Chapter 22

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"Jake baby come down here!" I yelled as I hurriedly fixed around the house. Today the orphanage as well as some people from the board are coming to check how we're doing seeing.

"Jayden!" I yelled. I hope everything goes well I'm just so gittery.

"Coming!" I saw him rushing to me.

"What's the matter" he asked concerned. I loved how he looked at me it made me feel.......different....beautiful.................loved. I shook me head and just sighed before pressing my forehead into his chest. He seemed shocked at first as I never initiated any intimate moments.

His arms came around me and I wrapped mine around his waist.

"I hope everything goes fine" I said sofly. I felt him squeeze me tighter. He kissed my forehead and I sighed.

"Don't worry, it will be" he said sofly and I heard little footsteps coming to us. I love that sound. He jumped into Jayden's arm and I smiled. We then heard the beep at at gate and Jayden pressed open the gate and I walked to the front door opening it. I am sure anyone could see how anxious I am. Seriously I cleaned the house like 4 times. I then saw three heads heading towards my direction. One of them though was looking quite.......well.........deranged. She didn't look professional and I cringed at top she was wearing and her overly high perfume.

"Come on in!" I said and smiled. The other two professionals smiled, the man and the woman the other woman just looked around the house and when her eyes landed on Jayden she licked her lips eyeing him up and down.

My blood boiled, how dare she step in here and look at him like that. She's old enough to be his mother for God's sake!!!

"Hi, I'm Bethany and this is Jayden and well that's Jake of course" I said and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Ms. Smith, this here is Mr. Thompson and that's Cathy" the woman said I wanted to ask what she's doing here but I didn't want to seem rude. I saw Jake's eyes flashed in panic and he looked at me with the look I know all too much. My heart softened and I immediately went over and took him into my arms before he starts crying, his tense body actually staring to relax in my arms.

"It okay baby" I whispered. I looked at everyone in the room and there gazr is at us, the woman was glaring however. What's her problem.

"Why don't we have a seat" I said and gestured into the living room.

"The house it nice" the woman said looking around.

"Yeah" I said and smiled. Jayden is standing behind me on the couch and I know he wants them to leave more than anything he hates people looking around like preys.

"So, Jake have they been treating you well" the man asked. What!

"What the fu*k! Of course we are what kind of question is that!" Jayden raised his voice. I know it tripped him off it did to me too but he shouldn't have cursed.

"Mr. Black, do you use that sort of foul language in front of the little kid" Ms. Smith asked.

"Leave my daddy alone" I heard an tiny voice speak and my heart melted. I looked down to see Jake glaring at the woman.

"Oh my little baby, he isn't your daddy I'm sure I would've remembered if I slept with a hunk like him" she said and winked at him. What did she say!

"What's going on" I asked slowly but I could put the pieces already together. I pulled Jake closer to my body.

"Well we were waiting in the right time but better soon than later I guess, that woman is Jake's mother and she wants her son back" Ms. Smith said. My bear dropped.

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