Chapter 14 - The 'Hang Out Session'

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Hey, I know that Harry isn't the main focus in this chapter but I want to show you what Harry looks like, (Well you already know anyway) but I just like his smile here. ;) Well,did you make up your mind? Team James or Team Harry? :D And lately, I think I just got One Direction Infection! :O 


“Want to go get some tacos?” Harry offers, as we got outside the compound of Golden State High School. Mint wasn’t there because she had to discuss something with her club mates. I heard my stomach rumble and I nodded.

“I’m so hungry I can eat a hippo!” I sarcastically screamed.

“I’m pretty sure that’s physically impossible.” A voice stated from behind. I turned around and I saw it was James with one of the popular chicks clutching on his arm like she was handcuffed to him or something. I frowned and turned around to face Harry.

“Come Harry, I’m really hungry.” I said, tugging his arm so we can leave there already. He looked at me confused but I ignored him and I just kept on walking and walking.

“Are you okay?” Harry asks, confused. I chuckled.                                                  

“Yeah, I’m quite alright.” I said, we were almost through the taco shack when suddenly,

“Oh so that’s how it is, huh?!” James says screaming. I turned around.

“What’s your problem?” I asked, tugging Harry’s arm more tightly. I saw him stiffen.

“You promised that you would go on a date with me.”He says, his eyebrows knitting together. Harry frowned.

“You told me it was a hang out session.” I replied, turning around then went inside the taco shack.


The tacos were awesome. This day was awesome. He is awesome.

I felt myself write on one of my notebooks. Wait, why am I doing this? Don’t tell me I’m falling in love with Harry. I mean, it can’t be that fast, right? We just reunited like, two days ago. This can’t be. I closed my eyes and was shocked to see Harry’s face. His green eyes were boring through mine. He was smiling at me and I felt my heart pound. But I got distracted because something was thrown on my bedroom window.

I stood up to see what happened and I noticed that it was the window where James’ window was opposing to. I opened the window and I saw James’ head out of his window, I noticed that he was holding a pen and some kind of big paper that had the size of an easel. I looked down and I noticed that he had thrown a rock on my window.

“What was that for?!” I asked. He didn’t say anything but wrote something on the paper. I waited for a couple of seconds and finally, he showed what he wrote. I looked at his impressively great penmanship and read what it said: LIAR.

What is he talking about? I am not a liar.

“What do you mean?”I asked puzzled. He wrote something again and showed it to me; SKYPE.

I quickly understood what he said so I opened my laptop. The first thing I did was log in on Face book and was shocked to see that I had 454 friend requests. I almost fell off from my bed. When I finally accepted them all, I logged on in Skype and James called me.  I answered.

“Why did you call me a liar?” I said, straight to the point.

“Because you promised me a date,” He shook his head and looked away. “And I expected one.” I cringed because I was trying to avoid laughing. When did he expect a date?

Changing HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora