Dream Catch Me - Chapter Fourteen

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There was no stopping me in the morning. I was awake 5 hours before my shift started to make sure Alex hadn't set my alarm back, or turned it off all together. I dressed respectively, like old people appreciate, with jeans and a nicer top with a bird pattern on it that cut off at my elbows. It was quite a flows top which I hoped wouldn't make me too cold. I paired my outfit with some boots that I don't usually wear. They cut off at the ankle and are a tan colour, like the boots they wore in the 30s. However different it was to my usual outfit, I still grabbed my khaki jacket on the way out, afraid to leave it behind. I had packed my bag for the day, with some roasted almonds and a water bottle for lunch, my geography books for study, and my art pad for my homework due on Monday. I didn't know how much free time I would have, but I was hoping it would be enough to get some extra homework time in.

I was way too early into town that morning, so I decided to do what I seemed to always be doing lately. I drank coffee. I never used to be addicted, it was a treat for me. Even now I don't feel addicted to the coffee but rather the atmosphere in Al's. It was so laid back, the type of place you could get a free coffee if you had forgotten your purse or wallet. I liked being around positive people, as even though I wasn't exactly the most positive person, doesn't mean I want to spend all my time around negative and grumpy people.

It seemed as though Joe had the same idea of a coffee before work bright and early on a Saturday morning. He was dressed in a singlet and shorts and his running shoes.

"Going for a run?" I asked as I approached him at our seats and stood behind the couch over his shoulder. He jumped at what I said, almost dropping the newspaper he was reading onto the ground.

"Geez Jane! You scared the crap outta me!" he said loudly in a shouting tone, but I knew he didn't mean it, shown by the smile on his face. "And no, not yet. But I don't think I can be bothered now, it's too much of a beautiful day to waste it running," he said, gesturing to the windows which had natural sunlight streaming in them.

"That's a shame," I told him before I walked up to the counter, ordered my drink and went back to sit on the couch.

"What do you mean by 'That's a shame'?" he asked.

"Well you see, running is good for you, it gives you endorphins which make you feel better and judging by the absence of a smile most of the time, you could do with some cheering up, sir," I explained. I was beginning to become more relaxed around Joe, he was a nice guy. And a good looking guy at that.

"Yes okay okay! I'll go for a run! Just not now, we have to work in an hour." his words surprised me.

"Oh, so you're working today? With me?"

He seemed amused at this as he teased me, "Why Jane? Do you not want me to?"

"Oh no that's fine, I just didn't know the shop got that busy and I already know how to work stuff and the systems." I said. To be honest, it would be a little awkward with him there, but I wasn't going to turn down company. However, he was probably better off without my company.

"Nan said to watch over just in case, and you'll come to realise the shop is actually quite busy. The only place to buy books in town," Joe said in an advertising sort of tone which made me giggle. Wait. Did I just GIGGLE? I haven't done that since I was pretty much 7 years old. In fact I felt like a 7 year old at this point.

We sat there and talked once my coffee had arrived. We spoke about the town and the best places to go, apparently everywhere except the deli on the corner which had given Joe food poisoning was fine, but the Italian restaurant was highly recommended. I suddenly Realised the time, I had 10 minutes before I was scheduled to start my first shift. I couldn't be late! Joe seemed to also realise the time, as without speaking we both got up and sprinted out the door. It was easier for him in his running gear, but we made it there just 5 minutes before we had to start.

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