Chapter 21 - The End?

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Guys, this is it! I hope you LOVED the ending as much as I do! I have worked hard on this so let's just say a big CONGRATULATIONS to me! This is my first book that I finished so I am pretty happy. Thank you so much for laughing, crying, and smashing things with me through this whole journey. There will be an epilogue so watch out for that!

Best wishes,

YsaLovesCupcakes xx


Its really hard to imagine what one can do with a letter.

I know the feeling because what I felt after reading the letter was...hard to explain. I felt like the butterflies in my stomach turned out to be mighty dragons that twisted my stomach more. I felt my heart fluttering when I was reading the flowing words there. I loved the way the letter 'a' always had a little spunk on it's end. I loved how the ink was blue, just like his eyes.

At that same moment, I started jumping up and down like I was in a bouncehouse. Mint looked at me like she was looking at something rare. Like a diamond. Or maybe even a gem.

"Oh...kay," She said, touching my shoulder. "Calm down, lovergirl, we've still got a number of hours to fix you up until your big finale."

"Big finale?" I asked, breathing sharply. That numerous jumps made my heart jump it's own way out of my chest. "Fix me up?"

"Yeah," She nodded. "We can't make you look like a market girl when you go all lovey - dovey with your prince charming."

I gave her a puzzled look. "Prince charming?"

She just chuckled and told me to go upstairs and have my beauty rest, due to the fact that eye bag apparently makes a girl less attractive. (As she read it on the new issue of 'Cosmetics Today') And when I shook my head, remembering my family, she called them right away and she said that my mom answered it and agreed right away. And so I did.

I thought I wasn't going to have any sleep, because of James filling my head, but I stand corrected, because when I hit the pillow, I started snoring. Right away.


"Looks like someone got up on the right side of the bed this morning." Mint's mom muttered as she sets up the table. It smelled like sausages and freshly cooked eggs and it made me lick my lips.

I laughed and settled on the table, Mint following behind me. I was really shy but I was so hungry that I just sat down and started eating. In between meals, they started enganging a conversation. I just realized that whenever her mom and Mint talk, their British side gradually coming out. I noticed that they loved to end questions with their sentences. For example, Mint said, "The eggs are divine, aren't they?" in an awfully cute British accent. I felt jealous to be honest.

When the meal ended, I thanked them, and I bid goodbye. Mint said she'll be over at eleven to help me with my 'look'. She had a smile on her face that was irreplaceable.

When I got home, no one was there. It was because they went out of town for a meeting and they wanted to tag us along. But I politely declined, with the reason that I had to do my project and some homeworks. This excuse was partly true, considering Raven. I am planning on tagging her along because she's my lucky charm. She's our love child. And I really want her to see her 'parents' unite again. Or get together.

I smiled to myself as I go upstairs. I took a bath, took a sip of Coke and started practicing what I wanted to say. I mean, I cannot let myself screw up my revelation of feelings towards him, right? I was in the part where I was going to say I love him, but a ring on the doorbell caught my attention. I reached to the door in five seconds flat. I twirled the doorknob and pulled open the door, only to see Mint with a make up kit and clothes that looked good but probably didn't look as much as good if I were to wear it.

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