Chapter 15

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I stood right by the doorway of the bathroom and called and called and called and I heard the same thing. 'The number you are trying to call is currently not reachable'

After a while I went in the bathroom and gave Jake a bath and changed him and took him into the TV room to watch his favorite show and fed him his pancakes with Maya made.

After a few minutes I heard the doorbw rang and then I heard Maya footsteps running down the hall. I took a deep breath time to face the wrath.

"Jake sweety my mom's here so be nice on" I said to which he just nodded and continued watching the TV.

I got up and walked to the front. There I saw a furious tigress.

"Oh hey there....mother" I said nervously. She continued looking around the house like a detective and then her eyes went across the hall and looked at a dancing Jake who was following the kids on the TV.

My mom looked at me and gestured for me to introduce her to Jake.

"Jake sweety come here please" I yelled and I heard his cute little footsteps. He looked around and saw my mom and ran towards me. I notice that he's not comfortable around other people othe rtjan me and Jayden. It's like he's scared of them or something........

"Hey there buddy it's okay she's a nice lady she my mom okay say hello, she's Aunt Taylor." I said sofly and bent down to his level. He then looked at my mom and mumbled a Hi and and ran off. He's so cute.

I then took my mother into the kitchen and started explaining.

But wait where did Maya go.... Oh well she probaly left.

Half way through out conversation I heard the front door open with a loud bang. What the hell!!!! I ran to the front door and immediately regretted.

There stood a drunk and pissed of Jayden. Please don't do anything stupid I prayed in my head. I looked at Jake who came out of the room.

"Jake sweety do me a favour ok and go to your room" I said sofly and smiled at him. He nodded looking disappointed as he was waiting for Jayden for a long time.

"Why the hell is there a car in my fu*king spot!" He slurred. This is so embarrassing I looked at my mom who looked at the situation in shock. My eyes snapped to Jayden's in disappointed and hurt. I thought he changed.

But who am I kidding how would bad boy Jayden Black change in 2 weeks.

To think Jake considered him a father figure.

"Don't yell first of all where the hell were you" I hissed quietly. I was so so..................................angry.

"Watch your tone Bethany and I didn't agree on any fu*king family reunion, so ask before you have your guests over understood!" he snapped. I couldn't take this nor do this any more. I don't know if it was the tiredness or maily the frustration but I felt tears gathering in my eyes. Why can't he be nice?

Why does he yell at me?

Why does he swear at me?

I swear it's only me he's this mean to. I angrily wipped my tears as I looked at him. He could nearly stand. I could smell the alcohol all over here. I stared at him through my tears and I swear I saw his expression soften.

"Listen here Jack*** I don't know who you think you are talking to my daughter like that but I won't tolerate it and your behavior. So disgusting" she said with disgust lacing ner tone. I wanted to tell her he's not like this he's actually he nice and fun but I stayed quiet. I don't even know why I want to defend him. And this was actually the first time I heard my mother standing up for me. I was shocked.

"And who the hell do YOU think YOU are taking to me you old hag!" He growled. I was furious.

"Don't talk to my mother like that Jay-"

"Oh shut up you bit-h!" I gasp.

"That's enough, Bethany get yours and Jake's belongings we're leaving" my mom said cutting him off. I nodded weakly and wipped my tears so Jake won't see.

"Oh thank God, you got rid of them please do keep them." He said and tried clasping his hands in a praying manner but failed. I felt more tears welled up.

He just had to ruin it didn't he.

Jsur when I thought we were getting along fine. Jaur when I started to li- wow Bethany to much info.

I rused upstairs and peeked Jake he was sitting on his floor playing with his toys. I smiled sadly and wipped my tears and patted my face beofe putting on a wide smile.

"Hey sweety" I smiled and bent down picking him up. I opened his closet and started paxmknf some of his clothes and necessity.

"Where are we going, is daddy coming" my heart sed at his words. If only Jayden appreciated him and loved him like he did.

"We're going to see my home for a while ok" I said sofly and walked to my room to get my stuff I don't need alot cause I left hand some of my stuff back at home.

"But isn't your home with daddy" he asked innocenly. I hated lying to him.

I didn't answer him and he didn't pester me he jsut looked at what I did curiously.

******************************* Monday morning.

Sunday flew by with Jake crying and asking about Jayden all the time it was pretty tiring. He even threw a fit to go to bed. My mom didn't talk about the incident and I'm glad he didn't. I didn't want to think about it.

Jake cried and cried and only wanted Jayden. I was amazed as to how attached he was to him in this short period of time.

I also maybe just alittle, just a little big missed him but I was also hurt as he had yesterday to come see where we were and if we're okay.

A couple minutes later.....................

"Jake come on drink the milk please it's late" I sighed he's not drinking his milk and we're late for school plus I have to drop him so I'll definitely reach late to school.

5 minutes before the bell................

"Thanks Mr. Prescott for the drop" I thanked my driver. Yes I have a driver but I never use him because it just draws more unnecessary attention. It just makes everyone think that I'm just yet another stuck up rich girl.

I closed the door after I grabbed my belongings. Jake was dropped to school first. He did drink his milk though and ate his breakfast after alot of scolding.

I walked up the driveway and I heard laughter I looked left and saw Jayden with another girl hanging of his shoulder. He was yet again surrounded by his crew and I saw Luke give me a small smile I nodded back at him and I saw him looked at the girl and did a choking pose. I grinned at him. Bradin though was not there.

I then saw the girl lean up to kiss him and I felt my heart beat drop. My heart literally froze and I didn't know why. I felt angry, I felt.......................jealous. I looked at them and at the same time I saw Jayden open his as he stared back at me but then his eyes widened and I heard saw him literally push the girl away and scream out my name running towards me was too late.

It all felt like slow motion as I saw him running and my body falling to the ground and the car slammed into my making me fall the the ground. The hit wasn't hard but when I fell to the ground hitting my head that was when I pain started. I looked up at the burry figure above me holding my head as he yelled out instructions. He caressed my face and by all the tingles I knew I knew that it was.............................


And I also realized while my vision went blank that I liked this boy alot and that I also loved Jake and I never want to let him go. I would never give him up............................... No matter what I have to do......

So what do you guys think..............
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Love always,

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