Dream Catch Me - Chapter Forty

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Narrator's Point of View.

All week the young girl had been too preoccupied to notice the teacher. He had been watching her and lying in wait to find the perfect moment for his chance. He had tried to charm her with his good looks but she took no notice and he had to find an alternative to get what he wanted. It angered him when she ignored him and gave him that look that was reserved for him which made him feel like scum. The teacher knew he wasn't scum, in fact he was quite prestigious in his gang, and had power over all the newbies and their initiation. But she didn't know that, but he planned on telling her everything once he got what we wanted.

The girl hadn't smiled in over a week, and seemed to be suffering from heartbreak. While her best friends noticed, so too did Christopher Lewis, and it pained him too to see his Petal hurting inside. He had to take her away from what might hurt her, and give her the safety he knew he could provide for her; more than any silly teenage boy that broke her heart ever could. Just last night he had prepared the basement, papering over the windows and hauling down one of the mattresses he had in storage. "She'll like this," he thought. It was in the basement where Christopher knew no sunlight could burn her or hurt her eyes, and no one could play with his Petal's heart. Safe where she needed to be.

"It's perfect," he thought as he locked up the downstairs room in precaution. Christopher had gone to work that morning but earlier than he usually did. He wanted to see his Petal before anyone else did, and be there when she walked into his class for the first period. He sat at his desk and watched the students slowly file in through the gates by staring out of his window that overlooked the school entrance. When he recognised her flowing hair, that he knew would smell like flower petals in the wind, stroll through the gates only a few minutes before his class was supposed to start, his heart rate picked up and he thought to the basement and seeing her safe and in his arms.

"Not today," he decided and went back into waiting. Christopher had to find that perfect moment that would ensure he could have her. It wasn't until lunch time on Thursday where he fund his chance. He had stealthily opened the courtyard door to eaves drop out of sight on the three best friends. He heard them talking, although Jane didn't say much.

"Jane, so it's the opening party tomorrow night. Are you excited?" Christopher was temporarily amused by the feminine sounding teenage boy he had in one of his classes, but focused his attention back on his petal. She simply nodded, "Walton's has been shut for a long time. It will be open for the town in only 2 days." He knew that the new book store would be open, but knowing that it was Jane who was apart of the business venture was news to him. After Christopher had followed her home one evening, he discovered where she lived, but figured she was only living there until the real owners could move in. The revelation of her relation to Walton's gave him all he needed.

Christopher now had a time and place. A time and place to get what he wanted. He had confirmed that his darling petal would be at the book store tomorrow night. His heart picked up, hoping she would be wearing a dress that showed off her figure. Christopher shook his head of thoughts that would 'excite' him too much. When he had what he needed, he stood up oblivious to the three best friends and walked away down the empty corridor without so much as a glance in his direction. An overwhelming sense of excitement was coursing through his veins, and he could hardly contain himself.

Christopher Lewis was close, very close. He had stuck to his promise to her, "You will be mine," he recalled saying to her. If it weren't for Jane walking in on the fling with the girl whose name he couldn't remember, Christopher would never have had this obsession with the modest beauty that sat in his classroom.

Christopher was too close.


Hey I wanted to do this chapter to give a sense of what's happening, but I didn't want to do it in Mr Lewis' point of view. So naturally this was the second best thing! Please vote and comment and tell me what you think.

By the way, I wasn't to sure about the placement of the chapter, so I went on my gut instinct!

Okay, I am entering into the Watty Awards, and it would be awesome to have a lot of support and some kind of fan base. It would be a great help if you could share the story around a little to help me gain some exposure! Thanks for all your support so far! Keep it up!

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