Chapter 20

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Bring yee forth to the leap forward in time of MBFS 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎆🎆🎇🎇🎉🎉


"So are you excited?" Asked Justice.

"For what?"

"Graduations in three days girl." She stated.

"Oh yeah." I said then looked back down on my phone.

"What'd up with you?" She asked." You've been acting weird since yesterday." She stated.

"It's nothing honestly." I lied, I could see that she rolled her eyes at my reply.

"Fine lie, but I'm going to the bathroom and when I come back I want the truth." She stated getting up from my bed.

She went into the attached bathroom and closed the door behind her. A few minutes after I heard the toilet flush.

"Please tell me you didn't take a crap in my bathroom." I shouted.

The door open and she came out with the one thing I was hiding.
"I didn't but you need to explain." She said holding the pregnancy test up and looking at it with wide eyes.

"Surprise, I'm pregnant." I said nervously.

"Does Stephen know?" She asked as she came an sit next to me on the bed.

"No, only my mom, dad,Chase, Jase, Michelle, Melody and now you." I said letting out a sigh."

"And your gonna tell him when?"

"Mom said I should tell him at the party we're having after graduation." I stated." I'm scared though."

"Its okay to be scared." She said rubbing my back.

"Do you think he'll be happy?" I asked

"Come on of course he's gonna be happy."

I lied down and took a deep breath.

"You guys are gonna be great parents trust me." She said.

"Yeah I guess."


There was a sudden rap on the door and then it was opened.

"Stephen's down stairs with flowers." She said." Your parrot mouth brothers told him and the rest of your friends you were pregnant." She added.

I so freaking knew they would.

"But I wanted to tell him myself." I groaned.

"Well you can just confirm it then, I'll send him up." She said closing the door again leaving me and Justice.

"Well I guess I should go look for my girlfriend now." Justice said getting up from the bed.

I said a faint bye and watched as she exited my room and at the same time Stephen appeared, leaving me with no time to register how I was going to tell him that I was indeed pregnant.

He came over and lied down on the bed next to me, kissing me on the lips.

"I bought you some flowers." He said handing me the bouquet.

"Thanks." I said and he rapped his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him, burying his head in my neck.

"Why didnt you tell me?" He asked.

"I was gonna but the twins beat me to it, plus I wanted to get it all registered in my head before I told you, I only found out yesterday." I stated.

"Its okay, I'm happy. I'm gonna be a daddy.". He said and I could see the smile on his face, but then I noticed that his cheek was bruised and he had a black eye.

"What happened to your face Steph?" I asked worry clear in my voice.

"Its nothing, your dad can throw a punch though." He said letting out a slight laugh.

"I'm gonna get some ice and two rags." I said getting up from the bed.

"And some two bags of frozen peas too, Chase kicked me in the groin and Jase got me in my ribs." He said.

I nodded then went downstairs to get the things. When I reached down everyone was looking at me. Well everyone that was downstairs which where my brothers,my sisters,my parents, Seth, Lasey, Casey, Jessica, Justice, Sydel and Stephens parents.

"I guess you guys know two huh."I said walking to the kitchen.

"And mom tell your husband and sons that it wasn't okay to beat Stephen up." I shouted from the kitchen.

"As you said one person can't just up and make a child, it takes two and he shouldn't be getting beat up because of our mistake." I stated when I stepped out of the kitchen.

I went back up the stairs and I could hear someone following behind me.

"Can I help." Sydel asked.

"Yeah Sy." I said handing her the towels. She took them and we began walking again.

We reached back to my room in less than no time.

I rest the packs of peas in the are needed then tended to his face. When I was done I went back on the bed next to him and Sydel came next to me.

"Seth says that you have a baby in your belly." Sydel said resting her hand on my belly.

"Yeah your gonna be a aunty soon." I said taking Stephen's free hand in mine.

"I can't wait til I get to see the baby." She said giving both me and Steph a hug before going back down to everyone.

"I swear she could be random at times." I heard Steph say letting out a hearty laugh.

"I like her randomness, she always brightens up the place." I said.

Stephen sat up and palmed my belly.

"I know she isn't developed yet but I just can't help it." He stated."I busted and now we're gonna have a little angel." He added.

"Who says its a girl?" I asked.

"Come on I was the one who busted I should know its a girl." He said.

"Your ego has leveled up." I stated." But we can find out the gender tomorrow." I added.

"Or we can wait until your in the delivery room." He said." Please."

"Fine by me." I said.

"Oh I have great news too." He said.

"Which is?"

"I got signed too a GSW basketball team." He half shouted lifting me up off the bed and on to him."

"Oh my gosh, that's great." I exclaimed kissing him.

We went downstairs and joined everyone in the living room. So far we established that me and Steph would be moving into his condo after graduation ,it wasn't far from from our parents, so they said they would be checking up on us to make sure I was eating good. They also decided to support us until we got a job. And I decided it would be best if I do my college course online since it would be easier.


After we finished discussing what would happen Stephen and everyone else left, leaving just me and my family in the house. I got up of the coach the same time my mom did and she pulled me into a hug.

"Don't worry everything will be okay." She's said rubbing my back before letting me go and giving me a half smile.

I nodded then went up to my room.

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