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ZOEY- Italic

"Follow the path?" Zoey asked to no one in particular.

Knitting her eyebrows in confusion, she stared into space.

Should I?

She thought, half-doubtedly.

Should I not?

To go or not to go? That is the question. Whether tis' painful for me to suffer out of curiosity.

She facepalmed at her thoughts.

Stop it Zoey, this is not the time to turn into Shakespeare.

She looked around the empty coffee shop. It reminded her of an abandoned town in the west. She can almost imagine a tumbleweed rolling by.

Well, she doesn't see why she shouldn't follow the path.

She was curious. Very curious.

Besides, it wasn't like there were any customers coming. They were too busy hanging around, getting a tan in the beach.

Shrugging, she muttered, "Yolo."

And with that, she untied the back of her apron, placed it on the counter and headed outside, envelope in hand.

When she got outdoors, the first thing she saw were the trail of lollipops at her feet, because rose petals are way too over rated.

She was still utterly confused, but smiled nonetheless.

At the very start of the trail, there was an empty boquet and an envelope.

Picking these up, she opened the letter.

Because you're
the sweetest, I bring you
not a boquet of roses.
Instead, you recieve
suckers. 'Cause I'm a
sucker for you ;)

She laughed, rolling her eyes. "Wow."

There's only one idiot I know who comes up with unbelievably cheesy pick-up lines. She thought.

Picking up the lollipops one by one, she dropped them into the plastic boquet.

As she walked, she kept on picking up the candy. It was tiring. She felt like she was in Minecraft.

She only picked up ten of the candies on the sidewalk. She hasn't even been able to leave Starbucks yet.

Pausing in exhaustion to catch her breath, an idea popped up in her head.

So, she went back inside Starbucks, going behind the counter. Bending down, her bag was stuffed in the shelves beneath the counter. Beside it was the thing she was looking for; her skateboard.

Smirking, she grabbed it and went outside.

She felt like a genius.

Placing her skateboard onto the ground, she sat on it indian style and began picking up the lolli-trail. As the trail went further, she boosted her board forward with her hands.

The trail was endless.

At least, for Zoey it was.

After about ten minutes of picking up and boosting, the trail finally ended. The last one, however was not a lollipop but an envelope.

Opening it, she read;

You have reached your
Cheers to you.
Now read this intently,
for it is your last clue;

I am a monkey.

With these last words, all her doubt about her guess had vanished. All that's left now is assurance. Satisfaction. Happiness. Excitement. And of course, anxiousness.

The candy trail has lead Zoey to the local park. It was her favorite place in the town.

She knew that she has reached where she's supposed to be but she was to nervous to look up from the letter, so she stayed seated on her board.

Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her.

Next thing she knew, there was a tap on her shoulder.

A familiar, deep voice rang in her ears.


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