Chapter Six

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"So what are you both looking for" Mrs Peterson said. The store was actually so busy that the owner's wife of this store had to come down and help us but she said she does it most of the time as she really enjoys working here and she also told us that this is where she has met hoee husband. As you can tell she's clearly a chatterbox.

"It's for a three year old" I said and the lady nodded looking into the shelves. I looked at Jayden to see him and a worker here playing eyesy. I going my elbow into his said and he let out a pained groan. I glared at him and gestured him to follow the lady.

"I'll be right back" he said making me and Mrs Peterson turn and looked at him.

"Where are you going" I swear to god if he's going to get it on with blonde over there I'll.......

You'll what Bethany you'll what....

He's not yours to get angry over

He can do whatever he wants.

Right, he can, I knew that but why did this unsettling feeling turned in my stomach when I saw him walk away. I turned back around and gave the generous woman a smile gesturing to go ahead.


After a while I got what I needed and the things were sooooo cute I bet the kid will love it. I mentally squeled thinking about it. Even though I'm scared to take care of a baby I'm still excited cause like seriously whobdoesnt love kids they're so adorable.

Anyways back go the present time. In my cart there were clothes lots of clothes, cars, trucks, slippers, sneakers, cute know things that is necessary however in Jayden's cart there were..... Well.....uh....

A huge and when I say huge I mean huge almost the size of me and even though I'm short..... Yeah yeah whatever blame my mother for my height deficiency, it is still abnormal for a teddy bear to be that huge. It was a spider man teddy a smaller cookie monster one, trucks and more toys, lots and lots of candy and a bunch of stupid things.

"Jayden what the hell!put those things back and candy really you should know those things aren't good for them and what the hell did you put those freaky teddies get it out!!!!" I exclaimed through gritted teeth not wanting to make a seen by saying all that with a fake smile plastered on my face. He scowled and Mrs.Peterson giggled clearly seeing through my facade.

"Oh come on he'll love it!" He exclaimed like a little kid. I smiled slightly at the sight .

"Jayden come on it'll suffocate the kid!" I said with a tired sigh.
The tiredness was kicking in.

"Oh come on dear let your husband by it." The old lady said. Shot I forgot she was there. Wait what!!!!

"Oh no!! He's not my husband." I said looking down blushing slightly. Seriously bushing Bethany..... Seriously!!!!

"Oh sorry dear nowadays people get married young do I just thought you know, not that u have anything against having a kod before getting married the world is modern now.....any who let your boyfriend buy it I'm sure the kid will love it." She rambled while I stood there shocked she thought we.......that we.....that me and him.......him and I.....ewwwww.

I don't even want to look at Jayden's face right now.

"Whatever, let's just go" I mumbled feeling awkward.

"You mean you'll let me keep this stuff" he looked at me wide eyes like a kod on Christmas. A soft smile crept on my face as I looked at him. His excited look passed and he looked at me with intensity. My smile slowly faltered as everything seemed to stop looking at his piercing grey eyes. I felt my breathing and my heart rate speeding up at the little gesture. A throat cleared and we immediately broke eye contact. And then realization hit me what really happened making me clear my thraot and walk to the cashier not making ete contact with anyone especially him.

As the lady cashed for my things and I took out my omey to pay a hand grasp mine.

"Cash these together." Jayden said looking at the girl.

"Jayden I can pay for my own things." I said slightly irritated. How can he look not affected by what just happened I mean my heart is racing right now.

"That'll be $425" the girl said. What! I cat let him pay for all that.

"Jayden seriously I can cover my bill" I said looking at him. He looked down at me with a serious expression.

"Bethany you and the baby are my responsibility for the time, so just shut up and let me pay." He said firmly. I saw the girl's eyes widen hearing his words. Hell I'll be like that to she probaly thought he got me pregnant. How disgusting as if I'll ever let a guy like him near me.

Hmm but you heart says otherwise.

Oh shut up you stupid brain .

"Whatever" I said and rolled my eyes wanting to get out of here right now.

While Jayden grabbed the huge bags I took some of the smaller ones.

"Wait!" I heard someone exclaimed. I turned around and saw Mrs. Peterson coming closer.

She had a piece of paper in her hand.

"Sorry to keep you all back dear but my anniversary is Saturday and I would love it if you attend. You remind me so much of my husband and I, so please do attend." She said giving me the invitation.

"Oh...... I'm sorry but I'm not sure of I could make it." I lied through my teeth. But seriously I met the woman like an hour ago. I saw her while face fall making me feel bad.

"But I'm sure we can come for a few hours." I said and forced a smile.

"That's lovley! I cannot wait to introduce you to my husband and Mr. you got to put a ring on her finger before someone snathches her up!" She said and winked at Jayden. My jaw dropped. What!!!!!

"What just happened." I said once the old lady was out of hearing.

"I don't know but we just got invited wifey" he dmsaid and winked and I scowled at him.

"Don't even think about it" I narrowed my eyes at him hearing a light chuckle when he opened his mouth probaly to insult me. I walked of to the car.


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Love always,

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