Dream Catch Me - Chapter Thirteen

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Hey people! Sorry it took me ages to update, I've had heaps of my school assignments due so I've been busy busy!

Anyway I hope you enjoy and vote!


As much as I would rather have eaten lunch on my own, I met up with Fletch at the courtyard. I thought the small courtyard area would be cold because it was outside, but it seemed to be sheltered quite well from the rain and the wind, so the jacket that Fletch had given me was keeping me warm. It had an insulating type layer that kept my warmth in the jacket.

Fletch and I sat down on one of the benches and he pulled out a platic bag from his backpack. He brought out a conatiner of pasta and was searching through the bag before coming out with a fork. Fletch wasted no time in stuffing his face with his lunch and talking to me.

"So how was that test aye?" He said. Except he had his mouth full, so it sounded more like "Sho, haa waash dat tessht aye?" After I had translated from his mouthfull language, I replied, "Ah it was hard! We had never even heard of that stuff before! Do you think it was a pre-topic test?"

Obviosuly Fletch didn't know what I was talking about, told by his questioning look at me.

"What do you mean? We've been learning that stuff for ages, and you probably already know it seeing as you told me you had already learnt about cells." He said.

What was he talking about? The test wasn't even on cells. It was on genetics... Well that's what I had on my test.. And that's when it dawned on me. Mr Lewid had purposfully given me the wrong test, one that I would struggle to complete. I honestly didn't see that one coming. I knew he was evil and didn't really care about anyone but he didn't stoop as low as I thought he would, especially not after his violent outburst at me.

"Oh, I must've gotten the wrong one. No big deal." I told Fletch. He took this as a reasonable answer and continued eating. We sat in silence for a bit before Fletch spoke.

"Not eating?" he asked, motioning to his own lunch.

"No.." I said.

"I don't think he is going to be too happy about that when he gets here, Jane." What? What did he mean 'he'? I didn't have a chance to ask before Fletch continued,

"Yeah, he said something about consequences and that's why he's coming," he said.

Consequences.. I remembered back to this morning when Joe had said "Lying is bad, you shouldn't do it. Especially when it had bad consequences" at gym. Is this what Fletch was talking about? Apparently yes, as Mr Hunter slid open the door to the courtyard and stepped in carrying a bag.

"Hey Mr Hunter," Fletch called out, motioning a seat next to me on the bench for him to sit down in. He moved around me to sit down and he too, like Fletch, opened up his bag and unpacked it contents. Except when he put the bag to the side, he handed me a foam sort of conatiner that was warm.

"I told you about consequences," Joe said, "And this is it. If you are going to lie, I'm going to sit here and watch you eat, because even though you won't say anything to me, I know. Trust me I've done this before." he advised before shoving the conatiner in my hands.

I opened it up and found a sandwich type of thing in a fancy looking roll. I inspected the food and saw a brown patty like thing in the middle, with a lot of lettuce, tomato, some aioli, and carrot. All foods I could handle, but the patty was a concern especially if it was meat.

"It's a lentil patty sandwich. You seem like the kind of person who'd be a vegetarian so I took a chance." He mentioned, seeing me inspecting the sandwich. I was kind of impressed he knew what to get me, did I give off a vegetarian sort of vibe?

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