Chapter 23: Nothing. No one.

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A/N: This chapter is.... Yeah, just read it! And it is ESSENTIAL that you read the last author's note at the end! Love you guys!


!~* Cody's POV *~!

It has been 2 weeks since Kyden has arrived, and she's even more perfect than before. She's already starting to smile at Allison and I, and giggle. Alli's already dropped like 10 pounds and it's only been 14 days, I'm so proud of her. Once she sets a goal, she'll get it done. As for everything else, Shawn and Eva are finally getting married in about 3 weeks. They're getting everything planned, which Alli and Danielle help a lot with. Danielle, David, Destiny and the twins are doing really well. The boys have gained some weight, which is good for them.

Everything is good. Except one thing: Jessica, Trent, and Kelly. I sat up in bed replaying the events of our weddings reception. Their plan made no sense. To get Kelly pregnant by Trent, then Jessica to marry Trent, just so they can be in our lives. That way Trent's child will be my niece/nephew. I won't love that child any less than another child, it didn't get to choose its parents. I don't understand how Jessica even ties into this? Don't you think that's a bit much? Jessica and Trent barely even get along! And Kelly HATES Jessica. If it wasn't for their common dislike towards my wife, they would never be friends. But who cares? The plan is dumb, and it will not effect our relationship.

Kyden's cry pierced the air, and I stood up and walked towards her.

"Hey, what's wrong baby girl," I cooed and kissed her cheek. I took her out of the crib and headed towards the kitchen to see what was left from her bottle. Alli makes two breast milk bottles before she goes to bed, incase I have to wake up and feed the baby. I got a bottle and found a Minnie Mouse bib.

"Here we go baby," I whispered as I put it around her neck. I turned the TV on, the volume down, and we watched 21 Jump Street as I fed my daughter.

"You know, I knew you were gonna be so gorgeous," I cooed and she gave me a toothless grin.

"I told you," Alli giggled and sat next to us on the couch.

"Hey babe... Told me what?" I asked, confused.

"Told you that you would be a great daddy," she smiled and kissed me. These kisses she's been giving me have been so sweet. When our tongues dance together, it's like heaven in my mouth. We haven't really had spicy kisses in a while, but I'm loving these. These are the kind of kisses that are tender and make you want more and more: they're addicting.

"I love when you kiss me like that," I blushed and looked down.

"Haha, I just love your lips I guess," she smiled and slipped Kyden away from me.

"So, why're you up?" I asked moving her closer so we could cuddle as a family.

"Uhh..." She started and her face flooded with tears.

"Allison, don't cry! What's wrong?" I asked kneeling down in front of her.

"I- just- nothing," she sighed and moved her eyes from mine.

"Remember that day, it was like 2 days after I met you, and I took you in that closet?" I inquired, cupping her cheeks, causing her moving her eyes to shift back to mine.

"Yes," she whispered.

"And remember when I wanted to go public, and I said no more secrets between us. We promised," I sighed and nudged her forehead with mine.

"Okay... It's... Derek," she barely whispered. Kyden was asleep, so I carried her to the crib, then came back.

"Derek? Like your ex Derek?" I questioned, sitting next to her.

"Yeah. I've just been thinking about him," she dropped her head.

"Okay, Alli. I don't know if you notice, but we are MARRIED. We have a beautiful daughter, and yet you can't shake this guy?!" My voice escalated.

"Cody, calm the fuck down before our daughter wakes up," Alli snapped and I softened up. She pushed her phone towards me, and I unlocked it. I smiled when I saw the picture of her, Kyden and I that we took the day after we brought Kyden home.

"I know you want me. I saw the way you looked in my eyes in Croatia. Leave him Alli. Or if you don't, I will kill you, and him. Take your daughter and leave him. I can treat you so much better than he can. I love you Allison," I read the message out loud. My jaw started clenching and unclenching. There was one thing to threaten me, but my wife and child? No bud, not so easy.

"Will he really?" I spoke through clenched teeth.

"Baby, yes. I know what he's capable of, and he almost killed me. He won't having a problem hurting Kyden either! I'm so scared," she sobbed into my chest. I cradled and rocked my poor baby.

"Cody, I don't want you or Kyden to get hurt. But I don't want to be with him," she cried out again. I rocked her back and forth just taking this in. Derek is getting out of control. Why are people so obsessed with MY wife.

"Hey, I made a vow to you. I told you that I would protect you and our daughter. I don't care what he says, we're gonna be together no matter what. Okay? I'm in love with our family way too deep to just give it all up," I said inches away from her lips.

"I trust you Cody," she nodded and finally connected our lips with one of those passionate kisses. I stood and laid her on her back. I moved between her legs, never once breaking the kiss. She tugged at the bottom of my shirt, and I slid it off. I moved to her neck, and captured skin between my teeth.

"Mmm... Cody..." She purred and I smirked against her skin. She smelled so wonderful for it to be 3AM. She pulled my lips back to hers, and I basically shoved my tongue down as she trailed my abs and pecs with her dainty fingers. I slid her spaghetti strapped undershirt over her head, which left her in a cheetah print bra. I reached for the clasp, but she beat me to it. I captured her nipple in my mouth, and she let out a high pitched pleasure scream. She tried to fist the couch, but it was leather, so it was no use. I sucked and played until I moved to the other one.

"Cody... You're gonna make me... Fuck!" She moaned.

*~! Alli's POV !~*

After that nipple play, my panties were done for. We haven't had sex in like 3 weeks! We had sex in Croatia one time, but my body was so tired, we couldn't do it again. And now that we're back, we had to wait 3 weeks so I can recover from having Kyden. I still have one more week of this hell left.

"Cody, you know we can't," I barely panted. I did not want this to stop, but if we keep going, we'll both turn into monsters.

"Ugghh... I know," Cody said hanging his head low. We stood and walked to our bedroom where Kyden was sound asleep. We smiled and kissed her on either side of her cheeks, careful not to wake her up. I slid into bed, taking off everything but my bra and panties. I'm really glad my body is slowly coming back to itself.

"You cannot keep doing this to me babe," Cody sighed and turned to the other side. I wanted to feel his full lips on mine, it's the most we could do.

"Babe. I'm scared. Will you hold me?" I whispered and he flipped back towards me.

"I've got you babe," he hummed down my neck. I shuttered and connected our lips.

"You little sneaky mother f-" he started once he realized my plan.

"Goodnight baby," I laughed and kissed him. Our lips just sync so well together, neither of us pulled away. The kiss didn't get heated, it was just... Savoring.

"I hate you so much babe," Cody joked kissing me one last time before I drifted.

"Love you too baby."

!~* Cody's POV *~!

I woke up the next day to Alli singing to our daughter. I smiled as I watch this scene unfold.

"Good morning babe," I said walking over to her and kissing her cheek.

"Hi," she smiled and looked down at the floor shyly.

I laughed and kissed Kyden's little hands.

"Thanks to you, I'm gonna go take a cold shower, and uhh... Do my work out routine for my hand..." I trailed off and went to the bathroom leaving Alli laughing to herself.

I was in the shower for 10 minutes, not wanting to take too long. I pulled on my boxers before exiting. When came out, I heard Allison laugh as I took clothes out of my drawer. I whipped around, and saw him. Derek. He held our baby girl, while kissing my wife's neck.

"Derek baby, you were right all along," Allison said turning to Derek and placing another big wet kiss on his lips. I froze. Numb. I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't see anything. Nothing. She promised me she didn't feel anything for him. Where did all that go? I watched silently with my mouth hanging open, unable to process this.

"He loves me more than you Cody. I just realized that I actually do feel something for him. I still love him... I'm sorry, but me and my daughter are leaving," she sighed taking Kyden from Derek's hold.

"But- but- Allison..." I trailed off. I can't take what's going on right now.

"No Cody. This is best," she grinned. "Now him and I can be happy I'll always care for you, but he has my heart and I'm just now realizing!" I looked at her with hurt eyes, barely being able to see, due to the tears clouding my vision.

"Allison, please. Just come to me. Please," I pleaded. She shook her head, and ran down the stairs with Derek and Kyden. My whole world. It's gone. My life is done for. Everything that I've ever loved had vanished. Leaving me with nothing. No one.

A/N: * tear * comment, vote, do anything else. Not everything will be perfect, so that's why I wrote this chapter. But this book isn't over yet! I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve. This isn't the end for Cody, Kyden, and Allison. PLEASE DONT HATE ME. Just... Keep reading. Promise I won't disappoint. Next update maybe on: 10/3? Or maybe earlier. I just feel like I update too soon? Tell me how often I should update. I'm gonna start a new story in two weeks! It'll be BWWM, but a werewolf type too! I just need something different. I'll probably need a co-writer too, so inbox me! Love you guys!


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