Dream Catch Me - Chapter Nineteen

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"Jane?" Just like yesterday I was woken by Joe shaking my shoulder. "Mmm," I grumbled back unable to form words just yet, who even knew what the time was! "Come on! Get up!" he demanded. Geez he was bossy in the morning! I rolled out of the bed and my feet touched the soft carpeted floor. This was a stark contrast to home where my feet are almost frost bitten by the frozen wooden floor. Home. I'd have to go back today, and I hope I can stay out of trouble, or Mother's way. I walked along the carpet, my toes enjoying the soft fibres between my toes, I never knew the floor could feel this good.

When I got to the kitchen I found Joe making tea and toast. He looked up when I entered and smiled. "Morning miss sleepy head! Tea and toast coming right up!" I rolled my eyes at his attitude. "How can you be this awake?" I asked.

"Well I'll admit that 5.30 is pretty early, but what do they say? Early bird catches the worm?" Joe was too cheery for words. I rolled my eyes but did a double take, 5.30? "Why so early!" I demanded, no one else would be up at this time and I felt it was slightly unnatural to be awake when the sun wasn't up yet.

"Firstly, you have homework don't you? I know because I set it for you." I bit my lip, thinking at what I had to do. "A worksheet right?" I asked. He nodded and walked out of the kitchen to the lounge and came back a second later holding my bag I had taken to work yesterday. I had remembered putting some homework things in there to do on my break, but I guess I never really got around to it, especially because I was hanging with Jaz then. I groaned and snatched the bag from him. I fetched out the worksheet and got to work straight away. Although Joe was standing right in front of me, I didn't need any help from him, this homework was easy. I finished it in less than 10 minutes and pulled out the other homework I had, I produced my sketch book and flipped the page open, remembering that Mrs Flanagan had told me to practice and has set it a portrait as homework.

Joe was sitting in front of me sipping at his tea and watching me work, the perfect opportunity to do that portrait. I flipped open the sketch book and turned the pages. Stopping briefly on the one I had done in class. I looked at the lines, the sketched eyes, my hair and my upturned mouth. I smiled at the picture, I guess that's what I looked like when I was smiling.

"That's beautiful," I jumped at Joe voice from over my shoulder. He was standing behind me and looking over my shoulder at my sketch. I wasn't sure if he was talking about the sketch and my shoddy job at drawing or the picture itself.

"Yeah well thanks, the teacher said my drawing was good." I responded, a little embarrassed to blow my own trumpet as they say.

"I wasn't talking about the drawing Jane." he spoke and moved away from me to the sink. Inadvertently he had just called me beautiful. Those words were like the sunshine on the stormy day and the warmth to a blizzard. Not since my dad left have I been called beautiful, not from my mother at least. There was the occasional creepy guy who called me beautiful for a quick hook up while passing on the street.

Joe sat down across from me and sat there looking at me expectantly before I finally asked him,

"Can I draw you?" a wide smile stretched across his face which I took as a yes. Whenever I saw him, Joe always seemed to have that smile on his face but I could also see that he was suppressing something that made the pain in his eyes shine brighter. I could guess that it had something to do with his parents, I've never seen them and he has never mentioned them so I could really only assume something had happened to them. Joe picked up the newspaper and started flicking through the pages while I drew his square jaw, his flowing hair and the sparkle in his eyes. I was at it for quite a while and was almost done when Joe spoke.

"Hey look here!" he showed me the paper and pointed to an advertisement. "The shop next door to the book store is for sale, I guess old Jenkins finally decided to put it up for sale."

"What do you think will go in there?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure it probably won't sell quickly, there aren't many people here who could take on the shop." he explained. "Anyway, what do I look like?" he asked peering over the top of my paper trying to catch a glimpse.

I turned my paper around and showed him, gauging his reaction as he took in his portrait. His eyes filled with something that I could really only describe as wonderment. He stared at it, studying the sketchy artistic lines that I had drawn in haste and the picture that showed him how I perceived his appearance. I sat there fidgeting with my fingers waiting for him to say something.

"That's amazing Jane, it actually looks like me.." he trailed off staring at the picture again. I picked up my mug and grabbed his, taking them to the sink to rinse out.

"Have you thought of doing art as a degree? At university?" he asked as I put the mugs into the soapy water and started to scrub them. I stopped and looked at him, was he serious?

"No." I said bluntly. "Firstly art is something I'm not good at and two, I can't afford university." it was true, even with a student loan I would be paying that off until the day I died, and they wouldn't allow me a great allowance because of the income of my family being low.

"You can't get financial aid you know, to help you through uni." he says.

"I still don't think I could get into a university, I'm not smart enough." I said. Joe sighed heavily, ready to give up on this conversation because I was being stubborn.

