Chapter 19 - Uh...

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I'm sorry for not updating. But I did and that's what matters, right? Poor James :( This makes me want to hurt myself. Play the song for more dramatic effect. Guys, I don't want Alice to seem like a two-timer because she's not. Hey, if you were stuck in this kind of situation but you don't want someone to get hurt...what would you do?

But if you want to follow me on twitter, (lol what?)

@SimplyMeYsa :)

Now this is the most depressing chapter that I have written. So sad It makes me want to cry :(

“What are you doing here?” I asked. The atmosphere was awkward and James expression was priceless. If we were friends again I would take a picture of his face within a millisecond and post it on Face book but I can’t. His hair looked like it wasn’t brushed for a century and his eyes were damp and clammy. His nose was as red as a rose. His hoodie fell down the moment we met each other’s eyes. He tried to move an inch away but can't because he was stuck in his seat.

“Aren’t I the one supposed to ask you that question?” He replies.

“Excuse me?“ I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

“I can see that you bumped into each other.” I heard Mint comment behind me. I cocked my head to look at her. “Ironic isn't it?” She comments looking at the both of us teasingly. I shot her a glare. I saw that she was carrying two plastic bags that had food inside of it. I noticed someone was behind her and suddenly realized that it was Brandon, the quarterback. He was wearing a plain white shirt topped off with a black varsity jacket.

“Dude, I thought it was only the two of us,” James suddenly said looking at Brandon. “You didn’t tell me they would come along.” Brandon threw him a sympathetic look but stopped when Mint shot him a glare. His face blushed and he started laughing nervously.

“I have to do what my sweetheart tells me to do.” Then she smiled at him and started pinching his cheeks.

“You’re so cute when you say that.” Mint says dreamily. He caressed her cheeks.

“But you’re cuter.” He says, flashing a smile. I almost barfed right then and there.

“No, you’re—“

I made an exaggerated barf sound and when I did that people in the theatre made those annoying shush sounds. “Please, stop, I think I’m going to puke.” My eyes widen when I realized something. “So you mean to say,” I looked at Mint. “You planned this?”

She nodded like this wasn’t a big deal. I sighed and stood up. She grabbed my forearm and I wiggled my hand out of her grip. I felt like I was betrayed for some odd reason. I felt pissed. I’m not pissed at Mint. I’m pissed at James for being such a…a bad friend.

"Don't you dare exit the theatre." Mint said.

“Oh, yeah?” I asked with confidence. “You and what army?”

“That army,” Brandon says looking down on one of the most bulky men I have ever seen in my whole entire existence. The two of those guys were like VIP bouncers and The Hulk combined in two forms. I gulped.

“Is that even legal?” I asked but Mint shot me a look and I became quiet. He placed one of the plastic bags in my hands. She held my hand and said,

“Now, until you two don’t get along,” She winked at us. “Don’t you even dare exiting the theatre.” After that, she and her perfect boyfriend exited the stuffy theatre and I was left alone with the last person that I wanted to be with.

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