(11) Restless

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(11) Restless

I kept my eyes on the floor as I walked down the hall, towards the guest bedroom at the end. Alright, it was time to find some answers. Suddenly I felt unsure whether I should go into his room and chat because it would look suspicious. But there really wasn’t anywhere else to talk. I very, very lightly knocked on his door and waited anxiously for an answer.

The door opened without a sound, and there stood Liam with those intense blue eyes of his scanning over me. “Well, hello there.”

“You promised to tell me…about your past…?”

He stepped aside, and I took notice of him being shirtless and only in boxers. This was awkward. After I passed by him I tried to figure out where to sit. The one chair in the room was covered with clothes and the chest at the end of the bed had books on top. The only place to sit was the bed, which was even more awkward. I took a seat on the messy white sheets and crossed my legs like a lady as he took a seat uncomfortably close to me.

“So, explain yourself. Why do you hate my creator?” I asked as I played with the trim of my above the knee pink skirt.

He stared at my knees and then looked me in the eyes with a sort of strong expression, one I recognized. “I hate him because he has you.”

My eyebrows rose in astonishment. “W-What?”

He leaned over towards me, his broad shoulders practically shielded me from the ceiling as his dark hair fell into his eyes. “I’ve wanted you, Lucy, ever since I first came through the door.”

If my heart could beat, it’d be pounding. My mouth felt dry, as if I had stuffed cotton balls into it. He grasped my leg and spun me so that we were face-to-face. Without much warning, his full lips were pressing against mine softly. I don’t know why, but I grasped the back of his neck and began pushing my body into his. We rolled into the center of the bed where he laid right on top of me with his body smashed into mine.

“Liam,” I sighed when he began to kiss my neck while his hand pulled at my clothes.

“Oh, Lucy.”

Our kissing intensified dramatically and soon we were like animals tearing at each other. The room seemed black suddenly, distracting me from Liam. The most random thought hit me. “What time is it?” I asked in a strangled voice as he felt down my bare back.

“About noon.”

I paused, suddenly confused. “Noon? But I’m not even feeling sick.”

He looked at me with a grin. “That’s because you’re human, darling.”

“Wait, what?”

The door opened, causing me to jump slightly. There stood Xavier, a smile playing at his lips. “There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you, love.” He walked towards me and grabbed my hand.

“Xavier! I’m so, so sorry—“ I began to turn towards Liam in terror, but he wasn’t there. In fact, there was no evidence he was ever here, not even a crease in the sheets. What the hell?

“My love, are you feeling okay? You look like you’re about to throw up. Is it morning sickness again?”

I blinked repeatedly because nothing made sense. For one, where in the hell did Liam go? Two, why did Liam call me a human? Three, why was Xavier being so cheerful? And finally, what did he just say? “Morning—“ I began, but I looked down at my stomach, only to see it bulging. “What the f—“

Xavier pressed the palm of his hand onto my belly, a loving smile on his face. “Lucy, you’ve never given such a fantastic gift as this baby. I love you so much.” He kissed my forehead while I gave the dumbest expression ever known.

My Possessive Creator (Book II)Where stories live. Discover now