Chapter 11

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Monday morning.

I got up to the sound of crying. Wait crying. Wait Jake. Shit!!!
I jolted up in bed and looked beside me but Jake was missing. Well that's odd.

I shot up from the bed frantically and then I looked to the right and I saw Jayden cradling a tiny body. He did look a bit scared though. I smiled softly at the two but then I remembered his words.

I don't give a fu*k about Jake.

I felt the same feeling as last night and I walked towards them taking Jake from his arms.

"I got him" I said sofly. Jake looked up at me and I shook him. I think he needs his tea.

I walked out of the room and into the kitchen with Jayden following closely behind.

Did he remember anything last night.

I hope not. I thought with a blush. Seriously Bethany you're angry at him remember!!!!!

I quickly made his tea like I learnt and fed him it he immediately quieted down drinking his tea. I felt eyes looking at my every move but I didn't once glance into his direction.

"Go get ready, I got him" I heard him say and walk in front of me to grab Jake I pulled Jake closer to me while still looking down at him.

"I got him, you don't have to worry" i said bitterly and continues looking at the little cutey.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" He snapped. I felt Jake's tiny body flinch from the loudness. I gently rocked him alittle.

"Don't shout!" I hissed. I finally looked up at him. His eyes looked tired.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell." He said sofly and stared at me and then at Jake gently rubbing his forehead alittle. Jake sighed in ecstacy.

"Yeah well you say sorry but I don't know if you actually mean it cause you do shit and then you say sorry and then the whole process repeats again" I snapped bitterly and glared at him.

I felt Jake tug at my top, he was finished with his tea.

"Are you full sweety" I asked sofly and I gently tapped his nose.

"Yes! I go school an play with Sam!" He exclaimed excitedly. I chuckled at him and nodded. I saw Jayden come closer and picked him up.

"And who's Sam?" He asked and chuckled when Jake blushed.

"She's my fwend" he said shyly with red cheeks. I giggled and went up to him and kissed his cheeks.

"Ewwww" he groaned and wiped his cheek with his hand and pressed himself further into Jayden's chest.

"Does little Jakey have a crush" I said in a baby voice. His cheeks turned even more red and he hid his face in Jayden's chest.

"Noooooooo stop" he said in his baby voice. I giggled at him and poked his stomach. He squirmed in Jayden's grip. I chuckled at him and turned around to wash his bottle.

A hand immediately grasp my wrist and I stayed there a couple of seconds before turning around. Grey eyes pierced into my green ones and I blinked a couple times due to the intensity of his.

"What!" I hissed but smiled at Jake when he turned my direction. Jayden tugged my body closer to his making my chest hit into his side. His arm circled around my waist while the other stayed on Jake.

"Let go" I said. Honestly, if this was gonna led to a fight I couldn't take it. Yesterday was quite enough.

"I know what I did last night" my eyes instantly shot up to his as I stared deeply into it. I looked in his eyes and saw regret. My heart dropped as I knew now that he thought what he did last night was a mistake. I knew his words were harsh but I thought maybe just a little bit he would've felt what I did when he touched me.

"I didn't mean to yell at you nor treat you like a whore, I'm sorry , it was a mistake" he said sofly while he stared into my eyes.

My eyes went blank as I now knew he didn't have an inch of feelings for me. I don't even know what I feel but I mean I thought he would've felt that spark.

"It's okay, you were drunk" I replied monotonously.

"Come on Jake, time to get ready for school" I said and took Jake out of his arms. He let me.

While getting myself ready in my bathroom and Jake sitting on my bed, I heard loud voices. I slipped my sandals on quickly and lifted Jake on my waist.

I climbed down the stairs as the voices got louder. I walked into the hall and saw Amy, Natasha and Luke by the door facing a fuming Jayden.

"Why the fu*k are the here!" He snapped. I immediately glared at him.

"Jayden!" I hissed. His attention now turned to me and I saw his eyes slipping from my eyes down to my body. His gaze made colour rush to my cheeks. I've never felt so exposed in a skinny jeans and a sweater before. I felt his heated gaze on my face now.

"Sorry" he mumbled and looked away but still glared at Luke. I heard Luke gasp.

"What are you doing here" i asked my two friends. They glared at me.

"Well since you didn't tell us where you were staying and practically ignored us we got this dipshit to tell us where you were." Natasha said.

"What! I am not a dipshit!" Luke glared at her.

"Yes, yes you are"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"Wait!!!! And shut up, both of you" I exclaimed.

"If you two are here where is your baby" I asked confusedly.

"Oh, Brandon has her, he's my partner you know the guy that limes with Jayden and Luke" Amy said.

"Yeah I know" I turned to Natasha. Luke walked to her and draped and arm around her shoulder. She scowled at him

"Well we wefe alreday in an volunatry job that would bring up our grades, so we don't have any bay to take care of ha to think the library is beneficial" Luke said.

"When did you start working at the library" I asked with a smirk.

"Oh shut up" he said rolling his eyes and sticking his tongue out at me.

"Ok enough!" Jayden barked glaring at Luke. He then turned to me.

"You ready" he asked, looking at Jake who was now standing beside me clutching my hand.

"Yeah, I'll just get some breakfast and I'm ready, but you can leave I'll come with Amy" I said.

"No I'll wait" he said still staring deeply into my eyes.

"Okay" I said sofly.

"Okay" he said back as he continued to stare at me.

We heard a throat cleared and we turned to the voice. Luke stared at Jayden and narrowed his eyes at him.

"Okayyyyy well let's go, you eat and we'll see you both at school." Luke said. Amy nodded and Natasha just rolled her eyes walking towards the door.

"Heyyyy there buddy you want some toast" I smiled down at Jake.

"Yep" he nodded like a bubble head. I made us breakfast and Jayden took part as well. We all sat at the table and ate and I couldn't help but feel as if.........I've got

I frowned at the thought. Now's not the time to get attached Bethany. I can't I thought as I looked at them, looked at Jake and Jayden laughing at something.

Stay focused, just stay focused.

Sooooooo how was it guys, comment and give me your inputs.

Love always,

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