Dream Catch Me - Chapter Twenty Three

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Those wooden doors to the university were so large and foreboding. They held so much, not just what was behind them, but they had been standing for longer than the school had been running. It may sound silly but I was scared of what was behind them, of what the school held and all because of those doors. They were a deep mahogany with decorative features of thistles, flowers and vines. It was almost like the doors to a princess' castle, without the crocodile filled moat and drawbridge.

As soon as we entered into the vast foyer that was two stories high, we were greeted by a tour guide. "Welcome guys! There's no other way to put it but, our university is the best!" he was a preppy young guy who was most likely a student himself. He was short with glasses and a cap that had the schools crest on it was placed firmly on his round head full of fair hair. He ushered the whole group of us inside and closed the door behind us. It was still winter and he was trying to keep the warm air inside. I wouldn't keep the warm air in, it had a sickly dampness to it that didn't appeal to me. I'd prefer fresh air over this warm damp air any day.

"First off, sorry about the stuffiness, we had to turn the big heaters on as the fire just wasn't doing it today." he gestured towards the brick fireplace that stood 20 feet from the front reception desk. This school seemed old fashioned and traditional, and that was just the first part of the school. "Anyway!" he shouted, trying to capture our attention, "I'm Tim and I'll be your guide today. I'm a second year student studying a Degree in medicine and I'm loving it here at Canterbury University." he stood on the tips of his toes, trying to make sure everyone could hear him and see him. "There are so many advantages to this school that out us ahead of the rest in your area." he explained.

"Right! This way please! We're going towards the arts and drama section first, so please try and keep up. If you get lost just go to the front desk and someone will help you find your way." I paid attention to that bit, it was most likely that I would get lost or fall behind, I'm always that person the class is waiting for. Tim strode off to the left, and the students kept up a brisk walk behind him and his efforts to tour us around. We walked up two flights of stairs and then along a long corridor until we had to go down one flight of stairs and in through wooden doors with 'keep left' signs on them. I was walking next to Jaz and she was enjoying the school, 'oooh'ing and 'aaaah'ing at all the little details of the school. The wooden banisters with little vines carved out of them, matching the wooden doors art the front.

"Have you been here before?" I asked her as we passed another class full of lectures. "Yes!" she squealed excitedly, "This is the school I've always wanted to go to! It's so prestigious yet still open to any student wanting to attend, giving it a wide variety of cultures and social backgrounds!" Jaz recited it like she had memorised it off of a pamphlet. I laughed at her enthusiasm in a kind way, "Well is this where you are going to go? Do you know what you want to do when you leave school?" I asked her. "Not quite," she replied uneasily. "Deciding what to do is the hardest part and I'll most likely change from now till next week, but at the moment it is bet science. I love animals and I like the science behind medicine and body systems but people annoy me. So vet science seems like the next best thing!" she explained. "But ask me again next week and it'll have changed to horse taming or something," she giggled at her own joke before she was hushed by our other chaperone Ms Tinsley.

Ms Tinsley was a mousy teacher who may not be very outspoken, but she enjoyed silence and did anything to get it. She was my calculus teacher and made our lessons hell by droning on and on. However, she was a good teacher who liked her students to succeed. Ms Tinsley wasn't the prettiest woman on the planet, her thin blonde hair pulled back into a bun and her spectacles placed below the bridge of her nose gave her an appearance much older than I assumed she was. What else I also assumed was that she had a crush on Mr Lewis, like a majority of the females in our school. Whenever I saw him walk past her and be around him she would gain a slight flush in her cheeks and immediately turn away in embarrassment.

Tim was droning on about the history behind the dance and drama hall which I personally had no interest in. I don't think I have ever danced, and I certainly wasn't going to become a dancer in the future. I may not be sure of what I want to do when I leave school, but I can one hundred percent cross of dance, and drama. "Moving on!" he shouted out and briskly walked off to his right and out the door, which lead us to another wing. "This building here has been an extension of the original building and holds the English department!" Tim explained and continued to show what Canterbury has to offer. "An English degree can lead to a degree for teaching or like my own Mother, critique your son's English and grammar to no end." It was the first joke Tim had told and a collective laugh rang out over our group.

