Dream Catch Me - Chapter Thirty

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Alex and I left in the afternoon, after watching a couple of movies and sharing a pizza between Wes, Ellie, Alex and I. I found it hard to concentrate on the movies and constantly found my mind wandering elsewhere. For one, I had Lewis to worry about; I struggled to understand what he wanted from me, or if he really did want anything in the first place or if he enjoyed the thrill in some sick way. He just seemed to be following and attacking me but I knew it was something I could handle on my own which is why I didn't tell anyone. Along with that problem I had his guard dog, Shannon to fret about who has been watching me while I work. I tried not to let it bother me and let her know I could see her, but it became more difficult as she failed at trying to hide herself between the brightly coloured picture books in the almost deserted book store.

The movies could not distract my mind as I formulated a plan to sort out my Lewis problems. He was only attacking me by kissing me, so if I made myself unappealable he wouldn't want to go anywhere near me. I would have to dig out the baggy clothes of jumbo Jane from years ago, which would help to mask my body. Also, I didn't have style back then and insisted on wearing boring tent-like clothes, I praise my lack of style now. Who knew that jumbo Jane could be of any use in the future?

Between different movies and with a more refined plan coming to mind, I felt more confident and reassured knowing I hadn't told anyone about Lewis' threatening demeanour. Although I still had no clue what to do about Shannon just yet, I walked out of Ellie's family home feeling quite positive. We waved goodbye to Wes and Ellie as we walked out their front door. I still couldn't believe the weird connection of Wes and my brother's girlfriend... We got into the car and drove off, but not before Spud jumped on me again and refusing to let me leave. I patted his head and watched as he was dragged back into the house.

"That dog hardly likes anyone," Alex noted in a jealous tone. "Guess you relate to dogs." He smirked and laughed at his own joke, which I kindly pointed out. Alex piped down and kept driving, but took an unexpected detour when we got close to the centre of our small town. It was around 6 at night, as Alex pulled up to the front of our newly purchased business/apartment. He whipped out a set of two keys from his pocket and hung them in front of my eyes. They glinted in the street light as if encouraging us to go inside.

I grinned and snatched the keys from his hand, with Alex protesting as he followed me out of the car. I skipped up to the shop front and unlocked the door, swinging it open. I guess it may seem stupid now, but swinging open that door was not only opening a new start but I felt like it would open so many new opportunities. I could finally move out of home, escape the wrath of Mother and be that one step closer to where I wanted to be. I could go back to my home for now, an cross off that step.

One small step for any normal person, yet one giant step for Jane. And as Alex stood behind me, I knew we were in this together. I knew Alex wouldn't leave my side and would be the big brother I had always wanted him to be.

"Let's do this," he whispered and nudged me forward.


Alex and I wandered through the shop, starting to plan what we wanted. To be perfectly honest, I could fairly say that I had more vision than he did. We passed a broken staircase, and all he managed to see was that broken staircase. Yet what I saw was different. I saw where that staircase would lead and how it could look. And where Alex saw a tumbling down wall, I saw everything that wall could be.

It was around 8 when we left and my mind was racing with endless possibilities, so much so I felt too awake to go to sleep or sit still. I quickly threw on my running gear, making sure to pack my cell phone this time. I didn't want another Lewis episode and have no way to contact anyone if I were put in any danger. I ran my usual route, but when it came to the intersection that lead to Joe's house I took the right road that would take me to see him.

I ran along the friendly looking suburb, passing dancing trees and perfect front verges until I came up to the familiar villa that had lights on and thin curtains closed. I opened the small blue gate and walked up the path, past the rose bushes, feeling nervous. Yet I didn't immediately knock; I had a flash of regret, wondering if it were really a good idea. Joe and I had only just become friends again and I didn't want to overstep my boundaries by showing up at his house. I brushed it off, telling myself I would play it casual and knocked before I would chicken out. Casual, I reminded myself.

A large grin spread over his face as he opened the door and saw me standing in my running gear on his front step. "Hey Joe, can I come in?" I asked. "Jane, sure!" He ushered me in and guided me to his lounge. "What's up?" he asked as I sat down on the single armchair, noting that last time I was here Joe kissed me.

"I was just wondering how June was. I haven't seen her in a while, she has always left before I get to the store." It was true, I was concerned about June, but it was also a way to talk about what I really wanted to talk about. Joe insisted June was getting on okay for now, yet he wasn't sure how long it would last. I tried to comfort him as he was visibly upset, but it was hard to do when I was trying not to get too close to him. I stroked the soft couch underneath me, looking for an approach to the subject. "About this shop thing.." I trailed off, trying to find the right words.

Joe suddenly sprung to his feet, "Ah yes! Come with me!" he demanded and gestured for me to follow him. He lead me to his study yet didn't go in. Joe had papers scattered over every surface, and while there were hundreds they all had no order. "Was there an earthquake? Hurricane? Or Tornado?" I questioned. Joe chuckled and pushed me playfully on the shoulder, "Ha ha. No, just stuff I've looked up. Or started planning for the expansion."

He started to tip toe carefully on the few spaces on the carpet where there wasn't paper, and made his way to the couch. All the papers seemed to radiate out from the couch, and it's where I assumed he had been working. I once again followed Joe and sat down beside him on the study's couch, where I started to inspect the different papers. Some were just random words that didn't make much sense and others were very serious. Engineers reports, official documents and even a contract.

Joe picked up the contract which looked as if it had been specifically placed in an easy to reach location. "I've taken care of most of the legal stuff, and the technicalities but all you have to do is sign this. Along with Alex, it basically has some clauses that will help to protect us both if anything bad happens." I read through it but couldn't make any sense of it, shrugging and putting it to the side for later.

Joe searched through papers, some with pictures and research of products and designs. "Joe?" I asked him as he was mid-sentence. "Yeah?"

"Do you think this is a good idea? Do you think it will work?" I played around with my doubts and had to bounce them off someone, and knowing Joe would give me an honest yet optimistic opinion would help to reassure me.

"Of course! You know how at first Nan's book store was detested by the locals? I guess it may be like that for a while, people don't like too much change in their town but if we give it time and play business right then we could be quite successful." Joe did what I needed him to do; he brushed off my skepticism towards out business and turned my half empty glass, to a half full glass.

"Thanks, but there is something important that neither a school girl, teacher, nor a soccer player can work out." I had been thinking over this for a while and it would only be sensible to hire someone who knew what they were doing. "We need someone who knows business, like a business manager of sorts." Joe turned the idea over in his head as I could see the cog wheels turning in his brain.

"I guess you're right, but I don't want to bring anyone we don't know or trust into our business." I had to agree with that. Naturally I was a cautious person, you know with my mother, father and brother issues and it was hard for me to immediately trust people. However, first we had to get the business up and running, but to do that Alex and I had to move out.

"So the absolute first step for this whole adventure, is to get you out of home. But to do that we need to make it livable. Which also means plaster, paint, furniture-"

"Joe! That's our problem, not yours." I interrupted his long list of things we had to do. "Alex and I will do it this week after school and most likely move in at the weekend. Well fingers crossed!" I said hopefully. Joe still offered to help, and I was't going to turn down some free help when we needed it.

"Maybe you could help us track down some furniture? Old second hand pieces? And please don't tell Alex, I want to pay for at least some of the stuff," It was a decision that didn't come lightly. I had thought about the hard work and most likely some of Alex's own money he put into this. It was only fair that if we were to be equals that I could use the money I have saved from working and my other savings to lighten the blow. Joe agreed to help and keep it quiet.

Joe and I gradually moved over to his computer, where we spent a good hour searching on the internet for ideas of all kinds; names, products, paint colours. You name it, we probably searched it. I had pulled up a small stool from the kitchen and was sitting next to Joe as we enthusiastically searched. I had been at Joe's for a long time, yet didn't notice how late it was until I felt my pocket buzz.

I brought out my phone and saw Alex was calling me. I stepped out of the study to take the call. I barely had time to answer the phone with a 'hello' before Alex was demanding where I was. "Alex, I'm fine!" I insisted around ten times before he had calmed down enough to ask me where I was. "I'm at a friends house," I told him casually. "Jane! It's 11.30 at night, and on a school night. Where are you? I'll come and get you." I could hear the sound of keys on the other end of the phone, and I knew Alex wasn't kidding.

"Look, I'll call you back in a minute okay. I just have to ask. I don't know the exact address." I hung up before he could answer me back, which I knew he wouldn't appreciate. I sulked back into the study where I was met with Joe looking at me with a concerned look. "That was my brother," I explained. "He said it's late so I have to go, but I don't know the address so he can pick me up." Joe thought for a minute before he finally said...

"Why don't you stay?"


As soon as he asked, I jumped at the opportunity. You can't really blame me though! He may have kissed me, dropped me and ignored me, but I still couldn't get rid of that feeling that sat in the base of my stomach and reminded me whenever he was near that I still liked him.

"Are you sure?" I asked him tentatively. We both knew why I was asking; I didn't know if it were such a good idea even if I did want to stay. I wanted to stay so bad. Joe nodded and went back to the computer. "I think it's your turn to cook breakfast anyway." He smirked at the computer screen and ignored me when I snorted. I called Alex back, letting him know he could go stay at Ellie's or something because he wouldn't have to babysit me if I wasn't there. I didn't bother letting Mother know, she wouldn't care anyway.

"All sorted," I went and sat back down next to Joe.

"What's next?"

Joe and I spent the rest of the night researching and bookmarking on the computer, until around 1.30 where Joe noticed I had been yawning too much and demanded I go to bed. I tried to argue I wasn't tired, but was interrupted mid-sentence by another exhausted yawn. Joe fetched me a towel, and spare clothes for a shower which I gladly accepted; washing off the sweat would only be polite. When I exited the bathroom I found a plate of food on the spare bed.

'Can't have you hungry while you sleep x' a note next to it read. I smiled and picked up the freshly made sandwich. I hadn't realised until just then, as I took a bite of the perfect sandwich, how right being at Joe's house felt. I knew my way around the house and was more comfortable in his spare bed than my own rickety bed at home. I settled down as I finished eating, placing my own clothes on the chair in the corner.

I snuggled down into the covers of the bed, pulling them up to my neck and tucking myself in. I'll admit that I found it difficult to sleep, especially knowing that Joe was in the room next to mine. I turned multiple times before I was comfortable, yet even then sleep struggled to overtake me. I ended up getting up from the comfort of the bed and pacing back and forth for a bit, just thinking.

I had to think of a way to get rid of Shannon. I had a feeling that just talking to her wouldn't do anything and I certainly wasn't going to retaliate in her petty game of spying. I realised that the only way I could possibly get her off my back would be by talking to her. I would have to get her alone somehow, which meant I would need to get rid of her entourage. This is where having two best friends will come in handy.

I was semi-satisfied with my plan, enough so that I could get back into bed and feel a little more relieved. I got comfortable and settled down. I closed my eyes and fell asleep in the smell of Joe's scent on his shirt.

I was getting attached.


Too many thoughts were plaguing my mind, making me wake up early. I tip-toed out of the spare bedroom and along the carpeted hallway to the bathroom, trying to make myself look a bit more presentable before I ran into him this morning. I brushed my teeth with the same brush I had used last time, noticing it was still in the cup exactly where I left it. Was he expecting me to come again?

I wandered quietly to the kitchen, with the intent of breakfast although it was still slightly dark outside. I recalled how Joe said it was my turn to cook breakfast, so I set to it. He was most likely joking but it was the least I could do with staying at his house again. I fetched out the ingredients to make pancakes, having to substitute the oil for butter. He mustn't cook much, as he only had basic ingredients like flour, butter, sugar and milk.

I found a sad looking lemon in a bowl on the counter and upon deciding it was still good to use, used it to make a drizzle for the pancakes. I was trying to be quiet and make minimal noise in his kitchen, but soon enough Joe emerged from his slumber and startled me by appearing at the doorway, "I could get used to this." He simply said and sat down at the table. I giggled. Joe had made me giggle. Jane, you have it bad, I told myself.

