Chapter 9 - Gash Because Of Him

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Everyone, I just want to thank all of you for welcoming this story very warmly. And because of that, I just dedicate this to all the people who believed in this story from the start. And, well. I know that it's not the 'OMFG THAT IS SO GOOD' kind of story, you always find time to read it. I know that you might just skip this in all, but I seriously love you all. And I dedicate this alsoto one of my good friends from school , OtakuGirl13ph. You see, she has trouble letting her story go out there. So can you please help her and check out her story? Well, KBYE. :D


Thank goodness that was over. It has been about five minutes since Aunt Betty left and boy was I happy. I leaned back on the couch; my legs crossed on top of the table and let out a sigh of relaxation.  Her words are still in my brain.

“Goodbye my dear niece, oh and your bathroom has a lot of dirt in it!” She said, not even bothering to wave or hug me goodbye. “My dear niece,” Yeah, right. I stood up to open the door but she closed it in front of my face. I coughed because of the dust. Wow, Thanks a lot, Aunt Betty.

Well, my night just went rough. That’s why I’m acting like this. So, let me have a recap.

“Do you want some hot chocolate?” I offered.

“Sure.” He replied.

As soon as we got our hot chocolate, I handed him his and I sat on the porch swing. I slightly went back and forth while feeling the chilly breeze kissing my cheeks. I sipped some hot chocolate and looked at the sky. The moon was so majestic today. Glowing like its usual elegant self. The only difference is that it is more visible because of the clear clouds. It looked like a toenail, just as I want.

James stood up and sat down on a Rattan chair a few inches away from the swing. I put my hot chocolate on top of the table and waited for it to cool down a little. I looked at James and I examined his face. His eyes were twinkling due to the moon’s reflection. When he looked at me, I had no choice but to look away. When I looked at him again I saw that he was looking at the sky. Yeah, you can say that I am now officially a stalker.

“Alice, can I ask you something?” He says casually.

I took a sip of my hot chocolate and felt that it doesn’t even deserve to be called ‘hot’ anymore. I leaned back a little but failed because the swing swung.

“Sure, shoot.” I replied, putting my mug back on the wooden table.

“Are we like…friends now?” My eyes widened and I almost dropped the mug.

“I don’t know.” I replied, making it seem like a question. He made a straight face.

“Well, can we?” He said, his lips twitching. When his lips twitch, you can totally tell that he’s nervous. He always does that when he is. Or maybe I’m wrong, but that’s what I know.

“Can we, what?” I asked, while automatically facing him.

“Be friends…again.” He was looking at something else but looks at me when he said ‘again’.

Well, it turns out that I’m more of a quiet type than screaming type when it comes to surprising events.  I tried to open my mouth and scream but nothing came out. So, I just closed my mouth killing the chance of an insect getting trapped there.

“What…did…you…say?” I felt myself reply. Why did you have to reply Alice? He’ll think you’re stupid.

“Didn’t you understand? I want you,” He points a finger towards me. “And me,” He points his thumb towards him. “To be friends again.” He says, while smiling that perfect one cheek smile.

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