They Meet the Boys

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The bell rang, yes finally getting out of this place. Today's Friday, and it was the last day before fall break. All that means is starting tomorrow I get to sleep in for three weeks. I went to my locker and throw all my stuff in. I grabbed my sweater putting it on, then grabbed my netbook, and art stuff. I put them in my book bag and walked to the front office where I was meeting Jorge, Brandon, and Max. Once everyone was there I went with Brandon his car, and Jorge went with Max in his car. We all met at my house for a sleepover. Brandon and I got to my house before Jorge and Max. We walked in and immediately Brandon ran upstairs. I did think any thing of it because all three of them basically live here and so they each have a room, bit we also have a room for all of us. I went to my room and sat all my stuff down. I heard someone coming upstairs I figured it was Cole or Matt. I was right but then it hit me the room that Brandon, Jorge, Max, and I normally sleep in on now Cole's room. I quickly ran out of my room down the hall to Cole's room, sure enough Brandon was in there, with an confused Cole.
"Brandon this is my foster brother Cole, Cole this is Brandon one of three of my best friends.", I introduce them to each other.
"OK well what happened to our room?", Brandon asked.
"I don't know what your talking about this is my room", Cole states with a small amount of anger in his voice. I'm guessing it's because he came home to find someone he doesn't know in his room, then the same person is claiming it our room.
"Ummm well you see Brandon, Lilly turn this into Cole's room. Cole before you boys moved in this room was the room that me and my friends used as our overnight room.", I explained to both of them. "Let's go we are staying in my room from here on out.", I say kindly. he gets up and jeans out the door. I look over at Cole, "I'm sorry for that", I apologize while hugging him
Cole was shocked bit then hugged back, "it's OK, it wasn't your fault.", he replies with a chuckle. With that I walked out the door down the hall to my room. Where Max, Jorge, and Brand on were. Sitting on my bed eating my stash of Twix.
"Really? Get your paws off my candy." I said while giving them all death glares. Let's get one thing straight Twixs are my absolute favorite candy and coming behind that there's skittles. So very few get to touch my Twixs and gets away with it, and those who do must be really special and had to have asked first, or they took some when my guard is down.
"Oh come on you know you love us.", Max says with a laugh.
"Yes I do but you know better than to touch my candy without asking.", I say in all seriousness.
"OK we are sorry, now let's talk about something more important, what's for dinner?", Jorge whines while scrolling through his instagram.
"How should I know? What do you guys want?", I ask in a sassy tone.
"Something Amish" they all yell at once.
" well we have to agree on it" I say while looking around at them.
" well what do you want?" Max asked while laying back scrolling through vine.
"Chinese I guess, is that OK?", I ask.
"Sure", they say all at once, while getting up and running out the door. I follow behind as we run downstairs to find Lilly. We found her in the living room with Kevin, and Nate.
"Hey Lilly can we go out for Chinese tonight?", I ask sweetly.
"Sure why not.", she says while getting up.
" cone on Kevin let's go get the others, so we can go eat dinner." she says while taking him on her arms and walking out the room. I looked at Nate, " why don't you go tell Zack to meet us in my room Nate."
He smiles and runs of to get Zack. We went upstairs while stopping by Matt's room. "Hey Mattie we are go out to eat, and we are leaving in about 15 minutes.", I say while walking in to his room and jumping on his bed. He sits up and laughs "ok".
I tan went to Cole's room " Cole be ready to leave in 15 minutes we are going out to eat." I yell in as I approach the door. After telling him I went to my room to get my brown combat boots, but I couldn't find them. I also could not find my classic white or black converse or my red ones. Because of this I decided to change. I grabbed a pair of jeans, a plain grey sweater, my navy blue toms, and an infinite scarf, and went to my ensuite.
When I was done me and the boys went downstairs to meet Lilly and everyone else, on the way down I slipped into Justin's room to get him. I picked h up out of his crib, and layer him on the changing table. I pulled out a pair of jeans, and a Nike tee shirt and put it on him. After that I grabbed his black Nikes and put them on him too. When he was dressed I put him in to his car seat and buckled it. I grabbed his diaper bag and him as I walked out the door to Brandon's car, I put Justin in the back with Cole, and Matt as for they wanted to ride with us. I got in the passenger seat,and brand on the drivers. He started the car and we were off.

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