Dream Catch Me - Chapter Seven

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I knew it. I knew something like this would happen, yet I was still surprised when it came around. I heavily considered just saying, "Oh sorry, is that the bell? I should go.." before fleeing the scene. The evil smirk plastered on his face convinced me otherwise as I'm sure something worse would have happened if I didn't do what he told me to. So I walked into his class as he held the door behind me. If I want scared then I was definitely scared now as I heard the turning of a lock, locking me in, and other people out.

The smirk never left his face as he took a seat at his desk spinning slightly on the chairs rolling wheels. I always loved those chairs, the thrill of zooming around and around never died. Although deep down I knew something was going to happen with Mr. Lewis, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Would he threaten me? Hurt me? Or even worse, try to seduce me like his other students. Even if Mr. Lewis wasn't a teacher, he would still be considered extremely creepy, and now that he is a teacher and using his teaching role to 'pick up chicks' is is a million times worse. I'm not too bothered by the student teacher relationship, but I know that he has no heart. There is no love in him, just a gaping black hole where his heart would be.

He was silent for a couple of minutes, the ticking of the clock filling the deathly silence. I knew he was doing it on purpose too, trying to create some suspense and keep me scared. Suddenly his voice filled the air, a booming bass of a voice.

"I know what you saw. Tell me, what did you see?" he queried in his annoying Spanish accent. At least I think it was Spanish.

"Nothing!" I quickly squeaked out, angry at myself for showing the fear he was looking for. I hugged my arms around me as if trying to hold myself together and have some sort of comfort.

"That's the answer I was looking for after I had finished with you.. Hmmm..." he pondered, with his chin in his hands, slowly stroking his thick stubble.

Where was that bell? I needed the bell! Then I really would be 'Saved By the Bell'. Unfortunately it didn't come when I prayed for it, instead Mr. Lewis approached me standing confidently about 5 inches away from me.

"Now, Miss Jane Reddington.." He knew my name, he was only acting before! Well of course he would've, it doesn't seem like this school gets many new students at all. He continued, "We may have a situation here for the both of us if this 'nothing' gets out," using air quotes to emphasise the answer I had given him earlier. I stared straight into his eyes, they were like two black holes sucking me in but not for a good reason. He was crossing my personal boundaries by a million times, so much so that I could smell the bacon he had for breakfast on his sickly warm breath I could feel on my face. I bet he ate some small children with his meal this morning.

He stepped closer, causing me to stand back and this continued until I was pushed up against the wall next to the locked door. Mr. Lewis places both his hands beside my head against the wall, trapping me in with no romantic feeling at all! I was extremely scared now, if he was willing to cross the student teacher boundary so freely, I didn't know what other boundaries he was easily willing to cross.

"Don't. Tell. Anyone." he said, emphasising each word with stab of his finger into my shoulder, my bad shoulder, causing me to wince. I noticed a spark of curiosity light up his eyes and his hand moved from beside my head to my shoulder. He pulled my jumper and jacket to the side, exposing a large bruise from my mother. Two teachers in one day finding out about my injuries was not a good way to start a new school.

"Seems like someone already BEAT me to it! Let that be a warning to you." he spat out, literally. It was then the bell decided to fill the class, allowing me to finally notice the sound of shuffling feet and teenage gossip filling the corridor on the other side of the door. A hand rattled on the handle followed by a knock. He stepped away from me and unlocked the door and opened it, where there stood the blonde. The blonde that he was doing the dirty with yesterday. I wonder if she was the same as the one who walked out of his class this morning?

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