Chapter 27: Sexy, Not Cute

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A/N: Sorry for taking so long! Please continue to read! Love y'all.


!~* Cody's POV *~!

Allison and I headed to my mom's house the next day to get Kyden.

"Hi baby!" My mom exclaimed pulling Allison in a hug.

"Hi momma K!" She responded enthusiastically, hugging mom tightly back. I smiled apparently being forgotten in the background.

"Cody," she smiled hugging me also pulling my head down to kiss my cheek.

We trailed into the sitting room, and my dad came in greeting Allison. He had Kyden and she was laughing at a face he made.

"So, when can we have another one?" My dad asked eagerly. My wife choked on her drink and I almost spit mine out.

"Dad, Kyden is barely four months old!" I chuckled and grabbed my daughter.

"Yeah dad, I don't think we'll be ready for awhile," Alli commented sweetly. Both of my parents laughed, then sighed.

"Okay, we'll just have to spoil our little Ky-bear! Isn't that right baby," my mom cooed and pinched her cheeks softy.

"Guys," my dad started. We both turned our attention to my father. "Well, as you know Kelly is pregnant... She wants to move back here in our house to make sure she has a safe pregnancy," he sighed. My dad and my sister were always close, hell, we all were. But when Kelly dated Joshua, a black guy, and they broke up, she lost it. She labeled all blacks, and even lost her bestfriend. After that, she came up to the law firm. My dad was representing a black guy, and she told him she wouldn't talk to him after that. Of course, my dad had the money, and she was in his house, so they talked sometimes. She changed after that breakup, and has never been the same.

"So, you're gonna let her?" I asked.

"Well, we were gonna talk to Allison. The last thing we need is hostility. I mean, let's be real here, Alli is doing a better job at being a daughter than Kelly! She cussed us out because we quote 'let you marry her'," my mom commented.

"Uhm, with all due respect Momma K and dad, she is your daughter. If anything, I would stay away from here. She's your blood, I just got adopted into this whole family. I love you guys, I really do, but I don't wanna come between this relationship. I don't want to be a home wrecker," Alli sighed moving underneath my arm that was slung over the couch.

"No, no, no! We want to see our daughter and our son, and our granddaughter as much as possible! We don't want you to just stop talking to us because of Kelly's ignorance," my dad spoke.

"Well, I don't care what Kelly does. As long as she doesn't disrespect my wife and our daughter, we'll be good. Hopefully we can go back to normal. She only has like what? A year left of college," I added.

"Oh, yeah... About that," my mom started. "She dropped out after she got pregnant. That whole plan was so stupid. Just so Jessica and Trent could get back at you, and she ruined her life. Over that stupid girl! I told you Cody, she was no good," my mom scolded.

"I know, I know. But I have my beautiful wife and baby now," I smiled at Alli and kissed her quickly.

"We're happy for you son. Glad you made the right decision. And as always, glad to have you back my daughter," dad said and stood as we left.

"We love you guys!" Alli called from the car waving as we drove off.

Alli took the backseat with our daughter, and I looked in my rearview to catch her staring at me.

"Whatcha lookin at babe?" I chuckled as I turned a corner. We were going to take family pictures.

"You. I can't believe I got lucky. And to think this all started in a history class," she laughed and Kyden joined in too. I don't know how, but I think she understands what we're saying sometimes.

"I know babe! That's crazy," I said and we made it to the destination. We all hopped out of the car, Kyden in my arms, as we trudge toward the building.

"Hi! My favorite people again!" The receptionist greeted. She was a heavier white lady, with red hair. She loved to see us come in to get pictures because of our race difference. They even added a big picture on the wall of all three of us. That was taken four months ago, the day Kyden was born.

"Hi Ms. Sheila," Alli smiled. "We need a 4 foot by 4 foot, and a 3 by 2 with some others," she finished politely and Sheila nodded.

"Right this way," she escorted us to the photography room. Since it was October, we chose a fall theme. We wore white and orange, while the background was leaves and pumpkins.

"So cute," Ms. Sheila commented as she left. Some people love my family and the differences in color, others didn't. We don't care though, because we love each other. Even Kyden smiles when people compliment us, and it's so sweet. All of us are different pigments, and that throws people off sometimes, until they figure it out. Don't get me wrong, there were some people like Kelly who don't accept. But there are others like Sheila and her husband, Jordan, who love our color mesh.

"Ahh, great to see you all," Jordan greeted. He's about 6'5, an inch taller than me. He had jet black wavy hair, and muscles bigger than mine. He was around 40 though, Alli told me she wanted me to look like him in 20 years. I just laughed it off, not thinking much of it.

"Always a pleasure to see you, Jordan," Alli flirted and I shot her a death look. She giggled, which softened my heart back. Her damn giggle. That sexy ass, distracting ass, cute ass giggle.

"Hey Jordan," I nodded and shook his hand.