"Just promise me you'll go to the open day for the university in the next town over this. I'll take my whole geography class too, it'll be good for them." I sighed in response.

"I'm giving no promises Joe. One day you'll realise that helping me isn't worth your time and you'll eventually give up, like everyone has." I stormed off into the bathroom leaving a gaping Joe behind me. I washed my face and brushed my teeth with the spare toothbrush I found. My teeth didn't feel clean enough, but after some floss and mouth wash I finally felt fresh as no trace of breakfast could remain in my teeth. That was a pet hate of mine, having food stuck in your teeth. I tried to stay away from food that did that, apples, spinach, crackers. Most food to be honest, but old habits die hard.

I walked into the bedroom to find my clothes had been laid out, clean from yesterday. I smiled a little at the thoughtfulness of Joe, he didn't have to wash my clothes but he did. I could've done them though, I've been doing my family's washing for years now, since I could reach in and out of the washing machine!

"You won't be smiling for long.." I heard Joe from behind me. I turned around to see him leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed. It brought out his perfectly tones biceps in his T-shirt, the olive skin making me want to run my hands over it. Jane, I warned myself, keep you mind clean.

"What do you mean? Is this the part when you finally reveal to me that your an creepy teacher serial killer and it's time for my death?" I asked with a smirk. He chuckled a little but still felt uncomfortable, perhaps he was offended by me thinking he was a creepy teacher. He stopped leaning and stood up straight and looked to his fidgeting hands.

"Ah well, you see. I may or may not have ruined your top while washing it. I put it in the tumble dryer and it may have shrunk." he said. He was looking extremely guilty and was expecting to be told off like a little schoolboy. Instead I just laughed. I mean how couldn't I? Joe had taken me into his home, paid for my hospital bill and given me a safe place to stay the night. Yet he was afraid I would be mad for him ruining my top?

"I didn't like that top anyway," I assured him. "But I've got a problem, I've got no top to wear and I don't feel like going topless to school today," I said. Joe blushed a little probably at my mention of 'topless' but I guess boys will be boys. He turned on his heel and went to his room, but a second later he returned holding a couple of shirts.

"Now," he said in a slightly camp sounding voice, "you can go for the dress shirt? The long sleeve? Or one of the T-shirts. Personally I think the T-shirts would complement your looks perfectly darling!" I was laughing hard by the time he had finished talking. I was clutching my side as the broken ribs wanted to remind me that they were still broken and laughing.

"Oh god, are you okay?" Joe flustered. "I didn't mean to hurt you." he look bewildered, standing there holding various shirts. It was just cause to make me laugh harder. My tears of laughter had dried up and we were both standing there a bit awkwardly. Joe with a look of concern and me trying to catch my breath.

I pointed to a blue T-shirt with some writing on, "I'll just wear that one," I said taking it from his hand."Thanks." he turned to walk out of the room and said, "We'll leave in 20 minutes," shutting the door behind him. 20 minutes later Joe knocked on the door, "Jane?" he asked, his voice muffled through the wooden door. "Time to go, I can't be late and neither can you. Geography first today." I sighed and got up from where I was on the bed. I grabbed my bag and opened the door. Joe was now dressed in a white dress shirt and an olive green tie that made his eyes stand out. His dress pants were dressed down by his converse. We went out to his car and I jumped in the passenger seat, I had sat here too many times now.

"Do you think you can drop me home first?" I asked hopefully as Joe started to drive. "Why would you want that?" he retorted. I was taken back by his bitter response. Nervously I said, "My.. My school books. And aah I don't have any makeup on." He scowled a little deeper. It wasn't the response he had been hoping to hear but after looking at my yellowing bruise on my face he thought differently.

"Only if you are 10 minutes and I can wait outside for you. I don't want anything to happen to you." he sighed a little and his hands tightened around the steering wheel of the car.

"You don't know what you're talking about.." I spoke quietly as if I'd didn't want him to hear it.

"How could you say that Jane?!" Joe shouted but the sound was amplified by the small space. "I know what's going on, even if you don't tell me I can figure it out. I was the one who took you to hospital remember? So don't act like I'm oblivious to what's going on."

The rest of the journey to my house was silent, but I could still tell that Joe was not happy. His hands were still clenched and a scowl was still on his brow. We arrived at my house and I jumped from the car as Joe shouted, "I'm coming in after 10 minutes!" I rolled my eyes, he was too protective of someone he barely knew.

