Chapter 15 - The Real 'Hang Out Session'

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I still cannot believe that I actually got up to Chapter 15, which is a very big achievement because I haven't wrote a story that actually consumed 15 chapters.So, cheers. Sorry if it took quite long, It's Holy Week and I think it was my time to repent and stuff. Enjoy! :) I recommend for you to listen to the song on the side. I insist!


I opened my eyes only to sense that James let go off my hand and started chasing Matthew away. When I opened them, I reminded myself to let loose and have fun. I took a deep breath again and I screamed as loud as I can trying to remove the same old boring Alice and try to enter Matthew’s point of view where problems and insecurities disappear and all that he thinks of is candy, warriors and cartoons.

I walked straight ahead and I saw that they are now having a snow ball fight. I sat on one of the benches and observed the playground. It was full of laughter and fun. Too bad if they grew up, they will never be this happy again. I sat there, feeling the cold chilly air. I took out my iPod and started listening to a random song. I was just minding my own business, when suddenly,


I felt pain in my head. I touched the specific part where the pain lasted and touched it. When I looked at my hand, I saw tiny bits of ice. I realized that James threw a snowball at me. When I looked at him, I saw that he was smirking. I unplugged my earphones and gave him a look.

“What the hell was that for?!” I said. I waited for his reaction but all he did was this pathetic head nod thing and smiled.

“You said you wouldn’t be a killjoy. Look at you, you look like an old lady waiting for pigeons to feed them.” he said. I frowned.

“Mind your own business, buddy.” I muttered, irritated. I plugged them in again and waited for something interesting to come by.


He tilted his head and smiled. “It’s a date, not a family activity. So you better get your rear end out of that seat or I’ll drag you if I have to.”After he just said that, another snowball was thrown at my leg. I looked at James just to see him in a mocking expression. I stood up, ready to fight.

“You want a fight?” I carefully returned my iPod at my bag. “Then you’ll get a fight.” I bent down, forming a snowball. When I finally got the size that I wanted, I aimed the snowball at him and threw it at his direction. He groaned in pain and I chuckled.

“You’ve got some skills.” He muttered sarcastically, his jacket full of icy, cold, snow. I put my hands on my hips and gained confidence. We consumed an hour doing nasty tricks at each other. We threw snowballs, did snow angels, and even created a snowman which we named “Mr. Frosty”.

When I finally got tired, I sat on a bench and just sat there gasping for air, I mean that was the longest physical exercise I have experienced from the past years. So I must admit my heart was thumping almost abnormally. After few seconds a silhouette appeared in front of me. I looked up and saw James looking at me with sympathy.

“Dude, are you okay?” He says, placing his hand on top of my back.

“I’m okay, dude.” I said, flinching when I said the word ‘dude’. “And by the way, when you’re going to take someone on a date, never call them dude”. I pointed out. He looked at me with mock expression.

“You don’t want me to call you dude?” He sat beside me. “I suppose you want to be called…” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “Babe?” My eyes widen and I slapped his arm and forcefully removed it from my shoulder.

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