Dream Catch Me - Chapter Forty Five (Joe's POV)

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Night fell and the party guests left, but I refused to leave with them. I was wide awake and refused to go home like Alex had suggested after he called the cops. "Joe, go home and calm down. Then come back. You're not use in this state!" Alex tried desperately to reason with me but I was defiant and refused, demanding to know when the police were coming.

"If they're not here in two minutes, I'm going out to find her myself!" I was pacing back and forth across the shop floor as Ellie and Alex sat on the couch in an embrace. Ellie has tears staining her cheeks and looked frightened and worried for Jane. Images of what had just happened ran through my head. Who was it? Who would want to hurt Jane? Of all people, of all the young girls in the world this monster had to take my Jane away from me. 

I kept my eyes on the clock, waiting for the longest two minutes to be up. At ten seconds to go, two uniformed policemen entered the store looking stressed and slightly disheveled. "We've been called in about an abduction?" They asked tentatively. I wasted no time in explaining every detail of what I saw; the number plate, the punch to the neck, the car, the boot and the events of the night. 

After almost filling their notebook, they left and promised to call in the morning. Alex had offered to make some hot drinks, but that was the last thing I needed. I told Ellie and Alex I was going for a walk. I refused again to sit and do nothing while something was happening to Jane. While she was most likely defenseless against the large man that took her. 

I wandered around the neighbourhood, starting from the shop and walking in a gradually bigger circle, looking into driveways for the car. GNG467. I scoured the streets that all blurred into one, until the light started to rise from the horizon. It was such a beautiful day, I thought. When I found Jane, I promised, I'd take her to the beach on days like this and there we'd sit on blankets until the tide came dangerously close, where we would then chase it until our feet were soaked and all we could remember from the day was laughter.

I sat down on the bench outside the convenience store and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to stop the tears that I knew were coming. "Rough night?" I heard. I lifted my head and came face to face with Christopher Lewis, Jane's biology teacher, my colleague. I nodded my head, not answering him. "Just some troubles," I told him.

He chuckled, "Me too. Well good luck with you problems, I'm just off to get breakfast for my new girlfriend." I honestly couldn't have cared less, but I nodded and smiled anyway and pretended ike I cared. I watched as Christopher walked into the store rubbing the back of his neck and walking stiff like a board. 

I finally lifted myself off the bench, and sulked back to the shop. I didn't want to go home, not while Jane was still somewhere out there. Being at the shop would mean it would be the first place she came back to if she escaped. 

A noise from behind me made me turn around. I saw as Christopher struggled with a carton of juice he dropped on the pavement. From a far distance, it was amusing to see him struggle with the shopping as he walked like he had injured his neck. If I were feeling in the mood I may have laughed and even offered to help him. 

I stared at him. He walked around to his car, I was too far away to watch him properly as my eyesight was wavering at long distances. I returned back to face the path ahead of me, and heard the car start and pull away. It zoomed past me, filling the quiet street with a loud rumbling noise. I glanced up and looked at the number plate. 

I blinked twice, not quite believing what I thought I saw. GNG... No. I forced myself to see sense. It couldn't possibly be.. The car pulled a sharp right around the corner and out of my sight. I needed to sleep. Despite what I thought I saw, I wasn't quite convinced that Christopher was capable of doing anything bad, especially with a new girlfriend. Not many people knew of his gang connections, and even then, lately I hadn't seen him out in town at night or lurking around in strange places.

It was as if he had a new muse, a new hobby. I continued walking down the street until I found myself in front of the shop. I looked around at the road and tried to recall every last detail of last night. Come on! I urged my brain to extend itself and remember the shape of the man's shoulders, the sound of his gruff grumble as Jane's punch connected with his neck. I failed, as every detail of my memory had been twisted by the lack of sleep and the delirious thoughts. I faced the sun and looked up into the sky, basking under the warmth. Where are you Jane? 

I entered the shop and almost walked right into someone. "Sorry," I mumbled and immediately snapped my head to look around the store. it was filled with people, and  found it difficult to march over to Alex who was standing behind the coffee counter. 

"What are you doing?" I demanded, sounding like a crazed man. Alex looked worried for a second, but once he saw the tired bags under my eyes and the way my shoulders drooped he became sympathetic. "We can't close up, it would turn away business. Go upstairs Joe. Take a shower, borrow clothes. Jane wouldn't want you doing this." I sighed in defeat. He was right.

If Jane were to walk in through that door at that very moment, I doubted she would want to come near me with the way I looked. I followed Joe's instructions and trudged up the stairs to their apartment. I knew it was a mistake the second I stepped through the door. Jane was everywhere in the apartment. The smell of her shampoo lingered lightly in the air, her favourite coat laid over the back of the couch and the door ot her bedroom swung wide open. 

I tried to move past it as a pang in my chest reminded me of what I was missing. I made it to the bathroom without glancing once into her bedroom. I showered, going through the motions. I got out and dressed again in a shirt and shorts I had found on a washing pile and emerged from the bathroom in a fog of steam. 

I let the fog clear away, and as it did I found myself staring right into her bedroom. Right into the white painted walls covered with posters, and the dresser against the wall. I walked over to it, like it was te most natural thing in the world and lay down on her bed, sinking into the fluff of the covers and pillows. I could smell her on the pillow as I lay my head down.

A solitary tear slid down my cheek and disappered into the fabric of her pillow as my heart squeezed in grief.

Where are you Jane?

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