Dream Catch Me - Chapter Twenty Eight (Joe's P.O.V)

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Jane. Jane. Jane.

She was all I could think about. I knew it was wrong, for a teacher to like one of his students. But I couldn't help myself. Jane has an energy that fuels me. It makes me feel alive and buzzing, and when I'm not around her I wish I was around her. Jane was one of those people who had that effect but didn't know it; however, I definitely did.

And now I'm kicking myself, for messing it all up. We were perfectly content being friends, even though I knew it was crossing the student teacher boundary.

Then I got greedy.

I had to push it as far as I could go and hurt both of us in the process. I lead her on and dropped her cold and now I regret it, seeing her in my class almost every day and having to be around her at work. While it still gave me an energy, I knew it was uncomfortable for her, even to a point where she shouted at me after class.

I needed someone to be around that wasn't my Nan. Who understood me vice versa. I have always believed in true love and I truly still do believe it. Hell, I witnessed it between my own two parents! My father was willing to die to be with my mother again, I could only wish I would be man enough, and love someone enough to do that. I honestly, at the time I was spilling my life story onto Jane, felt that it was her. I felt like she was the one person I could love. I could pick up the pieces of her broken heart from her father and mother and put them together again. I know it sounds cheesy. I know. But can you blame me?

Now I'm here, teaching my class but Jane hasn't showed up. Even seeing her this morning was painful. I knew she was at Al's the second I stepped through the door, yet I kept walking in. I was hoping to walk right past her, to cause me less pain. But I couldn't just ignore her!

I looked right into her eyes, and I could see she was hurt and angry. I am too, I'm hurt and angry at myself. Especially for last night. There's so much drama between us in such little time of knowing each other. Last night when I saw her running, I knew she was scared. Jane is a fast runner, but I have never seen her run that fast. I could see from the intersection where I stood the pure horror and fear on her face.

And I just wanted to run up to her, to comfort her. So I did. I grabbed onto her shoulder as she sped away and asked her what was wrong. I didn't anticipate the cold look I got, but I knew I should've expected it. It was then that I realised I had to distance myself from her further to save us both. I was hurting her and I couldn't stand it. That's why I mentioned her as my student.

Both Jane and I knew she was more than a student. But then again we both knew it was somewhat wrong for us to even be friends at the most. As I watched her walk off, I knew I wouldn't leave her alone. I would fix things, I told myself. I guess that's mainly the reason I texted her that night, a simply apology, which would only be the start.

"Sir?" A student asked, flicking her hair over her shoulder and tying to catch my attention. I brushed it off and said, "Yes?" in a monotonous and bored voice that made her unsteady. I never had students look at me like that before, like they wanted me or something. That was always left for Lewis.

"Can you help me?" She asked, "I don't get the third question." I had mindlessly copied off a worksheet for the lesson, as I had the intent of being outside for most of it. It was then, during class time that I had planned to patch things up with Jane. But now she wasn't here and I couldn't pay attention to my class. Jane's friend Jaz kept glancing at me, giving me strange looks which made me guess she knew something about how I kissed Jane. Jane is a reasonably private person, so I had my doubts, but nonetheless Jaz was thinking something. I brushed it off as the bell rung and the class filed out. Four down, 2 more periods to go.


I got to work in the afternoon to find a huge 'SOLD' sticker plastered across the front window of the adjacent shop to the book store. Jane had talked to me about buying it and making Nan's dream come true, yet I sat there and did nothing. Along with messing things up with Jane, I'm kicking myself for doing nothing about the shop. It was my chance, laid out right in front of me, and I missed it. I'm just hoping that somehow, in any way possible, I can rearrange the shop to make it happen and hope for the best that the new neighbours are nice.

Jane arrived 20 minutes late, well after June had left. "I'm sorry I'm late Mr Hunter," she said and went out to the back room to drop off her school bag. The formalities made my heart squeeze as I caught a frosty glance from Jane. We worked in silence, however were civil when the rare customer came in.

I couldn't stand the silence.

"Jane. I'm sorry." She took a short glance at me but returned to the homework book that was on the front counter. "I don't know what I was thinking and I hope you can forgive me. I miss you as my friend Jane! I swear, if I ever try something like that again it will be for real." And I meant every word. It was unfair of me to say that it didn't mean anything or that I wish it didn't happen because that would be a lie. Not only would it most likely hurt her more, I couldn't lie to myself again. Jane looked at me for a little longer this time, scrutinising the way my brow was crinkled and how desparate I looked. "Okay," she finally uttered. "I forgive you." And then I saw the one thing that made me know she was telling the truth - She smiled.


Jane and I settled into our usual routine for the next couple of days, getting used to being around each other again. However there was something hanging over us, like a rain cloud that followed us where we went. I assumed it was because we hadn't fully become friends yet, but I soon came to realise that it wasn't a something but rather a someone who was following us. Shannon was becoming attached, walking past the store several times before entering and watching us through the pages of her picture books.

I don't know what she was looking for, or if she was just keeping an eye on Jane and the supposed threat she caused. Jane noticed too, I could see her flinch when she entered the store. Yet she carried on like nothing was happening, like Shannon wasn't following us everywhere. Shannon was rather down on our priority list as we both discussed the new business venture. Nan was excited, to finally see what she and gramps had always dreamed of becoming a reality. I saw a fire of excitement in her eyes whenever we discussed it, but we kept her firmly out of the plans insisting it was a surprise.

However in the meantime, Jane and I remained friends despite what I had done, and despite other things like Shannon. Our plans were sometimes put in hold and we really needed to sit down and talk for a couple of hours straight to really get anywhere.


What do you all think about me finishing this and entering in the Watty awards? A go? Or no? I'm having an internal debate wondering if I need more experience before I enter or should I just go for it? Please let me know whatyou think!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next one up in a couple of days!

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