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The monster was coming, he could feel his presence like a thousand tiny spiders crawling down his spine. Samuel clutched his baby sister closer to his chest in a wasted effort to conceal them against a massive tree.

This was it, their time for escape. He and his little sister were going to have their freedom, or so their mother had promised before the monster killed her. And now they were trapped.

"Samuel," an errie voice purred through the darkness with amused satisfaction.

A whimper made him look down at his sister, a newborn not even a few hours old. Her life had just begun he thought as he squeezed his eyes shut against the tears of utter frustration rolling down his cheeks.

"Please stay quiet....shhh...please not now. Dear God.." he started praying, knowing in his heart that God could hear his pleas.

Scrambling to remember every word his mother had taught him of prayer, he pleaded for his life and the life of his baby sister. During which a wail filled the air.

Looking down at the tiny bundle draped across his chest his heart stopped. Everything around him went in a haze as felt the ooze of blood seep through his fingers and slowly drop to the ground.

"NO!" he wanted to roar, but his voice refused to work. Instead he found his gut tightening as he saw the dagger that was protruding from her back.

Nausea rose as he felt her loss tear its way through him.

He failed to protect her, this little miracle.

Heartbroken he sobbed as misery and hopelessness fought for supremacy.Leaning down to kiss her face, he gave up. He didn't want to fight anymore, he was done running.

Kneeling in the forest floor, with the damp smell of rotten wood and moss he late fate find him. He wanted the last mortal image he carried with him was of her face, his sister named Grace.

He gasped as he felt the knife at his throat from behind, the race was over .

His last sounds on earth was the sound of pure evil, his father "God don't care boy!" as the knife plunged into his neck and complete darkness took over.

Hey guys this is my first try at a novel, I know the prologue is a little creepy, but its a big impact on the story. And don't worry Samuel does get revenge, but this is where his story began. Comment please tell me what you think....

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