He fetched plates and cutlery from where he sat and messily set the table, excited for his breakfast. He was still half asleep, with his hair sticking up in odd directions. I slapped a couple of pancakes on his plate and passed him the lemon sauce. Joe mumbled a tired thanks as he stuffed his face. "I could get used to that," I said sarcastically as he playfully scowled.

"Delicious Jane. You can come around at any time and make me pancakes!" I cooked a few more for myself, but kept putting more on Joe's plate until he finally refused to eat any more.

"You trying to make this fat?" he asked and lifted up his shirt, pointing to his stomach. I blushed profusely at seeing his abdomen and concentrate on my pancakes. He chuckled evilly, knowing what reaction his toned stomach had caused. Silence plagued the air as we sat there awkwardly eating.

"Anyway!" he said suddenly. "I propose we close up the shop early and head out to buy some paint for the apartment and look at paint for the shop. What do you think?"

"Sure, sounds good! I'll let Alex know and he may or may not show up with some money from Dad."

Joe and I rushed around, getting ready for school as after cooking breakfast we were running late. I threw on my running clothes from yesterday, thanking myself for only running to Joe's house on my run and therefore being not too dirty. We quickly jumped into the car and Joe stepped on it to get us to class in time. The bell rung as we pulled into the car park. Luckily students were already in their classes and hadn't noticed Joe and I arriving together.

I said a quick bye to Joe, thanking him for letting me stay and ran off to my class. Luckily it was art, and Mrs Flanagan didn't believe in being late for class. Art teachers right? She spent the whole lesson 'teaching' again and I sat there zoning out, thinking of Joe and I this morning. It felt comfortable, and he was right; I could get used to it.



I turned to see Joe beckoning me back into the class I was just about to exit from. Geography was a breeze, especially with Joe teaching. He caught me staring a couple of times and smirked at me. And no surprise, my face lit up like a fire engine. I retreated back into the class.

"Yeah?" I asked curiously. "I've found furniture for your apartment. A good price and good second hand quality, I'll show it to you at work but you'll need to get in quick if you want it." he explained. "I see you've been using your teaching time wisely," I teased but thanked him nonetheless. Joe took a daring step closer to me and placed both his hands on my forearms.

"Jane." he said seriously, looking me deep in my eyes. "Do. You. Want..." he trailed off the rest of his sentence as he continued to stare at me. I felt his hands warm and heavy on my arms. "A ride to work?" he finally finished. Joe started laughing at his own joke, so much so he had tears in his eyes. I punched him on the shoulder making him scream, "What was that for?!"

"You know what it's for. Stop playing with me!" I demanded as I scowled at his joke.

"But it's fun to see you all cute and flustered!" I blushed, cursing over my ability to blush at anything even remotely uncomfortable or embarrassing. I took him up on his offer for a ride, even after his little stunt he pulled.

We got to work to find it was all locked up and the lights turned off. Wandering in we noticed a note on the counter from June. 'Wasn't feeling too well, went home early. Have fun young'uns!' Joe fretted over his Nan's health and insisted on calling before he opened up the store. After a good 15 minutes, in the time it took for me to open up, Joe called his Nan. "She's just tired," he eventually said after hanging up. "I'm sure she'll feel better after a nap," I tried to console him. Joe brought out his teaching laptop and searched the furniture he had found. I looked over it, seeing it was similar to the couches in Al's. That same old worn leather. I looked at him bewildered, "How did you...?"

"I know right," he replied excitedly. "It just screamed out at me. Plus, it's only $500 for the two couches and the armchair. Bargain!" he sung. I liked how light our conversation had been getting. There wasn't much of that depressing and meaningful crap, and I loved how we could joke more casually now. I crouched closer to Joe and looked at the screen intently. I was mostly aware of how close I was to Joe, while I inspected the couches.

"Looks good. Tell them I'll buy it." I ordered. He sent off a quick email, in which we got an almost instant reply asking us to pick it up in the weekend. "So I guess the couches are sorted, now just a whole lot of other stuff to sort."


Joe and I had set about making up an announcement letter for Walton's, knowing we would have to close the store while we expanded. I could tell Joe was apprehensive about closing too early, but seeing as we had one customer the whole afternoon, he knew it was the right decision. And by half way through our afternoon at the book store, Joe had ceremoniously stuck the letter on the front door and flipped the 'closed' sign with an air of finality.

