Chapter 18

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2 weeks later.

"Oh my god! Jayden get your butt in here right now!" I yelled and bounced a crying Jake on my hip.

"What the fu*k! Why are you yelling!" He stormed in. How many times have I told him no swearing in front of Jake!

"No swearing Jayden how many times do I have to tell you that, and why are there alcohol cans on the counter u tips you if you have your hooligans of friends over you clean up after!" I snapped.

He sighed and went and licked it up. Normally he would've argued back and yell at me for my 'tone' but he didn't.

I'm just so stressed I have exams coming up a baby to take care of and Jayden doesn't really help. I mean he does play with Jake but I'm talking about the hard stuff like waking up on the middle of the night to carry him to the bathroom or craddle him or feed him and bath him and other things. I don't say anything cause that'll lead to a fight and hjrthful words would be said to me preferably.

And I also have my feelings to deal with. After the hospital scene Jayden didn't talk about the kiss and I didn't ask, I mean what would I say 'hey Jayden how bout that kiss why don't we have some tea and discuss it-' I don't know about you but I'm not so blunt.

I heard Jayden then mumbling about something as he took out the garbage. I fed Jake his tea and he stared calming down and his eyes got dropey. I nodded his forehead and carried him up to this bedroom.

"Mama you and Daddy ok" he said in his baby voice. It's weird how kids pick up things. I have him a smile.

"Yeah baby, we'll be okay" I said sofly and kissed his nose and he scrunched it up. Cutie. I climbed up the stairs and rest him onto his bed. He was almost alseep by now.

"Night night, baby don't let the bed bug bite" I whispered and kissed his forehead playing with his hair until he fell asleep. I then  got up quietly and placed the extra pillows around his tiny body putting on his night light and leaving the door cracked open.

He's so cute and my heart swells with love everthime he calls me mama. Am I supposed to feel this way about a kid that isn't even mine. I've thought about having kids- yes I have cause I always wanted to settle down in life early but this is just toooo early but I love him thought sooo much and anyone who says you can't love a kid as your own who you didn't give birth to is lying cause I love Jake more than I should actually.


I walked down the stairs and looked for Jayden I found him in the game room talkign on his pbone and I heard a giggle on the next line.

Okay that hurt. Really hurt.

"Jayden" I said standing in front of him. He put up his index finger signalling me to wait and my blood boiled.

"Jayden, it's important" I said sofly trying to keep my anger at bay.

"In a minute Bethany" he hissed and walked away from me. I gritted my teeth and stalked towards him grabbing his phone ending the call. I threw the phone on the couch.

"Bethany what the fu*k!" He yelled clearly pissed off but I was a freaking bull dog right now.

"Lower your voice Jake's asleep!" I whispered yelled. He galred at me with so much hatred that I felt like crying why is he so angry all the time.

"I told you it was important!" I hissed.

"What do you want Bethany!" He growled. Why do we always fight?

"What do I want! What do I want! I want you to be the fu*king father Jake thinks you are, you know after the hospital I thought you would changed but I guess not, it was stupid of me to think that....... But that doesn't matter what matters is that I need you to come home earlier cause I have things to do like study and homework and no matter how much I love Jake I can't do that when he's around cause he needs my undivided attention so you need to be there to HELP me Jayden I can't do it all by myself I'm so tired Jayden tired, I have an exam I didn't study for, I take care of Jake, I keep this house tidy but you! You know what you do, you sit on the fu*king phone and talk to your fu*king sluts!" I yelled angrily but I didn't yell to much cause Jake's asleep.

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