Chapter 24

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"Ayesha's P.O.V."

" Stephen, Justice is throwing this party and she wants us to be there." I said looking up at Stephen who was currently on the ground crawling along side Riley.

"Fine, we can go but we have to get back home early cause you know how Riley loves her sleep." He replied.

"Actually, Riley is staying with Sonya while we go to the party." I stated "Don't drink to much either." I added



"Let go it's already late Stephen." I said heading to the car with little Riley.

"I'm coming. You got the car keys?"

"Yeah, just make sure you pick up Riley's thinks and get out the D-A- M-N house." I said.

"Geez that mouth of yours." Stephen said laughing lightly.

"Hey I spelled it out." I shouted while going into the car to sit.

Couple minutes later we arrived at Stephen parents house to drop of Riley. As soon as we pulled up Sydel was already outside waiting for us along side Seth who was dressed up. I assume he's going going to the party too.We came out of the car and carried Riley inside.

" We won't stay that long at the party, but just in case we do I packed extra clothes for her til morning." I said to Sonya.

I opened my mouth to add something else but was instantly cut off.

"Yes I know what to do already, go have fun." She said pushing me and Steph out the door.

Before she closed the door I thanked her and gave Riley a kiss before going.

I got in the car Steph following behind me. He started the car and automatically ' A Thousand Miles' by Vanessa Carlton came on. We both shared a look before starting to sing along, Horribly I may add.


We arrived at the party one hour late just because Stephen decided to take this new shortcut and ended up getting lost instead. He pulled up into the drive way and parked the car.

"'Finally!" I exclaimed opening the door for the car and walking to the front door.

I rang the door bell and waited for someone to open it.

"You could have at least waited until for me."

"Yeah but i didn't." I said sticking out my tongue and Stephen did the same.

Someone opened the door and chuckled.

"I swear ya'll are so childish." Some one I believe Justice said.

"Hey Justice, we ran out of your famous Holy Guacamole."

"There's more in some containers in the kitchen

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"There's more in some containers in the kitchen." She answered then pulled us inside.

When we walked inside we were greeted by the music which I was surprised I couldn't hear from outside.

"Let go get somethi-

" Ohh Stephen long time no see." Some blonde haired girl said cutting me off from telling Steph we should get something to eat.

"Hey, Ummm"

"It's Jasmine from high school I was one of Asia's friend."

"Oh Jasmine." Stephen said as if he remembered when he really didn't.

"I'm going by Justice while you two catch up, you can meet me there when you two are done talking."

I walked out of the crowd of people and over to Justice who was just sitting down and observing everyone.

"So what ya think?" She asked looking up at me with a smirk on her face.

"It's great, a lot of people I don't really know but I'll figure it out." I said.

We stayed there talking for about two whole hours, she introduced me to some of her new faces too. I checked the time on my watch which read 11:55 p.m. 

"I didn't even notice we were talking for almost the whole party, I gotta go get Steph." I said to Justice.

"Yeah, parent duty calls, kiss my baby for me."

I searched all over the party for him but he was nowhere to be found, well nowhere that I looked.  

" I cant find him." I said shaking my head no to Justice when I came back in the living room to sit beside her.

"He has to be somewhere, he wouldn't just leav-"

She stopped mid sentence mouth ajar. She was staring at something and I let curiosity get to me so I looked back.

"Is that?" I asked

"I think, well it looks like."

I nodded getting up out of my seat and walked over to the two.

"Hey, great party ent?" I asked, starting a conversation.

"Oh and can I get the car and house keys Steph. I don't think I want to ruin your night with Jasmine." I added.

He looked around quickly with a look of shock on his face.

"Surprise." I said shaking my head.

"I can explain." He started but I quickly put my hands up to stop him.

"Keys." I said again and he had no choice but to give them up.

I turned around and began heading to the front door and I could tell he was following me. 

"I'm going now Justice, and just keep him away from me." I said exiting the door.

I drove to Sonya's house to pick up Riley then to mine. I decided Riley should sleep with me tonight and just went straight to my room. I let some soft music play as I lulled her to sleep, falling asleep minutes after.


dun dun dun


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