Dream Catch Me - Chapter Nine

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Please enjoy this chapter and vote to show how much you may enjoy it :) oh and I'm trying to make the chapters a bit longer, they seem to be quite a pathetic length..


Even someone who didn't know me, someone who had never met me or even heard of my name who know how awkward I felt in his class from a million miles off. It's not that he kept looking at me but the complete opposite! Not once did he gaze or even so much as glance in my direction.

Don't get me wrong, I like it that way by being under the radar. But it seemed like I was so far under his radar where he didn't look at me, but by doing that I was directly on his radar. Like the sonar beep on a submarine. Like metal in a metal detector. And like a bomb on airport security. Thus, making me feel extremely awkward. However despite his nonexistent looks I managed to complete my work, a 2 page essay on the proposed new tunnel going in just in the next town over. I'll admit it wasn't my best work but come on! I was distracted! As soon as the bell rang for lunch I quickly packed up my books in my bag and basically sprinted out the door, not sparing a last glance to Mr. Hunter.

It was always that last glance that got me, the glance when we first saw each other, the glances during class and always the departing glances. They spoke more than we did. It expressed our curiosity on both sides, not an attracted kind of curiosity but a curiosity of each others stories. I was curious about the pain behind his eyes, the smile that never quite reached his eyes. And no doubt he was curious about the bruises. Those damn bruises.

I ran or more walked now i had escaped out to the cafeteria and grabbed a salad and water before I headed to the library. I was yet to search out their library but from what I've heard in gossip form, THE place to be is definitely NOT in the library. I rounded a corner only to find a similar scene from them previous day. An attractive bimbo walking out from Mr. Lewis' classroom, adjusting her belt of a skirt as she exited and fluffing up her already wild what I can only assume to be 'sex hair'.

Not wanting to be spotted I jumped into the nearest classroom, slowly letting the latch click closed with a soft 'tick!'. I peered through the small window with the safety wire between the glass noticing that the bimbo had moved on.

I felt a breath on my neck, sending an unwelcome shudder down my spine all the way to my toes causing me to drop my salad and ater bottle to the ground, lettuce leaves scattered on the linoleum classroom floor.

"Couldn't stay away could we? I knew you wanted some extra... How should I put it... 'biology tutoring'," the slimy accented voice said behind me, accentuating on the last two words. His innuendo was disturbing and caused me to spin quickly on my heels. With a quick glance around the room, I realised I had come directly into Mr. Lewis' personal office, the one attached to his classroom.

How could I be so stupid! While trying to escape the ever following sleazy Mr. Lewis, I inadvertently walked right into what I was trying to avoid. His presence. I was sick of this. I was used to being pushed around at my old school, and I was hoping that at this new school I would be able to reinvent the old Jane, to one who actually has a backbone.

Thinking of this, and no thinking of the consequences, I stood up a little taller and said,

"You should watch what you do with your students Mr. Lewis. I was willing to let it go if it were real love,mic you really felt something genuine for her, but the revolving door to your office/sex room has told me otherwise. And the sleazy voice too."

Immediately after I uttered the first few words I realised the consequences for my speech, but I wasn't going to back down. He had to be put in his place. Except it seemed like he was just about to do the same. Mr. Lewis shoved me up against the wall next to the door, a familiar position from just a day ago, except this time, he wasn't smiling, not even a small smirk was shown. His black hole and souless eyes burned with fury, a type of anger that should only be reserved for real disasters or threats. I never once in my 17 years of existence would have though that someone would have to use that much anger as they saw ME, plain Jane as a threat. To be perfectly honest, I was quite smug knowing I could evoke such emotions from someone outside my family.

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