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  • 點播給 All of you beautiful people :)

Here's the epilogue! Sorry if it took so long and it sucks. *Sigh* Read, read read!


"Just one more, please?"


"One, tiny kiss?"


He is so persistent. I don't know why I ever dated such a persistent guy.

After that train scene, we started dating. It was weird at first but every day it seemed to be more natural. It's like, you're friends...but with more hugs, kisses, and I love you's. (Ha, can you imagine me having a boyfriend when I was still dorky Alice Hayden!)

And guess what? We graduated high school! And guess what I got?

I was the valedictorian! Tutoring James was like hitting two birds with one stone, only they were both big birds. And aren't really birds. But you get the point. We also planned on applying for the same colleges so that we can spend well, more time together.

Looking at his puppy dog eyes right now, I can clearly see why I dated him. He was just cute like that. He looked at me tenderly in the eyes, but at the same time I was trying to shove him away from me. I felt the chilly air and I was starting to feel really cold. I shivered.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked me, his pleading eyes quickly fading, replaced by precautionary ones. "You look like you're freezing to death."

"I'm fine, I just feel a little cold." I said meekly. "Don't worry about it."

"Don't worry about it?" He said with amusement. "I'm your boyfriend. I'm pretty sure both of us know each other a little too well to not worry about it."

I smiled at that. He's my boyfriend. He and I are an 'us' now.

We were about to head to our respective houses because we still have to apply for colleges tomorrow but he just wouldn't give up trying to get a kiss from me.

It was a Sunday today, which is why we hung out - I mean, date.

He was still eyeing me carefully when he started removing his jacket like it was no biggie. "Here, take this."

But I know that it also seemed to bother him because he cringed after he took it off. He came closer to me. Close enough to feel his icy breath. Close enough to smell his scent.

He flipped his jacket over me, helping me top it off my sweater. Once I had it on, he looked at me, our faces too close together. I looked at him with wide eyes and he responded with a sly smirk.

"Sorry," He leaned in. I closed my eyes and my face probably didn't look appealing but I could care less. I was just expecting the worst at that moment when suddenly, I felt a lingering kiss on my cheek. "I just can't help myself."

I looked at his eyes with a silly smile and he clearly know what I was going to do.

I leaned in and gave him his goodnight kiss.


As for Mint...

"What?" I replied, my voice trembling because of the tears that were about to drop. It was our anniversary today and I was hoping for a very special gift that the each one of us can treasure. I was thinking of making him meet my family.

He was my first boyfriend, and I loved him so much. We're always having fun when we're together, and we were already a year long. So that was why I was wondering why he said that.

"You heard me." he sighed then puts his palm on his face; his blonde hair following his movements.

He was almost perfect. He had the perfect combination; blond hair, blue eyes, amazing personality, and oozing body.

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