Dream Catch Me - Chapter Thirty Two

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I woke up. Nothing remotely extreme triggered it, no sounds of the singing, chirping birds or blaring alarm clocks. I just simply woke up. The bed, whilst comfortable underneath me was strangely different yet somehow familiar, as if I had been on it once before. As was the decorative ceiling and fancy chandelier. My mind was foggy and details of how I got where I was were missing from my memory but I didn't question it as the silence in the room was comforting and felt safe.

The curtains of the room were ajar and a slight warm breeze was blowing through an open window, still silent. The few rays of sunshines were spilling onto the carpet and giving the room a small amount of light to see by. I could tell it was late morning, the lack of cars and the sunlight a dead giveaway to the time.

"Jane." A deep, manly voice gained my attention from the doorway. I turned my head, wincing as my stiff neck creaked. "Careful." The voice said again. My slightly fuzzy eyes from what I guess must've been a deep sleep focused on the looming figure standing in the doorway. Joe was leaning against the wall casually, wearing a pair of jeans, a polo and some flip-flops. I recognised his blonde hair and stubble, the chin and cheek bones that were sharp and handsome but most of all his jade, green eyes. Even in an ill lit bedroom, he could still take my breath away. He stood confidently, yet his face betrayed his stance. He looked worried and concerned as he stared down at me in the bed. "Don't move just yet," he advised and moved away from the door to kneel close beside my bed. I stayed where I was, lying comfortably on my back and slightly propped up with a few pillows.

"Do you remember what happened?" he asked, looking for signs of a head injury or memory loss. I nodded my head, neck creaking again, as I recalled another 'incident' with my mother. But this one was the last one. The last beating and round of abuse I'd have to endure. I smiled happily and reached out for his hand, untucking my arms from the several covers in the process. "I feel great. On top of the world." I assured him, giving his hand a comforting squeeze that was supposed to convince him I was absolutely fine.

"How can you be so fine with it Jane?" Joe ripped his hand from mine, leaving my hand awkwardly at my side. He started pacing across the bedroom. "Your mother, your own flesh and blood beat her own daughter to a point where you passed out from the pain! I definitely am not fine with it. You need to call the police or child services. Yes! Child serv-"

"No!" I interrupted him loudly, pulling him from his rampage. I tried to tenderly explain, "Joe. Firstly this is my problem, not yours. But secondly, alerting child services will mean I go into foster care because I'm not technically old enough to live on my own. Not to mention it would give reason for Mother to come after us." he sighed heavily but stayed quiet, seeing my perspective made him rethink. "Anyway, that was the last time I'd have to see her." I reached out and touched his shoulder gently as he knelt back down.

"I'm free."


I stayed in that comfortable bed all day, but after Joe's tantrum he ordered me to go back to sleep and not to move. I gladly did as he said and speedily fell asleep in the comfort of his bedroom, inhaling the smell of him that surrounded me. I woke up not long after lunch and was greeted with Joe sitting in the chair near the bay window, holding a tray. Noticing I had woken, he jumped up and gently placed the wooden tray down on my lap, telling me to eat up.

"I guess you have a few questions?" he asked already knowing the answer, making it more of a suggestion than a question. I nodded as I picked up the sandwich, one of many different foods on the tray. "How did I get here?" I asked firstly, already thinking I had a basic idea. Before he could start I rethought my question, "Actually, just tell me what happened from when I passed out." he nodded slowly, I could see from his stiffened shoulders he didn't want to revisit what happened last night. But because I was asking, he was willing to do it for me.

"Okay, but I'm not going into much detail. Basically Alex called me frantically asking for my help. I came as quick as I could and saw you on the floor, Alex beside himself, your mother strapped to a bed and blood splattered on the floor. I freaked out a little bit, but went over to you. Alex told me what happened in very few words but I got the main gist of it. Anyway, you were out cold, stuff was everywhere and I needed to get you out before your mother would wake up. Alex and I gently carried you downstairs to lay on the couch and away from your mother for safety.

I know it may seem a little stupid now, especially now watching you recover, but we both figured that we didn't want to come back. So while we tended to you a little bit, placing ice on your wounds and bruises we had to get your stuff out of there. Alex and I packed box after box into the back seat of my car, and his car until both rooms were virtually empty.

We packed away the beds quickly and tied them onto the trailer. Well Alex did that while I lifted you into my car, to sit in the front seat. we transferred the trailer to Alex's car and after we decided what to do, he drove back to your new apartment to unload the stuff while I brought you here."

I didn't really have a response, but one question was burning in my mind, "What happened to Mother?" he chuckled in a sarcastic manner, amused by my concern for her despite what she did to me. "We unstrapped her and left her on the floor, but we took the belt. Alex said it was his favourite." I chuckled, knowing exactly that it was a classic Alex move. Joe ordered me to eat more of the food but I stopped as I had more questions, these relating more to where I was in relation to his house.

"Why am I in your bedroom?" he sucked in a small breath nervously, but quickly answered. Saying it was the closest room the the front door and the bed was built lower. He was right about the bed, but not so much the room position. I brushed it off, not wanting to make a deal out of it. Who cares anyway, I enjoyed the masculine smell of Joe in his room. Manly.

My food was forced down my throat, along with a whole bottle of water and some pain relief. Being ordered back to sleep after a huge lunch and medication was not a difficult task and I found myself drifting off, noticing Joe was still sitting in the chair. I woke again, but immediately knew there was someone else in the house. I could hear two male voices, yet both too deep to understand what was being mumbled between them.

