Dream Catch Me - Chapter Twenty Nine

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I guess I just simply decided that holding on to a grudge seemed pointless. Why shouldn't I forgive him? He may have hurt me but I knew it took more than a few messed up feelings to screw me over. He said sorry anyway, and I could tell that he meant it. But it was also because Alex and I were on a high, a new property owners high that I didn't want to come down from. Alex had promised to sort out all the paperwork eventually as I technically wasn't old enough to make a purchase in that state, and he knew I would worry about it.

Alex had matured a lot recently, becoming more of an adult and less of a teenager. Organising lawyers and money like a real adult to make sure we would be protected when we finally left home. I only had a couple of days before I reached the end of the deal I made with myself. 2 weeks, and if you're not gone you have to stay forever. So I was grateful that Alex had got onto it pretty quickly. He was ready to forget the past and move on, and he insisted that meeting Ellie was the first step in moving out.

He was right of course. I couldn't move in with a total stranger, despite being my brothers girlfriend. I sat in the car patiently, fiddling with my fingernails and my left sleeve as the silent journey spanned longer and longer. "Are we there yet?" I whined nervously. Alex chuckled deeply and kept driving, yet he seems to notice my demeanour. "Don't worry Jane, Ellie will love you. I mean, who wouldn't?" he spoke sweetly and nudged my shoulder. I smiled nervously, trying to take his advice of trying not to worry.

There was no such luck as the seemingly long journey ended abruptly and Alex had driven through a perfectly manicured suburb with front verges and fruit trees. The houses, almost identical, spanned as far as the eye could see. How did Alex get someone as high class? I guess nice girls go for football players... Alex pulled into the drive of a modern house that was at least 3 stories high and had a large garden where I imagined that family dog would run around.

"Don't worry, it's not as posh inside." Alex said as if reading my mind and started to make his way up the path towards the lavish house. I followed suit, still admiring in disbelief how incredibly amazing everything looked. Hedges were pruned with not a stick out of order, and the lawns mowed to a certain length as if measure with a ruler. It looked like a show home, one that didn't house anyone and was empty for most of the year.

Alex knocked on the polished brass knocker and as expected a large dog bark startled me as I walked up the steps. The door opened and a woolly horse ran out. Well I thought it was a horse. This large dog was shaggy and had its huge tongue lolling out of its mouth. When it wasn't barking of course. The tail wagged violently and seemed extremely happy to see me. I smiled at the dog, I've always preferred the company of dogs because cats in my eyes seem snobby and ungrateful. Where as a dog appreciates a person's presence. I've always wanted a dog of my own but mother was never a fan and I never had the guts to ask.

I bent down to scratch the dog's head. He or she liked it, jumping up and almost knocking me out. It's tail wagged even more violently and felt like a whip as it slapped against my leg. "Spud! Get down!" Someone shouted and the dog got down, and ducked it's head ashamedly. I guess it was a male dog. "Hi! You must be Jane, I've heard so much about you!" I looked up to see a girl a couple of years older than me smiling warmly at me. She had long, wavy brown hair that just reached above her waist and matching brown eyes.

She wore a pair of jeans with a sweatshirt. Ellie wasn't how I'd imagined her. After seeing where she lived I assumed she was stuck up and not as casual as she seemed to be. "Yes, that's me. So you must be Ellie." I replied politely and stuck out my hand to shake it. Ellie looked at it foreignly and decided a hug was better. She swung her arms around my neck and squeezed me in greeting. I chuckled at her and looked at Alex, silently begging for help. Hugs weren't my thing.

"Ellie? Hello? Remember me, your boyfriend?" He said and gestured towards himself. Ellie let go and giggled and went for her next victim, throwing her arms around Alex. Except he wrapped his own arms around her, lifted her off the ground and spun her around. I watched as they shared a moment, but looked away as they went in for a passionate kiss. I stood there awkwardly for a moment before they managed to rip themselves away from each other.

"Come on in guys." she said and gestured into her house. Alex walked right in, taking his shoes off at the door. I watched as he walked right through the open plan living area and sat down on the plump leather couch as if he owned the place. Alex was right about the inside. It may look posh on the outside, but the inside was more homely. Knick-Knacks and pictures littered surfaces around the house. Pictures, so many pictures. It was a contrast to our own home where if you saw a picture you'd wonder who it belonged to.

I walked through after Ellie to the lounging area and sat down on the couch opposite Alex. I watched him as he grinned like a little boy, watching me in a new environment. I scowled at him teasing me but he brushed it off as Ellie walked in. "So what do you guys want to do?" She asked. Alex shrugged and suggested food and a movie. I said I didn't mind, so we watched a movie. I can't remember what it was but it was definitely a rom com which made Alex and Ellie cuddle together on the couch.

Ellie went out to get some food during the movie but came back in a minute later explaining how there wasn't much to eat. I offered to go and get some wherever the nearest shop was. Ellie piled some money in my hand and gave me directions. I walked along the suburb admiring the different houses which were so extravagant. I would usually kick a pebble as I walked, but the cul-de-sac was so well kept, there wasn't one measly pebble in sight.

I scoured the short aisles of the small shop when I finally found it and picked out some food. Getting the sweets Alex ordered and then tried to decide what Ellie meant by "Whatever you want". I was deliberating when I heard, "I'd get the barbecue flavour. They're the best," coming from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw a semi-familiar face. It took a minute before I finally said, "Wes? Right?"

He grinned and said, "Jane! I thought it was you. But I guess I hit on all the pretty girls I see." Wes winked at me playfully as I blushed and turned back to the shelf. "So how've you been? I saw Joe the other night, I asked him to invite you but you didn't show up?" I remembered how Joe had asked me 'out' a week ago, but after our little spat I had completely forgot.

"Oh yeah, uh sorry I was busy. I guess I'll have to make it up to you right?" He chuckled and nodded. "Well, we'll catch up soon. Nice to see you Jane, I've got to get going. My sister is expecting me." I waved him off and watched as he walked out of the small shop. I paid for my items and left, carrying the plastic bag back to where I knew Ellie and Alex would be curled up together on the couch. I knocked on the door, waiting to be let back in.

Spud barked excitedly again at the door and came rushing through the gap when it finally opened. I put the plastic bag down and got down on my knees to pat him and scratch his neck. He nipped at me playfully and licked my hand as I intercepted it from my face. I had only just seen Spud for the first time but already I loved him, how could you not?

"Jane?" I glanced up towards the male voice expecting to see Alex at the door but was met with Wes. "Wes?" I replied. He laughed and said 'aaah' as if in realisation. "I get it now," he said. "You're Jane, as in Alex's younger sister Jane." He chuckled in disbelief and opened the door further to let Spud and I back in.

"So I'm guessing that your sister is actually Ellie then?" He nodded and led me through as he apologised for rushing off at the store. We were interrupted as Ellie noticed I was back and had already met her brother, "Met my brother I see. But it looks like you've already met before?" Wes and I looked at each other as Wes spoke. "Yeah, she's Joe's friend," he said exaggerating the word 'friend' noticing Alex was here and would be suspicious if he thought I knew Wes through my teacher. Now that I looked at the siblings standing next to each other, I noticed the similarities. They shared the same wavy brown hair and dark brown eyes, with the spark in them.

"What a small world," she said. I had to agree, what are the chances? Well, quite big if you think about how small our town was.



Dream Catch Me (Student/Teacher) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα