teacher's who gave way too many homework and some who also tried to make us feel at home. I can say I've made enemies at this place, but good enemies that have now become family and friends that would always be. So as we continue our journey on this path of success, I wish nothing but the best for everyone and also deep gratitude to the staff and principal. Thank you."

After the speech I walked off the stage and went back to my seat while the crowd applauded. When the cheers died down Miss. Spencer who I learnt is now V. P started calling the names for us to receive our deplomas. It was called in alphabetical order according to last names.

When the everything was finished we said our 'see you soon' to everyone we knew.

"Time to go to the after party people." Justice shouted while rushing to where the cars were parked.

Me, Steph and the others followed behind her, when I spotted Asia and Max. I pulled Stephen over to them so we could invite them since we practically invited everyone from our graduating class.

"Hey we're having a party, get together whatever you call later at Justice's place and we were wondering if you guys would like to come." I said.

Asia gave me a smile, the second of many I've ever seen from her and then nodded her head. "We would live to."

"OK see you two there." I stated waving goodbye.


We arrived at Justice's and the place was already packed with music blasting throughout the whole house. And sooner than later I was being pulled a away from Stephen and to the sound booth.

"Listen up everybody." Justice said true the mic.

"Have fun, but not to much fun. I'm not ready for no more nieces or nephews." She said letting out a slight laugh.

When she was done the music was turned back up and everyone was back to their usual before being interrupt.

"Psshh, no more nieces or nephews." I said hitting here hand causing her to hold it.

"Oww woman, isn't it too early for these pregnancy swings." She said scowling at me and I just laughed.

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