Dream Catch Me - Chapter Twelve

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When I got to the coffee shop that morning, after quickly rushing out of the house to ensure I didn't have a run in with my mother, Mr Hunter was already there, sitting in the little lounge booth we shared most mornings. I was debating with myself deciding if I wanted to risk sitting next to him or not. But in the end, after I got my coffee and went to sit down he had disappeared.

The coffee always took long to make and I sat at the bar waiting, unlike most times where I would sit on the couch and wait. I was constantly looking over to the lounge area, it was now occupied by someone different. Undetected by their presence I went and sat down on the couch with my freshly brewed coffee and pulled out my iPod, stuck the buds in and put the music on high.

I held the coffee cup between my hands, warming them to the point they were almost burnt. My head was leant back and my eyes closed, absorbing the words of John Mayer and his amazing guitar playing ability.

That is until I felt a tap on my shoulder. It startled me, but luckily my coffee didn't spill one drop. I opened my eyes, and took the music away from my ears, bringing me back to the real world and finding Mr Hunter standing over me. His large figure with his broad shoulders were looming over me, creating a large shadow. I'll admit if it were anyone else I would've been a bit more intimidated but there was something about Mr Hunter that made me more comfortable.

He then took a seat next to me on the couch and said,

"I just wanted to let you know I was going to sit down before I actually did, to not frighten you.." he seemed to understand my weary and cautious personality but he as a counsellor after all.

"Ah thanks Mr Hunter.." I replied, grateful to his manners.

"Please," he said, "Call me Joe. Just between you and me, because we wouldn't want the other kids to get jealous would we?" he said with a small smirk. I politely smiled back, a little hurt that he had put me into the 'kid' category. If anything, I had more experience of the real world than any other adult.

The conversation dried out a bit with the hustle and bustle of the Al's in the background as we sat there side by side. Me picking at a loose thread on the couch and him staring at the painting. I wouldn't exactly call it awkward but it was nearing that stage. He cleared his throat to catch my attention. Pointing over to a blue plate with a few chips out of it on the table in front of me he said, "Nice to see you had some breakfast, Jane. Most important meal of the day!"

I was confused, seeing as that wasn't my plate, it had obviously been left by the person before me but after he was sitting here. Realisation struck me as I realised he must think it was my plate and therefore I was the one who ate what was on it, leaving behind a collection of toast crumbs. I was too scared to tell him it wasn't my plate as because he was the counsellor I felt like he was constantly fishing for new dirt, new problems. My eating habits to be one of them.

"Oh yeah, I love bagels.." I said, covering my look of confusion. He smiled and it seemed genuine this time, like he was truly happy to hear what I said.

"Same.." he trailed off, understanding that bagels weren't a good subject to talk about. But there was something I wanted to clear up before I finally went to school.

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"What do you mean? I am right here..?" Joe's brow was raised in question, not understanding what I was saying.

"Well you were here before, then you left. But now you're back again.. So where did you go?" I explained.

He seemed to understand now where I was coming from, but his face was saying 'do I tell her where I was? Do I trust her?' in the end it seemed he did as Joe explained,

Dream Catch Me (Student/Teacher) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora