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ZOEY- Italic


Her eyes widened, her heartbeat sped up drastically. All of a sudden, she was unable to breathe. Unable to move.

Zoey was frozen still on her board.

Oh my glob.

Is this true? Is this Macro? Macro the Macchiato Muchacho Monkey? Ricardo? Shithead? Fucktard? The future student body president? The Macro? My Macro? Or maybe....Dumbledore?

I REALLY wish it were Dumbledore.

Please. Anyone but Macro.

I'm not ready to face him. Not now.

I look like an idiot.

Oh man, oh man, oh man.

Zoey felt another tap on her shoulder.

"Vader? Is this you?"

Having no other choice-besides running away and moving to Mexico-she turned around, but miserably failed as she was sitting on her board.

Her attempt to turn around to face Macro has caused her board to tip over to the side making her butt fall flat on the concrete pavement.

"Ow." She muttered.

She felt his presence hovering above her. His shadow was cast upon her idiotic looking sitting position on the ground. Still, she was extremely anxious to look up.

He chuckled.

"You're such an idiot." He said.

Seeing a hand held out in front of her. Hesitantly, she looked up and saw him. He was bending down to help her up. A hand on his knee, another held out for her and a face wearing warm smile.

Zoey let out a breath of fascination.

She didn't know how to react.

Should she smile? Should she take his hand? Should she tell him that she's fine?

With countless things running on her mind, she blurted the last thing she wanted to.

"You're freakin' gorgeous."

Realizing what she had said, she mentally face-palmed.

"I-I mean...um, I-"

"Sshh. Say no more, Vader. I know I'm hot." He replied.

"Th-that's not what I meant."

"Oh, really? Then what did you mean?"

"I meant to say 'Wow. The shithead looks like an actual shithead.'"

He laughed. "Don't lie, Vader. Remember; Honesty is a simple human act that has unfortunately run out of style in the eyes of this generation."

She glared. "How dare you use my own words against me?"

He laughed once again.

"Are you gonna take my hand and get your ass off the sidewalk or not?"

Sighing, she took his hand and immediately felt warmth spread through her body.

She was now standing upright, facing him. They were just standing. Looking at each other.

She observed his face. His eyes were this beautiful shade of hazel that she could just get lost into. His jaw line was sharp, his smile was welcoming, and Zoey was a hundred percent sure that all the girls faint at the mere sight of him.

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