chapter 13

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Y/n's P.O.V

The ship sails as Drago kept banging the chains at the front with his staff. We are cuffed up and about to walk the plank.

"Could this day get any worse?" Snotlout asked, looking down at the rough looking sea.

"Uh, let me see. You'll jump into freezing cold water and then die from drowning" Tuffnut explained.

"Looks refreshing. Please, ladies first" Eret said looking at Astrid and I. I sent him a deathly glare, balling my fists. This wouldn't be the first time I fought someone in handcuffs.

"You are a steaming heap of dragon-" Astrid started

"Duck" he said. We quickly ducked and he knocks Drago's soldiers unconscious and unchains himself.

"Warn the others!" A soldier said

"Get 'em, you son of an Eret!" Ruffnut said. Eret knocks out the rest.

"Okay, I love you again" Ruffnut stated. Snotlout looks hurt.

"Ugh. Pathetic. You can still jump" Tuffnut said towards Snotlout.

"So, are we going to save your dragons and get out of here or not? Check every trap. They're here somewhere" Eret said, Astrid nodded. Astrid climbed into a trap.

"Anyone coming?" Eret asked. I looked around

"I don't know, you just keep doing what you're doing. Keep cranking" Ruffnut said. Eret looked around and climbed into a trap.

I looked around, no soldier around. I jumped and moved my cuffed hands from behind my back to in front of me. I was trying to unlock the cuffs. I saw a soldier running towards us.

"Where's that eret when you need him" Fishlegs said. The soldier got out his spear. I slid the spear between the two cuffs and it broke the chain in a fast action. The cuffs unlocked and fell into the floor. The soldier grabbed the spear and held it in front of him. I ducked and got back up and flipped him over my back, making him fall onto the deck unconscious.

I picked up the spear and freed the others.

"How did you do that" Tuffnut asked, looking at me in shock. I smiled, slightly proud at my defense.

"I'm always prepared" I said as I split his cuffs, before throwing the spear to the ground and stepping away from Tuff.

"Yeah. I'm not gonna argue with you again" Fishlegs squeaks.

"Now come on. Let's find our dragons" I said. We ran around finding the traps. We found one. We cranked it open. I climbed up and saw Hookfang in there. I climbed down and walked towards Hookfang. I removed the muzzle. He looked up at me, his eyes dilating once he recognized me.

I climbed out of the trap. And jumped down.

"So. Any dragon?" Fishlegs asked

"Hookfang is in there" I said looking towards Snotlout who climbed into the trap.

"Hey, where's Ruffnut?" Fishlegs asked. I looked around my surroundings in search of the clueless blonde. I let out a sigh once I thought of the possible place where she could be.

"Probably drooling over Eret" Tuffnut groaned. I laughed at the utter of disgust on Tuffnut's face.

"I'll go find her" I said, stepping away from the group.

"Are you sure about that. What if you get caught" Fishlegs said. I gave him a 'are you really asking this now?' look.

"Oh,right" he said remembering what I did a few minutes ago.

Fishleg's Sister (reader x Tuffnut) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now