Footsteps belonging to the voices entered the room. "Hey!" I greeted cheerfully, trying to rid the awfully dark shadow that seemed to be following me. Alex walked over to me and sat on a chair next to the bed. He had tears in his eyes that glistened in the sunlight from the now opened curtains and a look of sympathy mixed with regret. Just like my own in a situation like this, his lip started to quiver and he tried desperately to hold on to some sanity and strength.

"I'm so sorry Jane! I should've got you out sooner, and saved you sooner. I should've done something. I shoul-"

"Stop!" I had to interrupt him rudely before he started to break down and pass the point of no return. "Look Alex, I'm absolutely fine. Like I told Joe. I don't blame you for anything that happened, I'm just grateful you stepped in when you did. Now can we drop it? Because firstly I'm getting bored of talking about this, and secondly. I'm hungry."

I ranted and ordered until I was almost red in the face, yet I felt better with a weight lifted off my shoulders. The mood in the room lightened a little at my half hearted attempt at a joke. Alex wiped his eyes and composed himself after being told off my his little sister. "Okay then Sis, what do you want to eat?" he grinned and stood up.

I sent Alex off to get me food from Al's. I know I said I wanted to drop the whole 'incident' yet who said I couldn't milk it for a bit longer? In the meantime I had to get up from the bed, I was going stir crazy. So when Joe went out for some errands and ordered me to stay in bed, obviously I didn't. I slowly rolled out of the bed, trying to ignore the pains and placed my two feet firmly on the ground. I started to walk a little unsteadily on my feet towards the kitchen but eventually managed to find my sense of balance.

I felt more independent, fetching my own glass of water and being able to go to the toilet without someone waiting outside the door for me. I wandered into Joe's study and carefully sat down on the plump couch. The paperwork had been cleared away and filed I hope, so I was able to see the carpeted floor. I reached for the guitar behind the door I had played once before and started to pluck out different tunes. I wasn't quite sure what I was playing, but it felt good to hear something other than concerned voices and demands.

I drifted off into another world, absorbed by the random tunes I picked on Joe's guitar. I must've been daydreaming so much I didn't hear the door open and close and footsteps following the music. "I told you to stay in bed." Joe startled me as he stood near the door watching me. Except I had stopped now, scared out of my wits by suddenly seeing a large man standing at the door.

"What are you going to do about it?" I challenged him with a smirk, placing down the guitar next to me on the couch. Joe stalked closer to me and muttered, "You'll see." before he scooped his arms under my knees and behind my back, picking me up in his arms. I froze up as I suddenly became aware of his chest against my body and his breathe blowing slightly on my face as he lugged me up the stairs. I couldn't fight him as he was too strong, and i also didnt have the strength in me to do so. He placed me back on his bed gently, as not to hurt me.

"Wow," I said sarcastically. "You really showed me." He chuckled and slid his arms out from underneath me, leving a sort of coldness when he let go. He walked around to the other side of the bed and suddenly dropped down violently, sending me up into the air slightly. I yelped as my stomach muscles contracted and pain spread. "Oh, I'm sorry Jane." He said sarcastically. I scowled at him as he lay his head on the pillow next to mine, leaning on his side he was looking at me struggling to get comfortable. "Thanks," I mumbled angrily.

"Aw, don't be like that!" he teased. "You should get some more sleep as well, it will make you feel better. I'll wake you up when Alex gets back with your food." He advised, which also meant he was ordering me to sleep. I started to protest, telling him I had already had enough sleep, yet as I did I realised my arguing was making me me sleepy. I closed my eyes for a minute and started to drift off to sleep again. I was half way between the different sleeping stages, where you are still slightly aware of what's happening around you, but you can't get into that deep sleep.

That's why when Joe's whispered only for his ears, "I am going to get used to this." I heard it loud and clear. But understanding it was another thing.


I stayed at Joe's place for another night, with more ordering and demanding for the sake of my 'health'. I had a brief visit from Fletch and Jaz who had run into Joe at Al's and wondered if he had seen me lately. He brought them to his house for me to explain to them, and after I did they both started flustering over me and letting me know they were here for me if I needed them. It was a relief when they eventually left, giving me some more space. But it was nice to know I had my friends to rely on if it came to that.

After two long nights staying at Joe's and only 2 more days until our break from school was over, I decided it was time to finally go home. Well, our new home at the apartment. Alex came to pick me up, taking my stuff out to the car as he insisted I still couldn't lift anything. He went out to his car and left Joe and I alone for a minute before he got back.

I did something I knew would hurt but would be worth it afterwards. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around Joe's neck, bringing us into an embrace. He too wrapped his arms around me and I could feel the weight of his hands in the small of my back. It was comforting and I wished it could've lasted much longer but I had to unfortunately pull away before Alex got back to lead me out. Alex wasn't too smart and hadn't caught on to the fact that Joe was my teacher, and I also had a major thing for him. An advantage in the end though.

"Thanks," I said. I wasn't just saying thanks for letting me stay, but for taking care of me when I was at my worst. He understood and smiled sadly. "I guess it's your turn next." I grinned, knowing I would've done the same for him if it had come to that. "I'll see you at school on Monday." I tried to joke, but made the air feel slightly awkward between us. Good one Jane.

Alex came back in and lead me out to his little car. I was still feeling stiff and feeling like I had an anvil dropped on my stomach, but I was ten times better than I was the night it happened, especially after being taken care of by Joe. I waved goodbye as Alex pulled away from his picture perfect house. I smiled a little sadly, knowing I'd have to wait till Monday to see Joe again.

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