Tim, now realising the time decided to cut to the chase and let the class know what was on offer in the English department before moving on. He took us down two flights of stairs and down another long corridor till we reached a large lecture theatre. Tim started to whisper as a lecture was in progress. "This is one of many of the lecture theatres that will hold many of your classes." We all tried to look through the tiny window of the door into the large spacious room with rows of chairs and desks as one piece of furniture. I had a vague feeling that this place seemed familiar but I brushed it off, blaming it on dejavu.

We moved on yet again to the food technology department which was basically a large room with several kitchen units lined up behind one another. "As you can see," Tim started, "Canterbury has a wide range of departments and I've only shown you a mere few. But seeing as we are here where there is refreshments, we will stop for a couple of minutes for the freshly prepared refreshments by our students." Tim gestured to some platters of finger food and cups of juice concentrate. I grabbed a cup of juice and stood off to the side with Jaz.

"So what do you think so far?" I asked her. She finished sipping her juice and took the food away from her mouth to answer. "It's great! But why won't they take us to the science department yet? It's the best part! Or I hope it is at least!" I enjoyed Jaz's enthusiasm and loved how she could get right into this slightly boring experience with the hope that she gets to see the science department. "I agree, I'm not really one for drama or English as you can probably tell," I gestured towards myself, hoping she got what I was insinuating.

"Oh Jane, we will find you a career, don't you worry your little perfectly paired socks!" Jaz cooed, gesturing at pinching my cheeks. I smiled politely, scared she got so close to my face. Anything or anyone touching my face nearly sent me into a fit, even a mere raindrop on my forehead will send me into a state of annoyance.

"Careful Jaz, I wouldn't touch her if I were you." I deep yet attractive voice sounded from behind my shoulder. "Every time I accidentally touch her she shivers," Joe explained. Jaz smirked as you can imagine from his comment of my shivers when he touches me. "Oh I wouldn't dream of making her uncomfortable Sir," Jaz taunted me with her words. I knew she was up to something and before I knew it she had spilled a dribble of juice down my front.

"Oh no!" she squealed in a fake tone. "Jane! I'm so sorry! You're going to have to go clean that up, and she can't go unchaperoned sir!" it was then I realised my newest friend was evil. Pure evil. Jaz was going to pay for this, maybe something to do with Fletch may make her think twice next time. "You're right," Joe admitted and searched for Ms Tinsley. He reappeared not a second later guiding me out the doors of the food technology room in search of a bathroom.

"Nice friend you've got there," Joe commented and I blushed. Jaz needed to work on her subtlety skills as Joe had clearly picked up on her intentions. "Yeah," I admitted and blushed a deeper red. We walked side by side down several corridors searching for a bathroom of some kind. The way we were going didn't turn out any results so we kind of gave up looking and just wandered the halls.

"So I saw you this morning, with a nice looking chap," Joe said, trying to start a conversation. A conversation I didn't really want to have two times in one day. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you," I said and avoided his eye contact. How could I not have noticed him? He must've walked right past me and yet I had no recollection of it. "I know, you were probably looking into his deep and handsome eyes." I hadn't expected that from Joe, let alone the nasty tone that accompanied it. Jealousy? Perhaps not, but I had to set him right anyway.

"It's not like that," I reassured him. "Alex is my elder brother." It was Joe's turn to blush a deep red in embarrassment while I stood there feeling smug. "Oh" he spoke timidly followed by a small smile of embarrassment. I outright laughed at him while he continued to look ashamed. "There!" he suddenly spoke and pointed in the direction of a bathroom sign. "Thanks," I said and walked in the direction of the sign. After washing the sticky syrupy juice from my shirt I exited and almost ran right into Joe. "Oops," he muttered and stepped aside.

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