chapter 5

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I'll be lying if I said that he said didn't hurt. Why do people who are good always get judged and picked on, is it a sin that I actually want to have an education, a good future.

Before I left something made me turn around and I saw Jayden's eyes on me and in his hands he was clutching his water bottle so hard that it was mashed up. His eyes showed guilt but then the look was gone and he walked out using the back door.

After classes.

Thank God school went by fast and Jayden didn't show up for the rest of the day. The obly bad thing happened was ehen I then heard my name being called and when I glanced back I saw Luke and I fastened my pace, I didn't want Jayden using his voice on me again, and If he wants me to stay away from his friends, I will.

Walking out of the entrance I was met with the principal.

"Oh hey principal Franklin"

"Oh thank god I found you, when you and Jayden were arguing it slipped mind, you and Jayden have to go shopping for the kid today, I'm sure you can average the size of a 3year old, and plus that would be one of your many challenges." He said and walked away leaving me there.

Urghhhh and I thought I would geybto take a nice warm bathe and go to bed but I have to go shopping with the jackass himself. Urghhhh!!!!! And Saturday is in two days time so we have to go today.

Jayden hasn't even organized a place we're gonna stay yet! Urghhh!!!!!

Fast forward to looking for Reed.

How can no one where Jayden Black is. I have been spending about 20 minutes looking for that shithead.

"Uh.......Bethany what, are you doing here." I heard a familiar voice asked behind me.

"Oh, thank God it's you, can you please tell me where Jayden is." I asked tiredly rubbubf my forehead.

"Can I ask why??" I asked with his brows up. Awwwww how cute. Urghhhh!!! What!!!! the hell Bethany!!!!

"The principal said that Jayden and I have to go shopping for the baby today."

"Jayden would get pretty mad, but I'll tell you, I'll give you his home address"

"Thank you sooooo much." I said with a wide smile.

"Yeah you're welcome but when Jayden comes to kill me I hope I have you as back up" he said and at the same time I heard his and Natasha's name being called. Hmmm that's weird.

"Yep" I said popping the p.

"Ok well here's the address, I got to see what Mr. Baldy wants good luck" he said with a sigh.

"Wait why did you say good luck"I asked confusedly.

" because sweetheart you'll need it" he said with a wink and went off. Urghhhh!!!! These guys and their stupid way of talking.Whatever as long as I don't walk I'm on him doing anything with his bimbo, I'm good"

At Jayden's house.

The drive to his house was not to long but his house is like OMG!!!! My house is pretty big but his is like a freaking mansion. How can he have such a beautiful home and such a shitty attitude. And why the hell does he wear all black and look like a criminal when he could be dressing with elegance and like a gentleman.

"Who would you like to meet dear" Oh My God!!!! Who the hell just said that. I spun around in my seat scaredly.

"Who the hell is there!!!" I exclaimed

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