The baby project.

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"Bethany Jones, hurry up! school starts in 20 minutes!" I heard my Mom yell from downstairs and my room is pretty far done the hall so I don't think it's possible for someone to be that loud spoken.

"I'm coming I'm coming!" I yelled back but I'm pretty sure she didn't hear it after all I'm like totally on the other side of the house. But seriously I swear to god my mother never stops screaming, I mean I think it's one of her habits......well that is only since my dad died. When I was the age of five my father died in a plane crash and since then my mother changed.....totally. Now all my mother knows is how to work work work and that's it. It doesn't even make since why she does it cause my dad left everything to us, so we're pretty well of.

My mom and I well.....lets just say we don't have a well off relationship. She's always busy doing her work in other countries while I do my homework eat the food our cook makes and then off to school to start back the same routine again.

But....... It's not like I'm complaing or anything. I mean I didn't tell you this but I kinda like the quietness in a way and being by myself in a big house just makes it easier to read and I'm not really a um....very social person if you must say.

15 minutes later.

"Bethany, I won't be home for about a week and I'll be leaving straight from work so take the extra credit card I gave you and use it to buy your necessary items" my mom said while texting in her phone. Oh, well at least she told me this time. Last time she didn't even tell me and I had to find out from her secretary. I sighed and rolled my eyes discreetedly.

"Yeah" I mumbled and closed the door and made my way to the entrance of the school with my head down.

As I walked into the school and I seriously mean as I walked in, my two friends Amy and Natasha practically jumped me and from then on I knew what this was about.

"Before you say anything, no I don't want to know" I said and rolled my eyes and made my way to my locker which always for me is a big difficulty since I'm small and everyone here is huge, so I get shoved, pushed, tripped ALOT. But they don't do it intentionally so it doesn't bother me...... much.

"Oh whatever beth, but did you hear did you hear!" Amy said exclaimed following me to my locker with Natasha behind her looking at me with an excited and also sacred look.

"Look guys I'm really not into the mood for any gossip today about Jayden Black." I sighed.

Seriously, I don't care what the guy does with his life how the hell is that affecting me. If he wants to get arrested all the time well that not my problem that kid is bad news bad bad news. And he's so disgusting, well its really the girls that that are more disgusting than anything, I mean they know the guy is in jail half of the time and they know he'll dump them but noooooooo they still have to go back with him over and over and over again.

"Whatever but we're goonge to tell you anyway." Natasha said and dropped her voice in a soft voice as she spoke her nest words.

"Beth, Jayden Black got arrested last night for beating a guy until he was unconscious." Natasha said in a low and scared voice.

"You both know that, that has happened before right and you two are getting on like if that's never happened before" I said and slammed my locker shut rolling my eyes. U thanked the lord when they dropped the Jayden talk.

"Oh shut up beth, anyways we got an annonunement right before we came, the seniors had to go to the hall when the Bell rings something about the principal talking to us or something." Amy said and strugged.

"Ok well lets go now so we won't have to stand in the back." I said and started walking down the hallway.

"Yeah yeah you know you like to be the first one in everything." Amy snickered.

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