Back to Hell

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I woke up to my alarm going off, I rolled over turned it off and got up. I walked over to my dresser I grabbed a tank top, and some under garments. I then walked to my closest I pick out a pair of skinny jeans, and a flannel, then went to the bathroom for a quick shower.
After my 15 minute shower I throw on my jeans, and tank top, then ran a towel through my hair a couple of times. I put my black combat boots on, then went to brush my hair out.
After spending 20 minutes brushing my hair out, I throw on my flannel, and played on my phone. Now I know what your thinking and yes it does take me at least 20 minutes to brush my hair. This I only because my hair goes down past my waist.
I checked the time, 15 minutes till Max will be here. I went downstairs to eat breakfast, but found nothing good. I decided to see if Max would stop by the coffee tree to get breakfast. I quickly shot Max a text:
Hey do you think that we could stop by the Coffee Tree on the way to school?
He didn't text me back. I walked to Justin's room to get him cause he woke up, and everyone is asleep, and Lilly is at school already. I have to be at school early for a make up test in Algebra.
I took Justin to the kitchen and sat him in his high chair, then grabbed a jar of baby food. After feeding him I took him to the living room to play with him.
A few minutes later Max arrived. Before we left I called Lilly, to see what I do with Justin. She said to bring him to school with me. I told Max what I'm doing then go upstairs and quickly grab his diaper bag, a couple of outfits, a pair of shoes, and car seat.
Once I got downstairs, put Justin in his car seat. After that we were out the door heading to car. Max put Justin in for me while I climbed in the passenger's seat with the diaper bag, and my backpack.

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