We took a couple of pictures, changing outfits and scenery sometimes. I got a black and white one of me kissing my wife in the size of a wallet, so I can always see her beautiful face. I also had a colored one of Allison laughing with Kyden, and a one of all three of us. The one that caught my heart the most was the one of my two beautiful girls, laughing. Never in a billion years would I have thought I would be with Allison, married, with a child, a house, and both of us being 1/4 through college at only 18. (My birthday was last month, and hers was too).

"Allison," I started as we laid in my bed, Kyden playing between us.

"Yeah babe?" She replied.

"I love you so much. I know I say it a lot, but I mean it more and more each time I say it," I blushed and confessed. She stared at me blankly, studying my eyes before she replied.

"I love you too baby. A whole lot more than I could ever help you understand. Hell, I don't understand it myself. Just know if I had a million tongues, I still wouldn't be able to express my love for you," she smiled and kissed me sweetly. After she pulled away, I lifted Kyden in the air and she giggled.

"I love you too so much baby girl!" I yelled and Allison snapped a quick picture of us.

*~! Alli's POV !~*

I woke up to Kyden wailing, and jumped out of bed. She's such a good baby, and only cries when something's wrong. I stumbled into her room only to see that Cody had somehow beat me there.

"I thought you were sleep? I didn't even feel you wake up," I smiled as he fed our baby.

"Yeah, she's been acting like this for a while. I've tried everything," he sighed. I slipped her out of his arms and rocked her back and forth. I sang Titanium to her, and she hushed.

"How'd you do that?" He asked moving closer and wrapping his arms around me.

"She must've had a bad dream. She only cries like that when she has them, and only goes to sleep when I sing that afterwards," I peeked up at him.

"Oh," he replied leading me out to the living room. "You know, we have a movie room, and never use it. What do ya say? We'll make it a date?" He smirked as we walked into the kitchen.

"That sounds inviting. Especially with my cute husband," I giggled as I slapped his butt and he jumped.

"Sexy, not cute baby. Sexy... As fuck," he responded and I had a quiet fit of laughter, careful not to wake our daughter.

"Okay, sexy. Can we watch Lion King though?" I asked as he popped some popcorn.

"Yeah, whatever you want. Go lay her down and I'll grab some blankets. Whoever makes it there first gets to choose the next thing we do as our date. Deal?" He asked loudly, I guess bubbling over from excitement. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay baby. Deal," I giggled as I quickly walked to the nursery. I laid Kyden down and covered her with her with her favorite blanket her daddy bought. After I made sure she was safe, I bolted for the movie room where Cody was stretched out, shirtless. My breath hitched as my eyes scanned down his flexed body.

"Damn," I whispered. I don't think I accomplished by goal of keeping quiet, cause he chuckled.

"I work on it just for you baby," he smirked and patted his lap. I sat down, straddling him, and I could feel his arousal.

"You were so right," I whispered kissing him for a while.

"I don't know what I was right about, but I like being right," he whispered back huskily.

"You're sexy, not cute," I sighed and brought our lips together again.

"Shit," he said turning me around and pulling the lever to recline.

We started watching the movie, quoting most of it as it played.

"Oh I just can't wait to be king!" We both sang and laughed afterward. We watched the movie all the way through, noticing the sun rising.

"I have to go in today babe," Cody said as if he didn't want to tell me. I grunted in disappointment.

"Baaaaabe! I asked you yesterday if you had to work!" I whined burying my face in his chest. He rubbed my back and rocked me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell you last night cause we were having so much fun," he whispered and I pulled away.

"Are we forgetting that pact we made in the closet?" I asked shaking my head. "It's been a little over a year since we made that contract, and it's never been broken till now Cody!" I whined again.

"Sweetie, I know. I just- I wanted you to be happy. Now that you came back to me, all I can think about is making you happy," he said and kissed my forehead.

"You better be lucky I'm so in love with you," I scoffed trying to stand. Cody pulled me back down, but harder this time. I had my legs wrapped around his back.

"What's wrong?" I asked. I looked over at the clock, 7AM. Kyden should be up in 30 minutes.

"I uhm, I can't go to work like this," he blushed and looked down. I snickered at his package, obviously he was turned on.

"Well, we have a little time before Kyden wakes up?" I slid my finger down his bare chest.

"Oh do we now? What about that no sex thing we agreed to the other day?" He smirked and grasped my lips.

"We broke that two seconds after we made it! We both need a shower. Why not get it over and done with? And if we happen to have sex..."

"Then it just happens... We have no power over that right?" He asked and stood up, carrying me and running to the bathroom.

"No power over it at all," I finally answered switching on the shower.

"Damn babe. I gotta go. I love you, so much. Tell my baby I love her and give her a kiss," Cody instructed as he headed out the door.

"I love you too, and I will," I answered. He turned around one last time kissing me deeply, plunging his tongue into my throat. I responded for such a short time before he pulled away with the biggest smile ever.

"It's so good to have you back," he breathed into my hair as he hugged me tightly.

"Glad to be back. You better go, I'll call you in a little bit," I sighed, not wanting him to leave.

"Mmk, see ya! Love you babe," he said sliding into his car before I could respond.

A/N: Please vote and comment! Please continue to read Marked and Mated! Love y'all!


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