I entered the door to be met with a deadly silence. No shower running or kettle boiling. No one was home, and I took comfort in knowing that I was safe for now. As well as having Joe outside. I walked up to my room, stepping away from the squeaky floorboards out of habit. My Mother has super-sonic hearing, one squeak of those floorboards could anger her so much I wouldn't see the next day. However most of the time she was passed out drunk, too unconscious to hear me. I still took caution whenever I walked around the house though. It wasn't so much a home, it used to be. Back when my Dad was around, but he took the life out of the house and with him. Along with my childhood and happiness.

I trailed down the hallway, not a single photograph or picture in sight. Except one, it was getting a little frayed at the edges and it was Alex. He was about 12 years old and holding up a trophy after his final soccer game. I don't know my Brother at all. We may have grownup together but that was it. I didn't even know his hobbies, what he did as a job or where he spent most of his time. Did he have a girlfriend? I realise now that I'm older that I have missed all of these things because my Mother turned him against me. We used to be really close. Alex used to look out for me, but it changed quickly when my dad left. I wish I could go back to those times, but instead I'm stuck here, creeping around my own house scared of being caught. With no one to love or to love me.

I got to my room and opened the door, everything was as I left it and relief washed over me. One time I came home to find my room completely trashed and the fear of that happening has never left me. I never knew for sure who did it, but Mother knew I would never run and tell anyone.

My ribs were still hurting, but the pain killers were helping the sharp stabbing pain to a more dull version. My body healed fast, not unusual for someone who was used to the degree of which I hurt myself.

I fetched my school bag and put all my homework and books in, the 10 minutes Joe had given me were counting down and I rushed to do everything I had to. I put my make up on, mascara, foundation the works. By the time I had finished I didn't have enough time left to change before he finally decided to come storming in so I picked up my bag and left in a hurry. I locked the door behind me and rushed out to his car. The window was open so i leaned in.

"I can walk if you want, it's not that far. And I want to go got Al's." I offered.

"Well Jane, it wouldn't be a morning without a trip to Al's would it? Jump in, I'm going there." he ordered. I slipped into the car and he turned the engine on. We drove off for the short ride to Al's in silence. Joe had calmed down when we pulled into a park around the corner from Al's where it would be likely that anyone would spot us. It was only 8.00am and we still had a little time before we had to be at school. We walked into Al's to be greeted by the welcoming warmth of our favourite cafe.

"Go sit down," I ordered. "I'll get your coffee." He was about to protest before I added, "You've done more than enough, this is the least I can do to repay you." I turned back to the counter and heard him stalk away to our spot at the back in the couches.

I saw Jaz walk up to me to take my order, "Hey Jaz, two coffees please." I asked politely. "Sure thing, coming right up." She replied and went off to make the coffees. Jaz came back a few minutes later with two mismatched mugs. I took them off her but before I left I said,

"Hey! Remember lunch today right?" I smiled hopefully and she nodded in response, "Can't wait. Library right?" She replied. I nodded and smiled before taking the drinks back to Joe. I handed him one and place the other on the table in front of me to get comfortable on the couch.

I turned to Joe and spoke sincerely. "Joe, thanks for letting me stay at your house last night. I'm not sure what would've happened if I went home. So thanks. But don't take that as me telling you that you know what's going on. You may think you know, but you really don't." In fact he did know. I was almost certain he had cracked it, but I was too afraid to let him mess up my life, make it worse somehow. Although it would be very hard to do that now seeing as I am pretty much at rock bottom, I didn't want to disturb the system I had going on.

"That's okay Jane, but just so you know, I am here if you ever need someone okay? Think of me as a friend and not as your teacher. I'm only what? 5 years older than you? So we're basically bffs." Joe had a knack of lightening the mood, and I was grateful for the change in subject. It was hard for me to accept help, let alone be grateful for it.

We drank our coffees in record time, conscious that we had to get to school. Joe and I still managed to have a long conversation about movies though.

"How can you not like Comedies?" I argued, I was outraged. A great comedy, of the ones I've seen always managed to lift my spirits, even if it was just for the hour and a half they lasted for. Joe was laughing at me getting so worked up about this.

"I just prefer the adventure movies!" he protested. I rolled my eyes, but I was smiling at the same time.

"You're such as guy!" I said, finally giving up on trying to see why he didn't like a comedy movie.

"And you're such a girl. I bet you're really into to Romantics. Am I right? Don't bother denying it, I know you are!" Joe said in a teasing voice.

"You're right Joe. I do love the romantics. I love seeing how a love can be so pure and beautiful and I hope that one day I can have a love like that. While it may be unlikely those movies soften my heart just a little bit and make me think it may be possible for me to love or to be loved." I was serious now, and Joe realised that quickly as his teasing expression sobered up into a more neutral one. I was looking down now, slightly ashamed I had shared so much. With my teacher too!

