Chapter 10 - A Big Revelation

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  • Dedicated to Karl Louie M. Dailisan

Dedicated this to one of my friends, Karl. He's been supporting this story since like, forever,So here it is! It only took me like 3 days to get 100 reads so thank you for that! I hope this satisfies your reading needs. And I still love you all. :') Song on the side :)


I hate my life. Before you all think that I am exaggerating this I just want to say that I am not angry at James. I just pretend I do for my own safety. I cannot give him another chance. He’s not the same James anymore, Alice. He’s not. Why are you being so stupid?

I awkwardly straightened my posture as I try to concentrate on what Miss Jon Real is teaching us. Why? Well, let’s see: It’s just that James is like beside me and I can smell his baby cologne and well, he constantly looks at me. He makes me feel guilty. We were still in Literature and we are currently studying about Idiomatic expressions. She said that she’s going to pick a pair that will debate and currently, two emo kids are debating in front. I was just very sweaty because of all this awkwardness when suddenly,

“This pair is interesting. Let’s have a debate on the tutor and the one who’s being tutored! Miss Hayden and Mister Cooper, go in front please.” Both our eyes dilated.  The entire class put their attention to James.

“What the hell.” I mumbled, very quietly.

“Hell to the no!” James yelled. Miss Jon Real looked at him fiercely that he just had to stand up and go in front. I stood up as slow as possible.

“Watch your language, Mr. Cooper.” Miss Jon Real says.

I went in front and stood there as the wimpy nerd I am. I spared a glance towards James’ direction and noticed that he was wearing a stylish white black tied t-shirt topped off with another long sleeved one but black in color.

“Can I start?” James asked.

“Sure,” Ma’am replied.

“Look at her, she can’t even cut the mustard” He says, folding his arms and his face in a mockingly annoying way. I rolled my eyes, accepting the challenge.

“Yeah right, let’s just cut to the chase” I responded, raising my eyebrows boastfully.

“Why aren’t you talking to me? Stop having a chip in your shoulder” He replied, his cocky face moving down a notch.

“Stop beating around the bush” I replied, trying to not let guilt take over me.

“But that problem is as old as dirt” He says his arms unfolding and placing it on his pockets. I placed a strand of my hair on the back of my ears.

“You should really stop looking at the world through rose colored glasses, because sometimes you just don’t know what the real thing is.” I said, seriously. James sensed that I was offended, so his expression lightened and he said,

“I’m sorry, I was just pulling your leg” He says. The class was amused by his sudden change of emotion.

“You should go to a funny farm” I commented. Oh, a funny farm is a mental institution.

“Just get over it okay? Just accept the fact that you got down like a lead balloon.” He says. When he said that, the class started giving him high fives and started clapping. I didn’t know how to react. He humiliated me again. This is so relieving. Note the sarcasm. The bell rang and well, I can’t explain to you what happened next but in Idiomatic terms,

I gave him a slip.


I rushed out the door, bursting with anger. He had done it to me again! For the love of God, he just can’t and won't stop! I knew this would happen, but I just ignored it! I slapped myself and shook myself. I rapidly walked towards a dark corner on the hallway. I sat down, wiping my tears. I felt a shadow with me and guess what, It’s James.

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