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We were all sitting around the dinning room table, well except for Justin he was in his high chair, eating our food. Mama Lilly had made the boys spaghetti and meatballs, and me a tofu burger. It was quite, only noise was Luke typing away on his phone. Lilly walked in with a jar of baby food, "Luke are you on your phone?" she asked.
"No", he said while putting his phone up. I turned to Luke "So what we're you doing?", I asked him.
"O just checking my Quotev" he said looking at while shrugging his shoulders. Luke then got up and cleared his plate, putting in the sink. I followed suite, " So what is Quotev", I asked as we walked upstairs.
"Just a site where you post, write stories, create quizzes, and poems.", Luke answered turning to look at me.
"O cool", I say
"Well I'm gonna go finish unpacking"
"Want some help?"
" Sure "
We walk up to his room, once we got there I noticed that he also had a bunk bed just like mine but red, I didn't even know that we had a red set. I looked around and noticed Lilly put my old couch in there, along with my old green dresser. The walls were a cream color, but I guess after your here so long your aloud to paint them. Luke's red desk was push up in front of his window, he does have a bay window because of the floor he's on. The boy had boxes all over the place, "Ok let's get started", I said looking at him.
I picked up a box and started to open it, but Luke stopped me, "not that one, could you unpack my suitcase please."
I went over grabbed the suitcase and throw it on the bed. Upon opening it I find a set of white sheets, green sheets, and red sheets. I pull them out carefully putting them down and undoing them. Inside each were pictures of him and his friends, and mom and dad, looking at them made me realize how much I missed my mom. I set the picture down on the night stand, put the rest beside it in a stack, and started making the beds.

Luke and I just finished unpacking the last box, and now we're sitting on his bottom bunk talking, getting to know each other. It turns out Luke and I have a lot in common. He likes all sorts of music, rap, hip hop, classical, pop, and even music from other countries. His favorite color is red which explains the red theme of his room. Almost everything is red in here, the bed, the shelves, his hangers, pillows, beanbags. Of course there are some items that aren't red like his desk, and picture frames which are green. Luke sat up on the bed "So what about you?", he asked out of the blue.
"What do you mean"
"What's your favorite color? What type of music do you listen too? Who's your favorite artist?"
"Well my favorite color is blue, and green. I listen to classical, rock, pop, r&b, and hip-hop a lot. I don't have a favorite artist. But my favorite group is CD9."
" I've never heard of them"
"Well they are a Mexican group." I say while rolling over to check my phone it read 11 o'clock on the dot that means we should get ready for bed, or Lilly will be mad. I looked at Luke " We should get ready for bed we have school tomorrow.", I say as I stand up, walking towards the door.
Once I get to my room I go to my dresser pulling out my black compression shorts, and a purple tee-shirt. I throw them on and walk down the hall to the bath room to brush my teeth. When I'm done I go back to my room and put my Samsung Galaxy Note on the charger while plugging it in to the speaker. I put my CD9 play list on shuffle and the first song to play is The Party. I climb on to the top bunk a drift to sleep.

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