Chapter 8 - Hey, Aunt Betty

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AN= Sorry for not updating for a very long time. Internet issues. -_- 

But, here it is! 

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I regret everything that I said awhile ago.

Before I tell you the whole story, I’m just going to share my initial reaction to this kind of situation. And there are only three words that can efficiently express that right now;

What. The. Hell.

First of all, I don’t deserve this. I go to church every Sunday, I respect and follow my elders, and I focus on my studies not only that but…Wait. I’m getting ahead of myself. It all started when I got a letter from my mom stating that they, (Matthew, Dad, and mom) are going to Niagara Falls – without me. She reminded me to take care and stuff. But she also said that she has a surprise ready for me that I found out the hard way. So, I was just chilling while playing Bookworm Adventures on my laptop when suddenly, I got a call in Skype.  I looked at the name and saw that it was mom. I declined.

She kept on calling and calling, when finally, I caved in. I taped a smiley face on and waited for mom’s irritated rants.

“What took you so long to answer?” Mom said, welcoming me with a sweaty forehead and a glare.

“Hey, I’m fine.” I answered sarcastically. She ignored my sarcasm and stared at the sky. She flashed her eyes back to me and I managed to smile, despite the pain I felt in my cheeks because of the smiling.

“You know what, honey? I think it’s illegal for a person below eighteen to be left alone in the house, so I called someone to be your companion. And guess what, that is my big surprise.” She says, while rubbing her chin.

I minimized the Skype window and kept on talking, “Anyone will do, so I’m fine with that. Except for Aunt Betty, because you know, I think she’s bonkers. And that would be really funny, right?” I commented almost giggling. I waited for mom to respond but she went quiet. I felt a mini-heart attack passed through my body and I clicked the maximize button almost rapidly.

Right?” I said my eyes narrowing and my head tilted for a few inches. I looked at her with exasperation in my eyes. She puckered her lips and I know that it was Aunt Betty.

Oh god, Oh God, Oh god. I held my breath waiting for her answer.

“I’m sorry, Hun. It really is Aunt Betty. I’m sorry. I have to go! Ciao, dear!” She quickly said, hanging up. I closed the laptop and threw my pillow towards the other end of the room. I groaned and picked it up. When I threw it back on the bed, the doorbell rang. Great. Just, great.

I ran through our wooden staircase and almost stumbled. I opened the door grudgingly, and I saw James. Another ‘great’ moment.

“What are you doing here?” I said, pulling my glasses upward to the bridge of my nose, and sniffed.

“Can I borrow some towels?” He says lazily.

“Why, don’t you have towels at home?” I snapped, while looking at the clean and green lawn standing in front of our house.

“All of them were soaked by Prada,” He mutters while looking around the house. “Wait a minute, Where is your family?” He asks, while tapping his brown leather shoes on our ‘Welcome Home ‘mat.

“They left for a trip.” I replied, bluntly. He looked at me devilishly and said,

“So you’re like, alone?” He says, as if I can’t survive being alone. I looked at him ferociously and started thinking about what my family was doing. Are they happy without me there? Or, are they just eating at some local diner? I doubt that they even think about me.

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