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I wake up sweating in the night again, my heart racing and tears sticking to my face and immediately I know I've relapsed. It could take anything to make me relapse, big or small it didn't matter; seeing a young teenage girl and her boyfriend, or reading about crimes in the paper. Anything. I started to shiver, even in the warm summer air. I couldn't shake the thoughts running through my head and my heart raced faster as flashes came back to me, haunting me. A scream almost escaped my lips but he was there just in time.

I felt a strong and warm arm pull me towards him, as he flipped me around for us to face each other. I stared into those jade green eyes, remembering the very first day I had laid eyes in him. As we lay there, he didn't say a word, but just gave me a deep looking of understanding. Through that I gained strength, I forgot about the relapse and focused on his adoring love. He had always loved me like he promised, every day and night since the fateful incident only two years ago. Every day, every single day, he was there as I recovered. Not necessarily helping me forget about it, but making me remember what I had and what I was worth. After all, he had experienced part of it too.

Even after two years my heart always raced when he was around. When he would come home from work, or meet me for lunch, Joe made me feel like the most special girl in the world. Every day he told me he loved me, every morning when we woke up he'd make sure I was still there and hadn't been taken, like his usual nightmares. We both had insecurities, as does every couple. But ours didn't seem to run as deep. We had both gone through so much more than your average couple and we refused to let ourselves believe we would give up on what we had. We loved each other, simple as that.

It didn't matter how much we loved each other when it couldn't deter from the pity looks we got, the disgusted looks of those who didn't approve of our relationship and the haunting horror the town held. Even after moving away into the busy city, I was still haunted of what had happened. When I walked past the shop, or saw a group of my classmates I was sent into a blubbering mess of anxiety. It was a psychiatrist who had first suggested to move away, and we did just that.

Joe sold his share of Walton's to Alex, insisting he didn't want it or need it anymore, and it was his now that June had passed and left him the shop. I hadn't gone to June's funeral as it was the time I was still recovering and restrcited to the upstairs of the house. It was a time in our relationship that really tested us, but I had to forget about my problems to be there for Joe as he tried to comprehend his loss.

The obstacles we encoutnered only made us stonger, and together we faced the world as a couple and never let each other go. We were unsur of a lot of things, if Joe would get a new job, if I would pass my uni exams or if we would get the new house. But one thing we were sure of was each other, as we held hands walking down the street, as we painted our new house and as we took on the world together.




Just a note - I'm going to come back and fix things up and add more stuff but at the moment I have to study for my exams and I wanted to get this done! So here it is. I hope you all enjoyed it! By the way, check out my new novel 'Golden Promises'! UNLESS YOU'RE ALEX, THEN DON'T.


Dream Catch Me (Student/Teacher) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin