Chapter 2: Party Time

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A/N: I've rewritten this part like 4 times, I think I got it to where I want I think! Anyways, if you're writing a book, PLEASE give me a S/O!! I need reads and votes! Thanks. (: and also, most of this is in Cody's POV!

!~* Cody's POV *~!

Allison texted me back a couple hours after I sent my confession text, telling me she did have feelings for me. To quote "I like you a lot! Why would I have kissed you like that if I didn't?!" She just wanted to keep the fact that we were sort of talking to ourselves for a little while, since she was new to Charleston, SC. If this would've been any other girl, I would've found a way to get into her pants and quick, but Allison was different. She was special.  

After my run with my dog, Chief, I reentered my home, jogging up the stairs to shower. I stepped out a few minutes later, and made my way to my phone, and decided to invite Allison to a party my friend Kyle was throwing. I figured it would be a good way to get her connected with a few people, and I had an excuse to see her again.

Me: Hey beautiful

Allison: Hi(: 

Me: There's this party tonight, and I thought you might want to go so you and get to know some people.  

Allison: Is this you asking me to be your date to a party?  

Me: Kinda(: is it working?(; 

Allison: Yup! I'll go with you. Everyone will probably be drunk, so we can be open about us tonight, if you want? 

Me: Yeah! I just don't want people to think you're easy just cause I made you fall madly in love after one date.(; 

Allison: Hahaha, keep flattering yourself Mr. "Do geeks kiss princesses." 

Me: I think it's cute you remember exactly what I said. Then again, it was just yesterday. Haha, I'll pick you up at 9. Okay?(: 

Allison: Of course. Can't wait(:  

Parties the students from West Morgan High threw were outrageous; Kyle threw them along with his twin sister, Kayla. Their parents were directors for a new movie, and they were in LA for most of the week. After arguing with myself on what to wear, I finally settled on something, and rushed through my normal procedure before calling a 'goodbye' to my parents, and all but running out of my front door. Surprisingly, I wasn't late, and rang Allison's doorbell at exactly 9pm.  

"Well hello young man," a dark skinned guy with glasses said as he swung Allison's door open. 

"Hello sir. You must be Mr. Cooper?" I said as I extended my hand and he shook it. 

"Ahh, nice grip. And your name is?" 

"Cody Anderson, sir," I responded. 

"No way? Are you son of Steven Anderson, Attorney at Law?" 

"Yes sir, that's me!"  

"Allison, get down her quick! I like this young man," he smirked as soon as she was coming down the stairs. She looked gorgeous.  

"Good, I do too. Thank you daddy, I'll be back at one," she kissed him on his cheek and exited. 

"Goodnight sir," I smiled again as I shook his hand one more time.  

We got into my truck and I stared at her before starting it. Once our eyes met, we paused for a while. I gazed into her deep chocolate ones as she studied my ocean blue ones.  

"I guess you're not gonna kiss me," she smirked, breaking the comfortable silence, yet keeping the stare going.

"I will, right now," I chuckled as I leaned in and placed a kiss to her lips. When I kissed her, I felt as if I was riding a roller coaster, my heart rising and beating unsteadily as our lips meshed. She pulled away with a slight giggle, rising her thumb to wipe some gloss off of my bottom lip.

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