"Now, let's start packing up the books." He demanded and went in search for some cardboard boxes. "Why now? Why so fast?" I asked him. Joe didn't answer immediately, by eventually stood up straight and looked me in the eye. "I need to finish this before Nan gets too sick." he said simply. This was June's dream, and we were the ones trying to make it happen. It would only have impact if June was around to see it, and in her ill state it was seeming unlikely.

I immediately set about to packing up the books, which Joe saw as my commitment to getting this done fast. We had managed to pack up a whole section of the store, before we agreed to go look at paint for the apartment. The hardware store was down from the main street and Joe and I had a casual stroll to the store before it closed at 6. After much deliberation of what paint we needed, we chose a simple white as a simple undercoat. It would mean that the apartment would be a blank canvas to decorate after we had moved in. So as we left, carrying a large 6 Litre bucket of white paint it finally felt real. Buying the paint made me think about how I was going to put my mark on somewhere. Even though it was just white.


Joe and I spent a lot of time together over the next week, packing, painting, buying furniture, more painting and organising. We had, along with help from Alex, packed up all the books in stock and moved them to the storage upstairs above the book store to keep out of the way as we expanded.

We were all kept very busy, and although Alex and I had a deadline in which we wanted to be out of the house, we didn't keep to it. It was a lot to take on, and we were to optimistic to think we were going to leave when we wanted to. During the mid-term break, in which we had 2 weeks off school is when we spent the most time working on the shop.

Joe and I spent a whole 2 days painting every surface of the apartment. Gone were the dark and dreary browns and greens of the apartment, and they were now replaced with a refreshing white that made the whole space look 10 times bigger. We painted from 7 in the morning to 10 at night and the same the next day. It only required two coats and it could've taken less time if Joe and I weren't doing it together.

"The smell of paint makes me head hurt." Joe complained as he rolled the paint onto the walls. He had been complaining about the paint for hours and finally I'd had enough. I had been delicately painting around the skirting boards which we kept a natural wood colour. I dipped my brush in the bucket of paint and painted a straight, thick white line down the back of Joe's shirt. I kept my face straight, even though I was about to explode with laughter.

"Stop complaining." I demanded and went back to painting around the edges of the room. I peeked a look at Joe to see him standing there, roller in mid stroke and his face a look of utter disbelief. "I can't believe you just did that Jane. You're going to regret that." He dropped his roller to the covered ground, protected by a painting sheet and picked up a stray brush from the ground. I backed myself into the corner, careful not to touch the walls. "Please don't!" I squealed, but it was too late.

Joe dipped his brush in the paint tray and brought it up to my face, threatening me by holding it just a mere few inches from touching. "If you say sorry, I'll let it slide." He tried to bargain, still holding the brush up to my face. "Never!" I shouted and tried to make a run for it. I ducked and moved under his arm. But I wasn't fast enough.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around my middle and pulled me close. Joe took his brush and swiped it down the length of my bare leg in shorts. I squealed at how cold it was, and tried to fight him off with my own brush but failed miserably. I managed to swipe him once on the cheek but that was retaliated with at least five more attacks from Joe.

"Stop!" I screamed, "Please!" I pleaded as another swipe came down on my forehead. He released me from his arm prison, took one look at me and burst out laughing. "You should see yourself right now," he struggled through the huge guffawing laughs. I giggled, having a pretty good idea what I looked like, especially with a large white patch on my forehead.

"It was bound to happen. We've almost finished and there was no way we were going to do it without a paint fight." I had to agree, there were time where I was so tempted to just 'accidentally' stick my brush out and get his leg as he rolled paint above me. "Don't lie, you loved it." He chuckled and threatened me with another brush of paint to my face.

That was one of many paint fights though. One was so bad that Alex came in and almost screamed, seeing Joe and I covered almost from head to toe in white paint. We were already laughing, but seeing Alex almost wet himself sent us into fits of giggles.

It got to the second week of the mid-term break, where all of the apartment was painted and the hardwood floors that had been hiding under old drastic carpet from the 70s, had been cleaned and fixed up and it was finally time to move into the apartment.

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