"Jane, it's okay to be afraid of love. You'll get it one day, I can guarantee that. There is no way that no one could not love you. Could have you in your life and not have feelings for you." He said. I tried to decipher what he was saying but all I really heard was 'You'll get it one day'. And I hoped it was true.

I stayed silent and gulped down the rest of my coffee. I abruptly stood up and said, "Thanks again Joe. I'll walk to school now with Jaz, I'll see you first period." I smiled to give him reassurance I was okay, I didn't talk about my feelings or what was happeneing in my brain that much so I was embarrassed at my over-sharing.

I walked up to the counter to see if Jaz was around and luckily I saw her exiting the kitchen with her back pack on and with an apron. "Hey!" I called out to her. "Want to walk to school together?" I asked her as she stepped out from behind the counter that separated us.

"Ah well, you see I have the car so if you wanted a ride I can take you?" she asked a little nervously.

"Sounds great!" I assured her and we walked out the front of Al's. Jaz lead me to a red 1930s convertible that just screamed Jazz as well as Jaz. "Nice car! I commented and she unlocked it. I got into the passenger seat to see the car was immaculate, not a crumb nor smudge in sight. I made sure to make as little mess or dirt in the car as possible.

"Thanks! It was my dad's but he gave it to me as a present for my birthday last year. So, next stop school!" she laughed lightheartedly. I could see that Jaz was going to be a fun friend. It was a quiet ride until she brought up an awkward topic.

"So I don't want to make you upset or anything, but what are you doing with Mr Hunter?" she asked. I was taken aback a little but didn't hesitate to answer an answer I had mentally been preparing myself for.

"Well we work together at the book store around the corner from Al's. He is a fun guy and more like a friend, but I still see him as my teacher. Don't worry, there's nothing else going on." I assured her with a grin.

"I see.." she wasn't quite convinced, maybe it was the grin that over did it. I rolled my eyes and looked at her smirk, she obviously thought there was something else happening.

"Look, I swear you this. Because you seem like you are going to be a great friend, I promise that if anything happens, and it won't, but if anything does I will tell you about it. Ok?" I bargained with her. She chuckled a little and spoke with her eyes in the road, "Jane, I think this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship. There hasn't been someone like you for a long time at school. No one worth talking to, until now."

I smiled, happy I was considered 'worth talking to'. We arrived at school and pulled into a parking space.

"Thanks for the ride Jaz!" I said and we both got out. "No problem, anytime." she replied as we both made our way to geography.

The bell rung throughout the school just as we opened the door to geography and we were greeted by Mr Hunter - as he now was known as in class time. "Ladies," he said greeting us as we sat in our seats in the middle of the class and waited until everyone was seated.

Mr Hunter stood at the front of the class waiting for our attention. When everyone had finally gone silent he spoke up.

"I hope everyone had a great weekend, mine wasn't too shabby.." He looked straight at me, but I couldn't tell by his stony composure whether or not he was joking and his weekend was horrible, or if he was serious and it was actually okay, despite my bad company.

"We're going to jump right into class work today, as you know you are having your exams in a couple of weeks and we have to start this topic before you are assessed." Mr Hunter started handing out sheets of paper labeled 'development'. When he reached me, he seemed to linger a bit. He didn't touch me or get that close to me, but he definitely lingered. I shrugged it off, thinking nothing of it.

Development, all about poverty and the standard of living. I guess I could shed some light on the reality of standard of living in our town as I am part of the minority that live in poverty. Teachers always did this. They always start a topic just before we are assessed on our exams, giving us less time to study for the other topics yet thinking we a going to pass the subject. I guess it doesn't matter where you move to, teachers are always the same. Including Mr Hunter.

"Before I forget, tomorrow we are going on a class trip. You've been excused from your afternoon classes so I can take you to the university in Cantebury. It's a great school and I think it'll help a lot of you for when deciding what to do when you leave high school" Joe looked pointedly at me, as if he was telling me and not the whole class. I sighed, Joe had gotten his way. Despite telling him I couldn't afford it and wasn't smart enough for university, he went right ahead and did it anyway.

There were a few more awkward glances and eye contacts between Joe and I throughout geography, and I think Jaz was catching on to something. She squinted her eyes and scrutinised every move Joe made in the class. She still wasn't fully convinced that there was nothing between him and I even though I had told her there wasn't.

At the end of class, we packed our things and walked to biology. I wonder that if Jaz somehow has thought that something is going on between Joe and I, then she may be able to tell about Mr Lewis too. I cannot be the only one that gets a weird feeling whenever he's around. We walked into biology to be greeted once again by a teacher.


Hey! So what do you think of Jaz so far? I think I like her...
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